General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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Airports? In the West Midlands? Regularly? There's only two flights a day from outside Europe to Birmingham.
There are many more than that. At least two a day to NY, three to Dubai, Air India, Doha. That's off the top of my head as a regular ish user of said airport.
Tories at it again on net migration.
May with some well chosen words - net migration to be kept at sustainable levels and I believe that to be tens of thousands?
Excuse me is that a commitment,an aspiration or just a load of bollocks?
Tories have been saying the same thing for the last seven years. Net migration from just non EU countries was about 150k back in Sept 2016 ffs , so if they haven't managed to get that into the tens of thousands how on earth are they going to get both non EU and EU net migration below 100k?
And it appears that our economy is actually dependent on these migrants, both skilled and non skilled, and as the economy is virtually at "full" employment levels there's no locals to pick up the slack once the immigrants have gone, even if the locals were suitably qualified ( which they're not).
There's three or four of you posting several times a day with how awful every Tory plan is.

Can I ask a simple and very genuine question, why do you bother? Do you think you'll change a single vote in the election? Is it simply cathartic for you? I'd say the forum had pretty much got the message that you're not going to vote Tory by now. If you're about to say that you're just informing the blue moon electorate then may I ask why your forensic analysis only goes as far as the Tories and why you don't have the same vigour attacking Labour?
Dennis skinner just said ( and I like Dennis skinner)

Lets get a few things straight.

It wasn't the Labour government that caused the economic crash it was the bankers. The economic crash was like a tsunami that swept across the whole of the world. The Labour government can't be blamed for that. We shouldn't have then nor now apologise for the investment we made in public services.

When we were in government between 1997 and 2010 we invested in our public services - building more hospitals, recruiting more doctors (44,000) and nurses (89,000). Waiting lists came down by over 500,000 to an all time low. We saw school class sizes tumble and the life chances of so many improved. We introduced the minimum wage. We paid for 16,000 more police officers and 16,000 community support officers and crime came down by 45%. We scrapped s. 28 and introduced civil partnerships. We achieved so much

So now is the time to back the Labour Party again. Back the party that helps the many, not the few. Vote Labour on June 8th.

Ok Dennis let me get a few things straight in response

The Labour Party relaxed financial regulation on the bankers to such an extent that there was no regulation . It even courted and sucked the nobs of bankers like sir Fred Goodwin (they knighted him). It then all collapsed.

The Labour Party then CHOSE to bail out the banks . It was the Labour Party who spent billions bailing out the bankers whilst other sectors did not get the same support when their industries suffered.

The Labour Party were the government at the time it was not the Tories.

As for the investment in public services , yeah via expensive Pfi schemes for which we are still paying at high levels of fixed interest and will be for years to come.
The Labour Party then CHOSE to bail out the banks . It was the Labour Party who spent billions bailing out the bankers whilst other sectors did not get the same support when their industries suffered.
To be fair, it's probably the one thing Brown got right whilst in office.

No one can criticise Labour for doing so whilst understanding the situation as was. Had they not done so then UK plc would currently be in the shitter.
To be fair, it's probably the one thing Brown got right whilst in office.

No one can criticise Labour for doing so whilst understanding the situation as was. Had they not done so then UK plc would currently be in the shitter.

Agree, but blaming rich people for all the mess is just so boring and not true. They were part of the problem and helped create the mess in the first place.

It's for a different thread as we are close to the same issue now as everyone is again paying on the never never for things so the bubble is building again.
Just google uk tax receipts by salary it was the top thread on my google account and was uk gov website

if i google it, it isnt. you know google produces different results based upon your search history?
whats hard about giving me the link. Its seeming more and more like you just made it up.
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