General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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Which is the same argument we get for not shutting private schools ie they are doing us a favour by not dumping there pupils into authority schools. And it's nothing to do at all with people who go to posh school getting all the best jobs. I say shutting all private hospitals, fund the NHS like it should and move the facilities into public control. You income should have nothing to do with your health outcomes.... That's SO last century!

You see, I just don't get this attitude. Some people have more money than others, that's just the way it is. And if they chose to spend that money on health insurance why shouldn't they?

What I really don't get though is that you're so anti private healthcare yet other people having it doesn't affect you in any way whatsoever. It doesn't affect the level of healthcare you get on the NHS one iota. These people still pay their NI contributions & income tax, they just don't use the NHS as much as those who haven't got private healthcare, so it could well be argued that if we did shut all private hospitals that would have a detrimental effect on the level of care that you receive on the NHS as they would then have to use the service the same as everyone else.
Tories at it again on net migration.
May with some well chosen words - net migration to be kept at sustainable levels and I believe that to be tens of thousands?
Excuse me is that a commitment,an aspiration or just a load of bollocks?
Tories have been saying the same thing for the last seven years. Net migration from just non EU countries was about 150k back in Sept 2016 ffs , so if they haven't managed to get that into the tens of thousands how on earth are they going to get both non EU and EU net migration below 100k?
And it appears that our economy is actually dependent on these migrants, both skilled and non skilled, and as the economy is virtually at "full" employment levels there's no locals to pick up the slack once the immigrants have gone, even if the locals were suitably qualified ( which they're not).
I do recognise that it must be very frustrating - and I am being serious here

All the other parties just want to get May to make firm promises / statements etc. - things of substance that they can then get their teeth into - ideally lets have some debates. but She is just getting away with platitudes - I can genuinely see it from your POV.

Problem for Labour and other parties is that she has no need to and she is very likely being strongly advised to avoid doing so

What is that song? - You say it best when you say nothing at all.......

I would personally prefer to see much more engagement - but I can understand the good sense of her stance and I did say to fumble the day after the election was announced that he should expect nothing but platitudes
You say IHT and Capital Gains tax cuts only benefit the wealthy but that's bollocks. They only affect the wealthy for a start.

So it won't affect you but your sort call the Tories selfish when it's the left wanting to take away from others for the simple fact it won't affect them by and large. IHT is theft, simple as that. It was originally brought it to tackle extreme wealth, the top 1%, now it affects 30/40 times as many people. It's bollocks and no, I won't receive anything from my folks but I'll be fucked if my beneficiaries pay a penny in it.
A focus on increasing IHT is both political suicide and financial mismanagement, IMO.

An increasing number of what would be considered middle earning families are becoming liable for IHT. If it is only something as simple as the value of the family house – that is an asset bought and paid for with money that is already been subject to tax. Promising to increase IHT or reduce thresholds will be a massive ‘vote loser’.

Like you, I will inherit nothing from my parents, but I can and would take steps to make sure my family will receive the value of my estate with little or no IHT to pay. My incentive to do so would sharpen quickly if this is an area further attacked.

Lots of others can/will do the same - meaning that the exchequer will get reduced, rather than increased, receipts.
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Jeremy Corbyn has said he will not stand down as Labour leader if the party loses the election.

Fair play from my POV. The current rules and structure of the Labour party saw him come to power with a significant majority and I would guess that he would be returned again if he is willing to lead.

Those that want him out should look to how/why the membership rules were changed that facilitated his rise over more photogenic members of the PLP - at least he is honest about his leanings as opposed to the career politicians who will take any stance that secures them votes.

Unfortunately for the left I think that it will be a long time before the electorate will vote in such a party but it is at least honest which I admire
It is thrown around a lot, and I'm finding hard to source (if you exclude The Telegraph)


is from, but is dated 2009

However, Income tax is only ~ 25% of government reciepts


This is the government's visualisation of expenditure

But that's incredibly vague. Compare the impression you get from that chart, to this one (2014)
EU 0.33%. Second smallest piece of pie on that chart but not paying it is going to save the uk economy in general and the NHS in particular!
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