Really, I don't agree. Think they'll suffer and we owe a lot, as a nation, to the contribution from many Scots down the years.
I agree, but that's all history and not what they want today.
Really, I don't agree. Think they'll suffer and we owe a lot, as a nation, to the contribution from many Scots down the years.
It amazes me that Labour have basically let them get away with blaming the national debt on Brown's government. That's basically become a fact in politics when in reality it was almost entirely down to factors beyond their control. It just shows how shit they are at controlling the narrative.When Brown got voted out in 2010 and the crash had happened a couple of years before, the narrative was Labour would leave balancing the books to the Tories. The cuts to services and austerity would make Labour a shoe in to take power again. We then had the disaster of Milliband and now Corbyn.
I think 5 years time is being a bit optimistic, it’s almost feels like Labour don’t want to be in power and are fine pulling their faces at the Government from the other side of the house.
I was kind of joking with that one. I don’t think those who’ve been in Labour this time round would have the foresight to plan something like that.
Surprising outcome from my perspective, one would have thought Johnson would have lost so much credibillety. I would think the media narrative factors in to it, i havn't got a good impression of the overal media landscape in Brittain.
Ah well, atleast it will ensure that Brexit does get done, guess it's not nessecarily so much of a concern for us Europeans.
Nothing against the people of Europe it is the career polititians who I am dead set against.
Scotland has gone almost totally yellow. That's what they want, let them have it. Bye, we won't miss you
Think you mean 'us in the European Union'. Not quite the same as 'us Europeans'. ;-)
In another Scottish Indyref I would expect the nation to vote remain....This isn't true.
The population of Scotland is around 5-6 million and less than 1 million voted for the SNP in 2017. We'll soon find out how they voted this time but I expect it to be similar.
You can't base the whims of Scotland on how 1/5th voted in a general election.