GB News

If the left were in power they might have a small argument for their BS.
A combination of fascism and mental illness, this is unhinged stuff.....

"A year and a half of unbridled Communism"

And a recurring theme on Great Reich News....

"The real division now is not between left and right, but between freedom and control"

And every day these Gauleiters will ram home what that freedom is, lie after lie after lie, and reassure us that despite the tsunami of woke, they and they alone, can turn the tide.

And remarkably they're doing it for us!

I'm all choked up!

Privileged privately educated plonker.

Failed stand-up comedian and 3rd rate TV presenter.

Send a few minibuses around these centres of learning and re-open the deep coal mines. Maybe we'll be spared the shit that comes from having self-important and entitled idiots in positions of power and influence.
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White, privileged right wing wankers blaming an invisible enemy to protect themselves whilst dividing the majority to fight amongst themselves.

A tale that is old as time itself.

We have been living under a government that was centre right and now heading further right for 11 years. Their policies caused this division. The left hasn't been in any position to do any of the harm these bastards are causing. Yet it their fault.
the anti-everything groups are assembled in Traf Sq again today - the consequence of having people egged on by twats like Farage screaming at dinghies full of desperate people means that they all rail against the RNLI and now we have them attacking volunteer crews turning up for work - where does this idiocy go next I wonder

A combination of fascism and mental illness, this is unhinged stuff.....

"A year and a half of unbridled Communism"

And a recurring theme on Great Reich News....

"The real division now is not between left and right, but between freedom and control"

And every day these Gauleiters will ram home what that freedom is, lie after lie after lie, and reassure us that despite the tsunami of woke, they and they alone, can turn the tide.

And remarkably they're doing it for us!

I'm all choked up!

Jesus Christ.

Remember Dolan as a pound shop Chris Morris wannabe a few years back.

This and the Bob Moran stuff has almost ruined my weekend.

something isn’t right atm is it?
Jesus Christ.

Remember Dolan as a pound shop Chris Morris wannabe a few years back.

This and the Bob Moran stuff has almost ruined my weekend.

something isn’t right atm is it?

We've not seen its like before, but its standard fare for right wing broadcasting, the same old tropes and talking points.

GB News purports to speak for the decent "people" of this country, to give voice to the silent majority, long held hostage, marginalised and silenced by liberal elites.

Individual liberty is defined as the freedom to consume. Collective action by the downtrodden is subversive, collective action by the rich, or on behalf of the rich, is a celebration of success, enterprise and freedom. Money and resources spent for the greater good, like the NHS and education, are a burden on future generations, money spent on the military or anything that makes the already rich, richer is not.

Tax cuts and bailouts for the rich are a stimulus to the economy.

Joe Biden is senile, Prince Harry a subversive, immigration is a "crisis", as is crime. Global warming is only grudgingly acknowledged, having previously been denied, but every action to tackle it is undermined.

History is immutable, any attempt at a dispassionate analysis is a woke attack on the British people. Europeans, of which we are not one, are suspect, the Anglo-sphere is not.

Left and right divisions are meaningless, only power and freedom as defined by them exist. Economic inequality is inevitable, job insecurity the consequence of a thrusting entrepreneurial global Britain and should be celebrated. There's the odd nod to the deserving and undeserving poor but there is no such thing as racial inequality, only victimhood.

Sprinkle in the occasional Blairite to get "both sides of the argument", have a bit part black presenter or two, get a few surprising faces you never suspected had fascist tendencies or would lie for money and Bingo! Great Reich News.
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