Give Mark Hughes a new contract.........RIGHT NOW!!!!

chris313nt said:
I've only ever expected top 6, only an idiot would expect higher against teams established over years...

Anyone with any knowledge of the game, both inside and outside the club, knows that top 4 is the target.

Only an idiot would assume any different
Only if he scores again in the 5-1 as he claimed before he scored the 2 against Barca ( cup winners cup final ) and the ( scisscor kick ) beat spain 3 nil that was is best goal he scored but Clayton was not playing , his best was ryan ( colin hendry ) scoring the winner against us 1 nil , fair play 2 our manager he kissed his badge , shame it was a devil but only a red 1

Didsbury Dave said:
chris313nt said:
I've only ever expected top 6, only an idiot would expect higher against teams established over years...

Anyone with any knowledge of the game, both inside and outside the club, knows that top 4 is the target.

Only an idiot would assume any different

MH said top 6 at the start of the season...its the idiots who expect top 4 & even though on paper its achievable, its not the target MH set! TBH I'm not really interested in your point of view & I have my own point of view & whether you think its right or wrong I couldn't give a sh!t... I just get peed off everytime I fire up this forum & I see the same type of posts - 'Hughes Out'....just cos some spoilt no mark hasn't had his own way with the results... If ppl on this forum can't support their own team & management, then its hardly surprising everyone else takes the p!ss out of us, its bad enough the Rags think their superior to us without this forum giving them 'bullets' to fire at us...I bet you think its only City fans who read this forum!!
chris313nt said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Just remind me.

Was that the Sven whose only season here was a more successful one than Mark hughes' only season here?

Were all these other managers that were so shit compared to him luck enough to have even a fraction of the backing over both on and off field managers that has been open to Hughes?

Is beating Palace, Fulham reserves, Scunthorpe, Arsenal's youth team now the mark of huge success?

Was the football that Keegan produced in his first season more or less than could have reasonably been expected with that squad?

Was finishing eigth in his first season more or less than could have been reasonably expected with the squad that Pearce had?

Was taking them to consecutive promotions more or less than could reasonably been expected of Royle with the players at his disposal?

Was taking team that had previously been battling relegation to a top eight finish at short notice more or less than could have been reasonably expected of Sven?

And that is only in the last ten years.

Now consider whether spending £100m and finishing lower than the previous season and then spending another £100m and beating the teams mentioned above is more than could be reasonably expected of Mark Hughes?

Once you've done that you might wish to expand on your theory that Hughes is the best manager we've ever had.

Or just go for the old "you know nothing about football line" if it's easier. Or the "you know nothing about the club's history" one (which seems a bit weird given the acheivements listed above being classed as inferior to Hughes' by the person uttering it)

(PS: How do you get into a situation where Mark Hughes staying is more important to you than continuing supporting the club? You must really, really, really, really, really like him.)

you can wrap it up in as much fancy wrapping paper & bows as you like, the reality is that MH has so far taken us further than any other manager we've had in recent years...MH took over a team that Sven destroyed & he had to pick the pieces up cos Sven had no authority over the players & he got the sack cos he was rubbish...Keegan was probably the best recent manager before MH...All the ex managers had money to spend on players, they just didnt choose them wisely (didn't we used to have Anelka?)...The money has helped but it doesn't buy success, you have to have direction for that...MH is the best manager in recent years because he's got us further in his second season than any other manager & like Ancelotti said the other day, when you change a whole team it takes a long time before they start to play properly as a team, but when you only change 1 or 2 players its easier...I watched how MH stabilised the previous teams he took charge of in Wales & Blackburn & that was with mediocre players & next to no budget at Blackburn, so I do admire what he's capable of achieving...The reason I'd turn my back on a club I've supported for 39 years, is because I don't like the mentality that the new money has brought, which is, I want success NOW & if I dont get it I'm going to throw my teddies around, so sack the manager! Its pathetic, its like the fans at Chelski & their pathetic...We need stability & we won't get that by changing the staff everytime we dont get a result we want, if we were losing on a regular basis then I'd support getting a new manager, but we're not losing & we're still top 6 with a spare game & this season I've only ever expected top 6, only an idiot would expect higher against teams established over years...

Sven was appointed by a billionaire owner, yet you easily slate him as shit and deserving of the sack?

Whats it to be mate, or does time only mateer when it's Hughes?

Compare Sven's record in management to Hughes!

Before you go off on one, im just pointing out that many of you who are so behind Hughes, giving it the time and stabilty bollox, were quite happy to see the back of Sven and possibly other managers as well before him.

Why was you not shouting from the rooftops then?
BoyBlue_1985 said:
chris313nt said:
Supported them since you were born then, eh? Who was the last manager who took us to the semi's & only lost 1 game then brain drain!! Cos thats what success at this club is measured by...

no mate you starting another argument, i aint a new money fan and i dont rate MH, your opening says its all new money fans that want hughes out, and i never said i wanted him out i just dont rate him, he can change my view he got all this season to prove he the best man for the job.

and being 24 how much success do you think i have seen, a div2 playoff final and winning div1, other 22 years have been pretty shit

Now come on BB we know that your reply is not entirely true especially the bit about not wanting mark hughes out, please dont make me go and find and post the evidence.
End of season job. Top 4 and domestic cup and he'll get an extra year or so. I don't understand all this contract extension stuff. What did it cost us to buy him? Abit of compo money for the sheepshaggers up the road. He's not gonna leave is he? If he did 1 he'd be mad and 2 I don't think we would be short of applicants, the perks include a quality squad already open chequebook transfer policy and a handsome recuperation. Fuck it I hope he leaves, I could do with a job like that!
chris313nt said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Anyone with any knowledge of the game, both inside and outside the club, knows that top 4 is the target.

Only an idiot would assume any different

MH said top 6 at the start of the season...its the idiots who expect top 4 & even though on paper its achievable, its not the target MH set! TBH I'm not really interested in your point of view & I have my own point of view & whether you think its right or wrong I couldn't give a sh!t... I just get peed off everytime I fire up this forum & I see the same type of posts - 'Hughes Out'....just cos some spoilt no mark hasn't had his own way with the results... If ppl on this forum can't support their own team & management, then its hardly surprising everyone else takes the p!ss out of us, its bad enough the Rags think their superior to us without this forum giving them 'bullets' to fire at us...I bet you think its only City fans who read this forum!!

Looks like Blue Peter is back on the early morning Strongbow!

allan harper said:
If we win the carling cup M.H can have the job for life

Ah, the ambitions of a City fan... no wonder the Rags laugh at us for having open-top bus parades every time we beat them!

I wonder why so many think we have a small club mentality...
Is Top 4 the target? Yes.
Are we well placed to achieve this? Yes.
Should we be pushing any panic buttons? No.
Soulboy said:
allan harper said:
If we win the carling cup M.H can have the job for life

Ah, the ambitions of a City fan... no wonder the Rags laugh at us for having open-top bus parades every time we beat them!

I wonder why so many think we have a small club mentality...

Couldnt give a fuck what rags or you say, i wanna see us win a trophy before i die, your obviously obsessed with what the rags say and do, hows life on redcafe you fucking muppet

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