General / Mental Health Support Thread

Right...let's hope it's nothing serious, Kaz. I got my blood results today...everything fine except sugar levels a touch higher and low vit D (even though I take supplement vit D. Suppose there's nothing like getting out in the sun.I just don't feel up to most times as you know).
I find being in the sun too draining but i miss walking outside , hopefully get back to it once i get up to the max pregablin

I think of you often and hope you will improve with time x
Yeah. Didn't go to the doctors beforehand or anything, just decided id had enough of them. Wasn't exactly accurate with my tapering though, was just biting bits off the pill and gradually taking smaller bites ha.
Only side effects have been the brain zaps and occasional weird mood, I can finally maintain a boner now though which negates any negative side effects in my opinion! Wish they would of mentioned that side effect when I first started!
I still get a boner...just at the times when I don't need one. I can't climax though and after a while the boner is more of a wobbler. Half-way through, i start thinking about the 115 bullshit and things like that. "Does the fence need painting?"
I tried cutting down the citalopram, but the zaps were doing my head in. I've been on them for over 20 years, and apparently they're shite after so long. I don't know if they're actually helping me anymore.
I find being in the sun too draining but i miss walking outside , hopefully get back to it once i get up to the max pregablin

I think of you often and hope you will improve with time x
Thanks Kaz. Long COVID won't kill me (i don't think) but it's made me feel about 20 years older all of a sudden. Stay's all we can do :))
When was the referral made?

I’ve now got an MRI referral from the audiologist I just had a hearing test with , just to try and see why one side is so much worse, and why it came on so quickly. nothing sinister suspected, and this has been a few years since the hearing loss came on
It was made on friday so nothing yet , hope to hear in the next couple of days
Yeah. Didn't go to the doctors beforehand or anything, just decided id had enough of them. Wasn't exactly accurate with my tapering though, was just biting bits off the pill and gradually taking smaller bites ha.
Only side effects have been the brain zaps and occasional weird mood, I can finally maintain a boner now though which negates any negative side effects in my opinion! Wish they would of mentioned that side effect when I first started!

I’m on 20mg Citalopram and have been since March 2020. I’d only ever look to reduce the dosage / come off them on Drs orders.
Got my blood test results , iron levels low enough to need treatment, points to the bleed i am having is substantial
Hopefully once they can stop the bleed and get your iron back up, you'll feel a lot better in yourself. I had to have multiple blood transfusions last year, it's really scary how easy it is to come to see that exhaustion as normal, and crazy how much easier everything is once you can actually get oxygen to your organs.

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