General / Mental Health Support Thread

Thanks Seb , unfortunately i am on my own here so have to jolly myself on best as i can . I have tried support groups over the three decades i have been ill but i find them depressing and i just cant offer support in return , my mental health is such that i go into my safe space and stay there till it passes a bit , i can lie still in bed for hours in the day not moving as i think something bad will happen if i take the sheet off from over my head . It is a really weird experience but very familiar territory

Thanks for the suggestions though x
I can understand that. They are not for everyone.

I would suggest an online support group, as they often have a less intrusive and onerous dynamic for those that don’t find local support groups helpful, but you have probably tried those, as well. And, anyway, you kind of have one here. :-)

Please keep sharing in here if it helps at all. We want to provide encouragement and affirmation.
I’ve got a few new medical issues over the last few years to add to my mental health ones. Currently awaiting blood test results including PSA test for some prostatic symptoms. It’s hard to stay positive all the time and even putting shit jokes online can only go so far
You always have me , lol x
I’ve got a few new medical issues over the last few years to add to my mental health ones. Currently awaiting blood test results including PSA test for some prostatic symptoms. It’s hard to stay positive all the time and even putting shit jokes online can only go so far
Sorry to hear this, drone. As a fellow sufferer of poor health (mental all my life and physical in the last five years or so) I am here to chat if that would ever help with maintaining positivity.

I hope the test results lead to some relief for you, either way. I know—at least for me—the not knowing what (if anything) was wrong, after batteries of tests, was in some ways worse than finally knowing once I got a confident diagnosis.

Everyone is different, though, so I just hope whatever would be best for you specifically occurs.
Been up since 1am in severe pain , even considered going to casualty and asking for morphine as nothing i have touched it, cried a lot , this is me now , worse than i ever thought , a new phase my consultant says , oh joy . I watched a german drama all night to pass the time and something to concentrate on , dont want to go another how ever many years like this
You shouldn't have to go through that.
I know this might sound a bit of a pathetic suggestion but have you tried meditation/relaxation apps?
Night time is always the worst to be in pain, and can feel extremely lonely.
My brother is helping me.
I might ring the Samaritans tonight.
Thank you sincerely to everyone who has replied to me on this thread it's a great help.
The fact there are dozens of strangers on an online forum reaching out should let you know there's always support there for you, take things day by day and time will heal, it sounds like a cliche but it's so true.

Stay strong, and that goes for anyone using this thread as a conduit.
Thanks Seb , unfortunately i am on my own here so have to jolly myself on best as i can . I have tried support groups over the three decades i have been ill but i find them depressing and i just cant offer support in return , my mental health is such that i go into my safe space and stay there till it passes a bit , i can lie still in bed for hours in the day not moving as i think something bad will happen if i take the sheet off from over my head . It is a really weird experience but very familiar territory

Thanks for the suggestions though x
I know that place.
Every time i see you post i hope it is to say that they have found a,way to beat long covid , hang on in there x
Worse than ever. Most of the day is spent lying on the couch now. I'm back at the clinic, though, and they're referring me here there and everywhere. Got a month free pass for swimming baths, but I can't get there any more.
Have you ever tried cannabis as medication, Kaz? Not that I'm advising it, as it's illegal and not for everyone. I go all day suffering, but after tea I have a more suffering. It's like my body breaks free. I now look forward to that relief (not a good thing as weed is so fucking expensive, "more-ish" and I have to buy it from criminals. I'm now in a lot of debt because of it). I'm trying to work out whether it's just a psychological thing, like a placebo, or is it really having an effect on the Long COVID issues.

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