George Galloway | Wins Rochdale Bi-Election (p4)

Has he won a seat that was formerly Tory since he became a lone wolf?

George's usual MO is targeting traditional Labour seats with significant Muslim populations. Blackpool has a small population of Muslims.
He’s not been successful, but he does like dusting off his megaphone for a by-election.

No point now as he’s got a gig for a few months, but I wouldn’t put much past him.
No defence of GG but bit of context here.

That is the same Paul Waugh who made a high profile pitch for that nomination, resigning his position only to be snubbed for the guy who became unsupportable.
Since retreated back through the revolving door to snipe from the sidelines.

Do you know if the Labour candidate for the election been chosen yet?

Assume, if he's from Rochdale, and wants to be an MP, then he would rather go again for that, rather than tour the country like some other ex-journalists.
We have members on here from Rochdale and close by, has he done anything for or even set foot in Rochdale since he slithered in?

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