General Videogame Thread

Started assassins creed Valhalla on the Xbox series X a few days ago.

I missed playing Odyssey and Origins for one reason or another (can't remember specifically why, but I went off gaming altogether) after being an avid player of the series up to then.

All i can say from the first few hours of play is they (Ubisoft) have come a long bloody way with the franchise. From memory, once you had learned parry timing most confrontations were just grind. This seems so much more...difficult in a way to make me want to go full stealth to avoid confrontations, my favorite method of play with RPG.

The world seems massive and very well delivered.

I'm lovin it so much i even get drawn into the silly side games that have found there way into these titles (GWENT in Witcher for example) so i'm winning rap battles with vikings and playing a really annoying dice game.
Thought bitcoin used ASIC miners and it was Ethereum that you mine with GPU. Go in Facebook market place it's full of cunts selling gpus at 300 over RRP. They use bots to buy up any stock and then resell, scumbags.
ASIC miners just do bitcoin faster while being less versatile. You can still do bitcoin mining very well on a GPU and other cryptocurrencies too. I'm no expert on cryptocurrencies but if you read the links I provided, they explain there is a direct correlation with the cryptocurrency scene and GPU prices. I'm sure I read that prices already strated to fall, days after China's announcement. Oh and the crackdown is not just limited to Bitcoin as I understand it.

Those people on facebook aren't helping but they are taking advantage of the situation rather than being the cause of it. If things go back more towards normal, those scalpers could end up being burned financially, they wont beable to buy up all the stock and nobody would have any reason to pay those prices anymore. It would serve them right.
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Slowly making my way through the world of Fallout 4 with the DLC as recommended in this thread. Absolutely loving it and might just be finished in time for Starfield coming out at this rate.
This is interesting, the companies themselves were blaming the pandemic for the lack of supply and increase of prices but that picture says it all.

The manufacturers won't care but the businesses who build and sell good hardware have suffered during the last 18 months with this, I would assume lots would have splashed out on new kit or an upgrade while we were locked in to find it impossible to do so.
This started way before the pandemic, it has got worse during the pandemic though that's true.
The race to the bottom continues.

Looks like the latest to have the Clancy name attached is just another identikit live service hero shooter a la Overwatch.

Recommendation for my next game.

Last of us or Uncharted 4.
Uncharted 4 was lots of exposition and hit or miss quick time events - I bounced off it.

Last Of Us for me. Thought the story was all very meh, but the game itself was very tight and addictive, extremely immersive.

Watch this guy play it (LOU 2 actually) the way it's supposed to be played:

Recommendation for my next game.

Last of us or Uncharted 4.
I started Unchartered 4 last year (bought PS4 when 1st Lockdown kicked in). Was amazed by it. But felt like I was some kind of charlatan if I didn't do the eralier games. So I bought the Drake Collection - so Unchartered 1,2 and 3. Love them all.

Last of U is awesome, but I prefer Unchartered atm.

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