GB News

when #craftywank and Posh Boy Tom tweet about GeeBeeBees amazing success then look at the BARB viewing figures - no idea what Quest Red is but I do know that CBeeBies is the original and the best and comfortably beats them

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That says that GB Influencers are nearly on par with Sky News. I call bullshit.
eventually they will piss off everyone

so far they've heavily attacked :

Anyone pro vaccine
Harry & Meghan
School kids being fed
Anyone that believes in Climate Change
Just Stop Oil
People working from home
Taking the knee against racism and discrimination
Phillip Schofield
Anything they consider 'woke'

the list goes on.
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eventually they will piss off everyone

so far they've heavily attacked :

Anyone pro vaccine
Harry & Meghan
Anyone that believes in Climate Change
Just Stop Oil
People working from home
Taking the knee against racism and discrimination
Phillip Schofield
Anything they consider 'woke'

the list goes on.
Don't see West Ham fans on that list?
When the initial thread first popped up a few years ago with Andrew Neil heading it, I thought this was a really good idea as I thought it would be a news channel that gave us news exclusively from and of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

You know, like how we have North West Tonight and Granada News for our region; similarly, I thought this channel was going to give us specific news about our country that delved deeper and more interestingly into news about our country than the BBC and other news channels do because they also spread themselves thin by trying to shoehorn America in far too much.

- Only this morning I had 6 Music on, and on the morning news bulletins one of the top five things they thought the UK needed to know today was that someone in New York State has been charged with some murders… which I couldn’t give one shiny shit about to be quite frank. I don’t live in America, I’m even pretty sure a lot of people in California aren't all that interested in that snippet of news, never mind the British public. Surely something closer to home is bigger news than that today?! -

Anyway, I gave GB News a go for a couple of days and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and hearing. What a load of fucking nonsense that news channel is! I found myself getting angry with it so I never bothered going back. I don’t know a single person who watches it, everyone I know has the same opinion of it that I do… fucking shyyyite, mate!

And then all we’re left with is all the other America-obsessed news channels that are marginally better yet still don’t delve into much of interest to me: too much politics, too much virtue signalling, too much [how can I describe this] WUMming(?) by pitting two sides of arguments against each other for what they think is balance and debate when really it’s just a load of argumentative twattishness most of the time, too much trivial and uninteresting shite, too much about celebrities, too much making out that politicians are celebrities, too much about the USA, too much redshirt-loving City-hating bollocks from one channel to another…

They can all get fucked to be honest.

And I’m still here waiting for something that I want from television News stations but I don’t think I’ll ever get.
Spot fucking on.
I too am sick of hearing about the YouuEssAy, of which I give no fucks whatsoever.

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