Well-Known Member
I'd say the current state of things does play right into his hands.
The vast majority of the US is not protesting however they will be outraged at the killing of Floyd.
The fact is though they will welcome the restoration of order and that is the only thing that Trump is talking about and offering.
I can accept politicians protesting and joining in.... but not condemning violence and anarchy.. That's flawed unless you meet the popular opinion.
There are a number of smart people making this argument and a number of smart people who think it’s wrong.
I continue to think that no matter what he does or becomes, Trump is irredeemable to an enormous swath of the population. There are comparatively few undecideds. If the blue base turns out in a few important swing states, Trump cannot win. He doesn’t have the numbers nor a broad enough base and I doubt he is winning new converts.
This isn’t 1968 where chaos scared people into voting for Nixon, who was a known quantity but not an incumbent (and likely would have lost to Bobby Kennedy).