General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 56.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 40 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 71 15.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 10.9%

  • Total voters
I suppose you'd need to know the breakdown of those 2.1m houses, but average occupancy is approx 2.36 people so if the figures for houses built/population are correct, then it's pretty much even. Enough houses for approx 5m people.

The average size of households hasn't increased during that time either - it's been pretty static for the last twenty years.

Don't disagree with any of that - a significant proportion of the 2.1m have been flats i would imagine. Irrespective we need about 2.5m extra homes.
We could start by having a mass build of prefabricated houses, similar to what happened after WW2. Prefabs nowadays are of much higher standard than previously. These would give an easy supply of cheap rented accommodation, quickly built giving a cheap accommodation and income to local authorities. This is a win, win with cheap rents leaving people with more money in their pockets.

Seen them German flatpack homes? Would love one of them, buying a small plot of land and building on it in the UK looks like an absolute ballache.
We could start by having a mass build of prefabricated houses, similar to what happened after WW2. Prefabs nowadays are of much higher standard than previously. These would give an easy supply of cheap rented accommodation, quickly built giving a cheap accommodation and income to local authorities. This is a win, win with cheap rents leaving people with more money in their pockets.
Yep, I was born in a prefab, cheap and cheerful. Damp free.
Despite your rather rude tone i will give you my opinion. We need to move away from immigration as the ponzi scheme as the only way to grow our economy. People are not having kids as young largely as they cant buy a house before age 30. This is principally down to a supply and demand imbalance. The cost of housing is the reason most poeple are struggling. I see it at work - kids on 40k with £300k mortgages with their partner really struggling to get by.

Millions of people moving to this country every few years is not the answer. This places a huge strain on services but more importantly we simply do not build enough homes to accommodate the increased population forverr driving up what is generally peoples largest expense. A new approach to education, tax incentives to encourage people to work part time longer past retirement age, mid career re training programmes, a reform in planning law and a huge infrastructure investment programme funded by the private sector is also part of the answer. Look at Ireland now - lower taxes attracting sovereign wealth funds. Higher taxation leads time and time again to slower growth. It will not work.

The Tories have been a disaster since Truss but Covid was a huge game changer for our economy and despite the shit i will get on here i would have loved to have seen how we would have done had Boris not been attacked from all sides during and after the pandemic.

I am prepared to see how Labour do the next 8 to 10 years and hope they improve the country. Lets see hey, I sincerely hope they do.

I actually agree with you on most of that. But come on, the rot set in long before Liz Truss. She was a symptom not a cause.

Cameron and Osborne actually had a few good ideas - the Northern Powerhouse concept, devolved regions and elected mayors - but austerity ravaged this country and pummelled the poorest in our society to have no hope for the future and in the political system. The same people who are now turning to Farage, and Johnson before him.

Osborne has admitted that they made big mistakes.

I’m not one of these “Labour til I die” people. I voted Lib Dem in the last two elections and I probably will do again as our new Labour candidate is of the far left Momentum persuasion.

I’m exactly the kind of person in the centre ground the Tories should be wooing. Mid 30s, homeowner, professional, above average income, self employed/company director, but zero chance I’ll ever consider it unless they do what Starmer did with the far left and kick the nutters out and show some humility.

And come on, Covid is an excuse. The shit was hitting the fan long before then.
I've sort of hinted at this, but too much political discourse in this country is like me saying: I want a seat at City on the centre line, with a thick padded leather covering and a switch-on heater for the winter. I want a scantily-clad waitress to fetch me a glass of Veuve every 20 minutes, and a five-course dinner after the match. And I want to pay £100 a year for my ticket.

In other words, it's unachievable. You can have anything you want, but you have to pay for it.

Labour's manifesto has next to FA in it because they know people don't want to pay more. In that sense, though it's disappointing, it's also realistic. If they offered more everyone would be asking 'How will you pay for this?'

Reform and the Greens make these huge pledges and get away with it because everyone knows they have as much chance of forming the next government as me, my mates John and Jeff and the Alsatian from down the street. If by some miracle they did get the 323 seats or whatever it is you need, they'd be royally fucked.

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