General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 56.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 40 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 71 15.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 10.9%

  • Total voters
It's laughable now, particularly reading this thread and the Conservative party thread. But, if my memory hasn't completely given up the fight, I'm pretty sure that when I joined this wonderful place, the forum had a reputation for being slightly (and I'm not being sarky) right of centre. I'm not sure you can say that now!
The Tories have travelled so far to the right in that time that many middle ground voters are now to the left of them.

It's possible that Labour now are not that far to the left of John Major
OK, just for a bit of fun whilst we await 2200

You can pick three Tories to lose their seats tonight, who would they be?

For me:

TC Davies
Rees-Mogg would be funny. Braverman and Patel for being two of the biggest cunts in the country. But let's be honest, they were all parachuted into the safest of seats in the country.
It's laughable now, particularly reading this thread and the Conservative party thread. But, if my memory hasn't completely given up the fight, I'm pretty sure that when I joined this wonderful place, the forum had a reputation for being slightly (and I'm not being sarky) right of centre. I'm not sure you can say that now!
Maybe 14 years of having to live with the fallout of their decisions has changed a few minds. It's easy to be a conservative in the abstract. It's harder to confront an explosion in food banks, witness relatives waiting for operations, and see your utility prices double and still support them.
A pringle for every tory that loses their seat , i have only two tubes so might have to pick and choose the big ones to celebrate , i love nites like this . Couldnt support corbyn and defo not tories so voted lib dem last time and went to bed knowing what would happen , that was depressing to say the least

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