Glaring weakness in Joe Hart's play.

Sell him, bring back Andy Dibble or Ike Immel, those were the good old days when we we were crap, who wants Englands, if not the Worlds number 1 anyway?????????? ridiculous
Iv been saying this for a while now but he is an amazing keeper so until or if it happens its not a problem
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
OK, this is not a thread slagging off Joe, he is a great goalkeeper but:-

My heart is always in my mouth when the ball rolls slowly towards him on the ground and he picks it up with both hands with his legs wide apart, happened in the first half for example against Sunderland today.

At school, I was always taught to go down on one knee so IF the ball slips through the goalies hands....(We see this so often) his leg/body is there as a back seems so obvious...not rocket science.

So come on Joe, sort it out.


(School goalie, Greenfield Street secondary (Boys), Hyde 1965-66)


I know what you mean ColinBellsjockstrap, my PE teacher taught us the same thing. Have thought the same on several occasions in the past (not just with Joe) also in cricket.

In football, perhaps being balanced on both feet might be a little bit safer if the ball hits a divot on its way and bounces up (which may be more likely than it going through hands?) - as keeper may bit in a more agile position to adjust?
I know what you mean but his timing with low shots is perfect, never looked like spilling anything so it's not a weakness
So two people were taught at school, by a PE teacher no less, how to stop a goal by using their body to prevent accidental slip ups.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, Man City and England goalkeeper Mr. J Hart defies all convention and know how by picking up the ball in a slapdash haphazard way!
My PE teacher was a twat BTW ;)
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
OK, this is not a thread slagging off Joe, he is a great goalkeeper but:-

My heart is always in my mouth when the ball rolls slowly towards him on the ground and he picks it up with both hands with his legs wide apart, happened in the first half for example against Sunderland today.

At school, I was always taught to go down on one knee so IF the ball slips through the goalies hands....(We see this so often) his leg/body is there as a back seems so obvious...not rocket science.

So come on Joe, sort it out.


(School goalie, Greenfield Street secondary (Boys), Hyde 1965-66)


FFS it's hardly a GLARING weakness. You sound as if your glass is always half empty mate
His only weakness is his kicking. He rarely gets his kick to a player that is further than 20ft away. I will take that weakness when he can save them shots he does. That save from Fletcher was class today.
I don't like the thread headline!!


Then post> but he can improve on his distribution!

Just a bug bear with me it feels like a slagging off to one of our players...

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