General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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Well you have to hand it to Corbyn. He's staring down the barrel of a gun and instead of back peddling he's decided to go full on. He won't step down after he losses and he's backing McDonnell's Marxist stance. Apparently Unite say they will still back him after he loses too! It's great to see a man sticking to his principles regardless of how unpopular they are. The problem for labour of course is that he has stolen their party and is morphing it into a new far left political entity which will become irrelevant in political terms.

The question is what will happen to the more centrist corps of the current party? Will they try and grasp power back, which would seem to be impossible or will they split and form a new party?

Interesting times ahead for Uk politics.
Greg Clark just on the Today programme. Not quite in the Dianne Abbott class, but "how are you are going to get immigration down to the tens of thousands when farming and construction and others are all saying we need foreign workers?" - "We'll open a university for the nuclear industry to give people skills". "Why are you promising to peg energy prices?" "We invented a competitive market with a regulator, but obviously it's been crap and people are paying more than they should, but apart from that it's a great system." I paraphrase.
Greg Clark just on the Today programme. Not quite in the Dianne Abbott class, but "how are you are going to get immigration down to the tens of thousands when farming and construction and others are all saying we need foreign workers?" - "We'll open a university for the nuclear industry to give people skills". "Why are you promising to peg energy prices?" "We invented a competitive market with a regulator, but obviously it's been crap and people are paying more than they should, but apart from that it's a great system." I paraphrase.

Never heard it, and I don't want to call into question your paraphrasing skills, Vic, but what on earth does that even mean in relation to the question? :-)
Until somebody comes up with a serious way to reform the voting system, it's all a bit pointless anyway. Nobody ever gets held to account, for anything. In England, 50% of the available seats haven't changed parties once, since 1970 (30% if you go as far back as 1945). Prior to the SNP success in 2015, 49% of all seats in the UK, had stayed in the hands of the same party, since 1970. We had 3 day weeks, IMF bail-outs, winter of discontent, Falklands, Thstcher landslide, Blair landslide, banking crisis, several 'boom and busts and the Iraq war, to name a few. But practically half of the seats didn't change once.
There is something inherently flawed in that system that goes to the heart of the disenchantment with democracy. Where I live the Tory MP, doesn't count their votes they weigh them!
Apparently Unite say they will still back him after he loses too! It's great to see a man sticking to his principles regardless of how unpopular they are. The problem for labour of course is that he has stolen their party and is morphing it into a new far left political entity which will become irrelevant in political terms.
If, which appears likely, Labour get beaten in the GE, then stick with comrade Corbyn, then their function as
an official opposition will almost certainly be for that one term. The far left have never, and will never, hold sway
in this country, so we'll probably get a repeat of the 'Gang of four' scenario, where the SDP came into being, until
Labour finally came to its senses and binned politicians like Foot.
Difference here though, is Jezza is further to the left of Foot, and lacks his intellect by a long shot, something his fans
fail to see, and their massive membership may confine them to the fringes of politics for decades.
The New Statesman, well I never. Desperation is an understatement, blaming May for the state of the Labour party,
then saying it's undemocratic to call an election when the opposition is weak!
These people just can't empathise with others, in their minds, everyone is either stupid or an insensitive bastard unless
we believe in the same things they do.
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