George Floyd murder / Derek Chauvin guilty of murder

Ask Daniel Shaver about your demagoguery.

Oh, you can't he's dead because he "moved his hand".

That was on the officer for his ridiculous commands, and it's probably the worst shooting I've seen - didn't gain that much traction tho for some reason
Police officers make mistakes. It's their job not to. They are the ones with the power of the law. Their job is to protect the citizenry. A police officer who shoots someone for an innocent hand movement has made a mistake and not done his/her job correctly.

You have a dollar to spend on training -- either on the policeman to prevent such things from happening, or on the "citizenry" to ensure they don't twitch involuntarily. Which do you spend it on?

The thing is tho, and I'm just pointing out the obvious, an innocent hand movement doesn't always appear innocent. You now that you're just putting your waistband up but a cop doesn't know, and if he has been telling you to keep your hands up it isn't unreasonable for the cop to think you're reaching for a gun.

I'd spend on both, the latter doesn't need a lot spent on it anyway, the media could do most of it - if they cared about people rather than inflaming things.
Something for everyone to keep in mind is that you don't know why the cop has been called. Yea, you're being inconvenienced and you know you haven't done anything but for all you know someone wearing similar clothes to you may have just tried to kidnap someone's kid or stabbed someone.

That’s ridiculous hyperbole and doesn’t deserve a response

As always, without context.

In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m not the officers attorney, and I’m glad you’re not a spokesperson for me.

I thought you were trying to make a salient point for a second there and then you basically said white men are so racist they simply shoot them out of centuries of fear.

Does the cycle break when people stop drawing weapons of the police or the other way around?

We are about to have a Presidential election. Listen to the rhetoric about guns, violence, law and order.

We may, as you intimate, be approaching an inflection point. Had a black armed militia “invaded” the Michigan State Capitol, we might be talking about the first Govt vs Armed Militia gun battle since Ruby Ridge or Waco.

The hard questions are:

1) With over 300,000,000 guns in Americans hands, can you put that toothpaste back in the tube?

2) Do you have the stomach and, more importantly, the votes for a defining challenge, or change, to 2A?

3) Who is the politician that dares to try that?

4) Sadly, I have to ask the serious question of whether they would survive such an attempt?

One of the major intractable problems is that there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of gun laws across America. The problem is the jaw-abiding gun owner (me) follows them, while bad guys don’t give a damn about any laws, let alone gun laws!M

As I have said repeatedly on here, I am fairly liberal (esp by American standards), but I’m a staunch advocate of law and order. I think personal violence is the scourge of society and I don’t believe that humans are basically decent people, I believe that they have a decent albeit very thin veneer, which, when scratched, reveals an entirely different animal.

I believe that everybody WANTS to be decent, but socialization is different for everyone. Some children marinate in war and they have seen more AK-47s than kites, more death than triumphs, more loss than success. There are others who have lived gilded lives and never known anything but the bubble that wealth provides.

However, I believe that if you take them out if those surroundings, place them in a Lord of the Flies scenario, you would see who they really are, and I’m not sure how pretty it would be.

Is there fear of the angry black man in America? Absolutely! Heck, there is fear of the angry black woman in America. And, there are examples of each every day. However, that ignores a simple fact...everyone of the videos I showed you the person firing the gun was either white or unknown (even though it appears the last one was black).

Gun crime is not a black vs white issue, it’s a gun issue!

Some observations.

You state ‘Cops watch videos like this all the time in training.’ How does this help? Surely training is about the correct way to conduct a traffic stop. Positions to take, how to approach etc. How does watching videos of cops being shot do anything other than install fear in cops? ’Fearful’ people do not approach situations calmly. Giving ‘fearful’ people guns and authority over other people is just going to lead to a lot of dead people.

The depiction of ‘blacks equals trouble’ as part of LEO training is a societal issue. The history of black suppression in rooted in fear. Keep your foot on the back of their necks otherwise they will rise against you. Keep them poor, ignorant and excluded from main society otherwise they will rise against you. When slavery went, segregation and exclusion was the next step in suppression of blacks.

Man is a social animal, we have a desire to fit in, to know our place within the societies that we live in, fundamentally the vast majority are decent, but if you treat people if they are not, or a segment of people as ‘trouble’ or always ‘angry’ then you creating your own problems. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

Again, just my two cents.
Black man shot 7 times in the back. I’m sure there are people falling over themselves to defend the actions of the coppers but please don’t embarrass yourselves by typing the reasons

“he should have done what he was told”

Trigger happy cunts, and that’s the end of it
Black man shot 7 times in the back. I’m sure there are people falling over themselves to defend the actions of the coppers but please don’t embarrass yourselves by typing the reasons

“he should have done what he was told”

Trigger happy cunts, and that’s the end of it

And Kenosha police DO NOT wear body cams!! So, essentially, it'll be their word against Jacob Blake's... but thank goodness for mobile phones, eh...?

I'd spend on both, the latter doesn't need a lot spent on it anyway, the media could do most of it - if they cared about people rather than inflaming things.

Of course you would. You can't decide between Biden and Trump; how could anyone expect you to make any decision when confronted with two alternatives? I asked an extraordinarily simple couple of questions to you: who would you vote for, A or B, in the US, and on the topic of how you would spend a dollar to help police/citizenry relations? You had two choices. TWO. And you couldn't decide.

Oh, except . . . when the subject is super complex like "the media", then all waffling goes out the window. That fencepole comes right out of your ass like a rocket. There aren't good reporters, bad reporters, tabloids and thoughtful research-based discursive publications -- it's just media who cares about "inflaming things", not "people."

Which is a patently ridiculous take.

Jesus tapdancing Christ.
Of course you would. You can't decide between Biden and Trump; how could anyone expect you to make any decision when confronted with two alternatives? I asked an extraordinarily simple couple of questions to you: who would you vote for, A or B, in the US, and on the topic of how you would spend a dollar to help police/citizenry relations? You had two choices. TWO. And you couldn't decide.

Oh, except . . . when the subject is super complex like "the media", then all waffling goes out the window. That fencepole comes right out of your ass like a rocket. There aren't good reporters, bad reporters, tabloids and thoughtful research-based discursive publications -- it's just media who cares about "inflaming things", not "people."

Which is a patently ridiculous take.

Jesus tapdancing Christ.

It's not that I couldn't, it's that I didn't, and needn't. I was being kind in my answer because quite frankly the question was pointless and dumb

As for the media, there are some good reporters but by and large the mainstream is about sensationalism and stoking up their people. Or maybe you watch the likes of Fox, CNN, MSNBC and think 'this is thoughtful stuff'

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