I came across this and loved it and I thought I'd share with all the Tory lickspittles....
In May's world of extremist right wing myopia, moral bankruptcy, cognitive dissonance, stereotypes, hack clichés and intellectual mediocrity; her mendacity replaces truth and is made real - bankers are maligned victims not responsible for the "crash", and like the tory party are really benign philanthropists above self interest and duplicity, who are working for the benefit of the country. Corbyn's labour party wants to steal their "magic money tree," - which the tories stole from the people(along with the public assets) of this country, to give to their corporate pimps anyway.
Corbyn's Labour party is "left wing?!!" Who are responsible for the global economic recession, a stalking horse for Marxism, dupes of the unions and middle-class Islington lefties. Public sector workers are a fifth column with gold plated pensions who receive billions in bonuses, unlike bankers and corporate whores, who live in penury because they are overburdened with regulations, taxation, er!! When they choose to pay it. The NHS wants to kill you and private health care wants to cure you - money is a mere incidental, as long as you have it. The (castrated)unions are conspiratorial red masons who control the labour party and wish to bring about the destruction of our capitalist utopia. Modelling herself on Goebbels and the Mother of Christ, May is a much maligned compassionate mother of the nation blasphemed against by the left.
Exploitation by the tories, finance, business, landlords, is freedom(socialism for the rich): a more equitable society, well resourced universal NHS, welfare, education, public services, jobs with a living wage/employment rights and decent conditions is slavery.
Facts and statistics are flexible, 'Doublethink' is de rigueur, 'Newspeak' the official language with Murdoch the Daily Mail its loudest most vociferous voices and now the Guardian. '1984' is seen as an operating manual by the tories rather than a critique. The disabled, poor, sick, unemployed, the low paid are unproductive parasites, surplus to requirements in a world divided between "scroungers and strivers." Western Europe, the EU and particularly France(the perfidious Johnny foreigner) is a hotbed of indolent communists who are jealous of our neo liberal paradise.
The tories are nothing more than verminous, parasitic, sociopathic trash. Reductive whores of Social Darwinist, voodoo economics, who wish to reduce every aspect of humanity to mere units of production, they despise ordinary people and see their only value, as an entry in a profit and loss account, to be exploited by the human garbage that this sub-strata of humanity are, and the workhouse capitalism they serve.
There exists for right wing tory dupes a neo-liberal dystopian holy grail; a kind of Somalia with fish and chips, vindaloo, obesity and better drainage; ruled by neo liberal tory warlords, Blairite kapos, Ayn Rand inspired gangsters, funded by London stock exchange parasites, with UKIP as the Sturm Abteilung (SA). Remember the fascist war cry as they went into battle against Republican troops during the Spanish Civil War? "Death to the intellect! Long live death!". How appropriate?!! Maybe May could work that into a revised tory version of 'Land of Hope and Glory.'