General Wrestling Thread

Heartbreaking for Jake Roberts, especially after he has finally seem to have won his long battle with depression, alcohol and drug abuse. He even got 10 minutes on Raw a little while back as a show of support. Luckily it seems to be operable and he has a good chance.

Jake The Snake has had an extremely tough life. His Dad was a nonce who raped his daughter who gave birth to Jake, which Jake later found out after idolising his Dad and going into the same wrestling business. He hit the bottle quite early and like most wrestlers has battled through pain pill addiction for many years. Wrestling in the 80s was a free for all as far as recreational drugs were concerned and Jake took everything available and more.

Jake has been number one on the yearly wrestling "dead lists" for about a decade, his addictions beat the shit out of him. He battled through all of this until about 3 years ago when he went to live with another former wrestler, DDP, who seemingly has the ability to use yoga and clean living to help other wrestlers through their addictions. I know Scott Hall or Razor Ramon was over there recently too and both describe DDP as a miracle worker.

Hopefully this is just a bump in the road for Jake and he continues his recovery
I watched this last night. Its the same old same old . I have been really impressed with Bray Wyatt for a big guy he is the best techincal wrestler I have seen in a long long time.. I think this guy should be given a title run never mind Byran so impressed with him. Build this guy up into a modern day Undertaker / Mick Foley and the WWE will make a killing out of him. Whatever they do dont change him in any way keep him as he is. Love there song too. Knowing the WWE as well as we do he will sadly end up being cannon fodder for Cena. WWE need to build up the wrestling on guys like him and give them the title and let them run with it. The main event could tell as soon as Kane game down what was going to happen. Some good spots. Dont know how Sheamus took that splash from Christian from the top of the pod looked like it took a lot out of him. Hes a decent bloke Sheamus seen him at a Dublin game during the summer and he signed a lot of things for the kids that seen him.
The Flash said:
You do know that this stuff is choreographed right?
The 'winners' of the bouts pre-determined?
A bit like "Strictly" but with more spandex and less women?

Only it appears some adults seem to be taking this 'sport' seriously.
shhhhhhhhhhhhhh santa....... shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
The Flash said:
You do know that this stuff is choreographed right?
The 'winners' of the bouts pre-determined?
A bit like "Strictly" but with more spandex and less women?

Only it appears some adults seem to be taking this 'sport' seriously.

you'd think the same about football for all the cries about referee bias and the status quo wanting certain teams to win if you read upstairs on here.

It's amusing when there was more genuine pain and physical contact on last night's PPV than there was in any foul given in the CL game last week.

Then again I guess diving and theatre transcends both art and sport as well.
Deepest Blue said:
The Flash said:
You do know that this stuff is choreographed right?
The 'winners' of the bouts pre-determined?
You rotter.

Many lives ruined now.

I'm off to the Bible thread to ask for absolution and the cleansing of my sins.

I really need to think about how I'm going to tell my 8 year old if he ever asks whether it's real.
Wishing all the best for Jake, one of the legends. not really been into wrestling for many a year but being the horror nerd i am i'm going to the London film and comic con in july where this beauty is attending

Think i might have a linger around her table.
Proelia said:
Grown men watching wrestling is very sad considering its even pg now
Almost as sad as clicking on a wrestling thread and calling people sad for watching it.

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