George Galloway | Wins Rochdale Bi-Election (p4)

I think the issue with lots of people on the far left is that they feel such a deep sense of injustice around the Palestinian issue that their feelings towards Israel are so powerful that it has suspended their otherwise lack of racism in the way they think of Jewish people. They can‘t all not be antisemitic. That doesn’t stand to reason. A number of them will be.

Don’t know if Galloway is one of them, and I certainly haven’t seen any hard proof he is, and until there is I’ll stand by what I posted previously, namely we need many more MPs like this who exist wholly outside the cancerous party machines. People who can openly express their own thoughts. Mix things up. Ask those in power uncomfortable questions.

Galloway represents the views of many people in this country on this issue, which is plainly not reflected in the make up of Parliament, the constitution of which itself suppresses democracy.
When he stood in Bradford he said: “Bradford should be an Israeli free zone” Very close to the bone.
A touchy subject in that city where many Jews have left due to their perception of pressure from the Muslim population. On the official level, relations between the Synagogue and the Mosque are good.
Boris Johnson is one of the biggest Racist cunts about for his Rhetoric towards Muslims. Fuck all said about it and some folk had a hard on for him in here. He said far worse than Galloway ever has.
Yes they did. Gone a bit quiet on that. A bit like the cunts who claimed Brexit would herald a bonanza. Same cunts probably.

I remember Corbyn getting total exposure snd abuse as an anti Senute, total shit, and at the same time, the BBC never said a word about Bawbag, a balls out racist fat ugly Tory ****.

My advice would be, whoever the right wing press, the BBC and Sky are demonising. Support them, the enemies of my enemies are my friends.
Currently adding more lines to his mind map

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If he had lived in another era he would have been taking money from the KGB and MI5, condemning both and hedging his bets. Complete lack of self-awareness. He's a journalist with a music degree.

He's not a national security advisor, no matter how many times he cos-plays as one.

I can remember the time he was proposing a plan for armed police in London.

There's some genuinely odd stuff he has tweeted out, it's like writing to the CEO of a FTSE 100 with a ten-point plan or a premier league manager with a team sheet and formation.

Nobody who has influence, cares about these ideas you plank.
The thing is there's far bigger cunts than him in Parliament. He's just the easiest one to attack.
They'll all unite to attack him for a few weeks whilst they get on with undermining parliament/will of the people behind the scenes.

As I've said before I've met him. Came across as self imported cock who'd shout you down if you challenge his point of view rather than debate.

Starmer and Sunak now have a joint lefty enemy they can use to their advantage. Both internally and externally.
No, he annoys me at times too. But, I don’t agree with the accusations made. I watched the news with all the uproar, the footage showing Muslim supporters, trying to equate support for the people of Gaza with support for Hamas. The statement from that little rat faced piece of shit, saying it was alarming. It’s fucking democracy you Tory ****. What are we saying, we are democratic, but if you don’t vote the way I see it, you’re a ****?

Utterly appalling. It was the last pathetic roll of the dice, to pander to the far right, just like Bravernan tried.

Fucking dangerous vermin who would rather see division and hate rather than lose power.

And they do it because they know people just follow. They were elected three times by England, so it’s worth a fucking shot you will swallow this bollocks too.
Go on Magic...
Don’t know if Galloway is one of them, and I certainly haven’t seen any hard proof he is, and until there is I’ll stand by what I posted previously, namely we need many more MPs like this who exist wholly outside the cancerous party machines. People who can openly express their own thoughts. Mix things up. Ask those in power uncomfortable questions.
Muslim leaflet Galloway can ask the white-area leaflet Galloway uncomfortable questions. Like why one leaflet is about Gaza and the other is about why he supported Brexit and why he knows the difference between a man and a woman. Certainly he's good at mixing things up.

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