General / Mental Health Support Thread

When I'm feeling down I like to watch comedy shows I've seen before. Something familiar and not taxing, that isn't going to surprise me with feelings I wasn't expecting.

I ended up finding Darren Brown of all people on 4OD. It was the one where he made the audience think it was a game show where they chose to reward or punish the “contestant”.

How are you, anyhow? Any news?
I ended up finding Darren Brown of all people on 4OD. It was the one where he made the audience think it was a game show where they chose to reward or punish the “contestant”.

How are you, anyhow? Any news?
I think a bit of frivolous telly is often a great distraction. Keeps your brain occupied with something easy and unchallenging.

No news yet, I have my scan in the morning and then hopefully find out the results in the next week or two. If the cancer isn't anywhere else then surgery should cure it so I've got everything crossed that that's the case.
Have you pursued therapy and a local support community?

It can really help to anchor your thoughts closer to reality, which is that things are not that bad, your life is very much worth living, and there are people that want to help you through this dark period (including us on here).

You need to avail yourself of ways to call out your lying mind and not let it have complete control.

There's a local walk-in I keep meaning to go to.
But getting up is becoming a terrible struggle.
If you are severely depressed the first hour or two after waking are extremely tough.
There's a local walk-in I keep meaning to go to.
But getting up is becoming a terrible struggle.
If you are severely depressed the first hour or two after waking are extremely tough.
It absolutely is. I have been there many times.

Is there anyone that can help you through those first few hours one day this week, and help you make it to the walk-in?
Been up since 1am in severe pain , even considered going to casualty and asking for morphine as nothing i have touched it, cried a lot , this is me now , worse than i ever thought , a new phase my consultant says , oh joy . I watched a german drama all night to pass the time and something to concentrate on , dont want to go another how ever many years like this
Been up since 1am in severe pain , even considered going to casualty and asking for morphine as nothing i have touched it, cried a lot , this is me now , worse than i ever thought , a new phase my consultant says , oh joy . I watched a german drama all night to pass the time and something to concentrate on , dont want to go another how ever many years like this
I am sorry, Karen. I can relate to your experience. It can be so difficult to see that there is a path through it, especially when you are in periods of extreme distress.

Do you have anyone there with you that can help you maintain a positive outlook (or just counter the understandable negativity that your mind will continual impose)?

As I have suggested to @PinkFinal, are you a member of any support groups? If not, I am sure your consultant can refer you to a local group.

They really can make it easier to deal with the daily experience.
I’ve got a few new medical issues over the last few years to add to my mental health ones. Currently awaiting blood test results including PSA test for some prostatic symptoms. It’s hard to stay positive all the time and even putting shit jokes online can only go so far
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I am sorry, Karen. I can relate to your experience. It can be so difficult to see that there is a path through it, especially when you are in periods of extreme distress.

Do you have anyone there with you that can help you maintain a positive outlook (or just counter the understandable negativity that your mind will continual impose)?

As I have suggested to @PinkFinal, are you a member of any support groups? If not, I am sure your consultant can refer you to a local group.

They really can make it easier to deal with the daily experience.
Thanks Seb , unfortunately i am on my own here so have to jolly myself on best as i can . I have tried support groups over the three decades i have been ill but i find them depressing and i just cant offer support in return , my mental health is such that i go into my safe space and stay there till it passes a bit , i can lie still in bed for hours in the day not moving as i think something bad will happen if i take the sheet off from over my head . It is a really weird experience but very familiar territory

Thanks for the suggestions though x

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