Global Warming

buzzer1 said:
Gelsons Dad said:
I beg to differ;

The article claims that GW deniers are pulling quotes out of context and then lamely uses "lunch" "fun" and "hate" to try and devalue the actual quotes.

Tell me how this:

can in any way be taken out of context? It is quite clear that data was manipulated to hide the truth. This is clear evidence of falsifying data and has not been denied.

Just a quick question Gelse, if the govt./scientists etc can falsify this sort of evidence, then surely all sorts of bullshit can be manipulated, about anything?

I fully concur with your statement.However, I do not agree with your unsubstantiated claims of aliens, moon landing scams, and reptilian overlords as there is no evidence to confirm these theories and lots that contradicts them.

This doesn't mean that temperatures were not rising. It does show that some people chose to show the data in a non scientific way to promote their own agenda. Science failed by not requiring a robust review.
without a dream said:
twinkletoes said:
Why can't this be taken out of context? Perhaps he is referring to a mistake that he made that is similar to one that Keith made.

Lol yeah they may have made innocent mistakes which made a decline which they needed to hide......................

This is all unsubstantiated and the hackers motives were to discredit these scientists.

It is far too early to regard this as evidence to back up the arguments against global warming.
Gelsons Dad said:
twinkletoes said:
Why can't this be taken out of context? Perhaps he is referring to a mistake that he made that is similar to one that Keith made.

Because this refers to a picture used to promote the cause.

Green is the actual data

Purple is the manipulated data
what on earth do those numbers on the x,y axis represent?!

time, temp???
A spokesman at the Met Office, which jointly produces global temperature datasets with the Climate Research Unit, said there was no need for an inquiry. "If you look at the emails, there isn't any evidence that the data was falsified and there's no evidence that climate change is a hoax. It's a shame that some of the sceptics have had to take this rather shallow attempt to discredit robust science undertaken by some of the world's most respected scientists. The bottom line is that temperatures continue to rise and humans are responsible for it. We have every confidence in the science and the various datasets we use. The peer-review process is as robust as it could possibly be. It's no surprise, with the Copenhagen talks just days away, that this has happened now."
twinkletoes said:
A spokesman at the Met Office, which jointly produces global temperature datasets with the Climate Research Unit, said there was no need for an inquiry. "If you look at the emails, there isn't any evidence that the data was falsified and there's no evidence that climate change is a hoax. It's a shame that some of the sceptics have had to take this rather shallow attempt to discredit robust science undertaken by some of the world's most respected scientists. The bottom line is that temperatures continue to rise and humans are responsible for it. We have every confidence in the science and the various datasets we use. The peer-review process is as robust as it could possibly be. It's no surprise, with the Copenhagen talks just days away, that this has happened now."

To be fair, that is akin to a person charged with a crime releasing a statement that there's no need for a court case.
ElanJo said:
twinkletoes said:
A spokesman at the Met Office, which jointly produces global temperature datasets with the Climate Research Unit, said there was no need for an inquiry. "If you look at the emails, there isn't any evidence that the data was falsified and there's no evidence that climate change is a hoax. It's a shame that some of the sceptics have had to take this rather shallow attempt to discredit robust science undertaken by some of the world's most respected scientists. The bottom line is that temperatures continue to rise and humans are responsible for it. We have every confidence in the science and the various datasets we use. The peer-review process is as robust as it could possibly be. It's no surprise, with the Copenhagen talks just days away, that this has happened now."

To be fair, that is akin to a person charged with a crime releasing a statement that there's no need for a court case.

That's exactly what it is.

Anyone realy interested can search the emails here :

Try using either divergency or delete as search terms then start reading and watch as the fraud unfolds before your eyes.

These guys have received millions of £ of funding. Are self reviewing their own IPCC reports and are driving world wide socio economic policy based on cooked data.
eshiers1 said:
i am doing a dissertation in the area, so in my opinion, there is no doubt that global warming is happening, and chances are it's only going to get worse

countries like China, India and the US continue to increase their CO2 (and other greenhouse gas) emissions and they will continue to do so

you just need to look at the stats!

the carbon concentration has gone from the average (from the last 400k years) of 280ppm to 375 and it's rising all the time

the same trend can be seen with the temperature, for the last 400k years the average has been consistent (with some natural variation), but in the last 200 years, the average has started to creep

doing my research i have come across some pretty grim predictions, some say we are screwed already, some say we'll be screwed in 10 years etc...but the overwhelming consensus among is that global warming is a huge danger, maybe not to us now, but it certainly will for all our grandchildren

this is a topic i am very passionate about, its something we need to sort out now, however, it's no where near the top of most governments agenda's at the moment due to the economical problems

i hope we sort it out before its too late, but I'm not holding my breath

Read this book and you might change your mind;
An appeal to reason, a cool look at global warming by Nigel Lawson.
Bluefinn said:
Damocles said:
Just been mulling this over in my head. I suppose in the long run, the whole panic about global warming may turn in to a good thing. An awful lot of advances in the way that we produce energy have occurred under the funding of global warming groups, and that can only be helpful.

I also watched a bitchin documentary about the possibility of mining Helium3 on the Moon for usage in nuclear fusion in the future. While not utterly realistic in terms of energy expense, just been able to properly harness the energy from the fusion would be a start. We can already produce fusion in labs, but the ratio of how much power we use compared to how much it gives off, is so little that it's not really worth it. There was a rush on cold fusion a few years back (which proved to be a myth) and this hyped interest in the subject.

I think the global warming debate is more an energy conservation debate now, than an actual scientific one. Nobody cares about the science any more.

Thanks for the Lawson recommendation, I'll try and pick it up.

I've been following fusion and it's closely related to my field. So I wanted to reply to this even though it's a bit offtopic.

We need two H-isotypes in fusion reaction, deuterium and tritium, and those will form Helium and release a neutron. So everything we need for fusion reaction is already here and readily available from water and lithium. Anyway, im not here to lecture as my own knowledge is limited.

If my memory serves me well there has already been a test reactor in England that almost produced more than it needed. The next big thing however is ITER, a big international test reactor to test fusion reaction. If all goes as planned this reactor will be viable as its size neutralizes many problems that we had in smaller reactor(s). All I know that there are still some problems with materials but if everything goes as planned we might see a commercial reactor within 30-40years, however this is highly questionable as are all estimates when it comes to time. All I really wanted to say is that fusion is not science fiction as many might think.

Also the number of windmills is increasing rapidly and although windpower will never replace all of our energy concerns it will help. At the moment new 10MW windmills are being designed using superconductive generators. 100 of these equals to 1GW of course, quite close to one nuclear plant (if you add 100 more ;) ). Not so bad.

You can find a lot of info about ITER from wiki and their website. Even the designs are available.

Bluefinn ii'm no expert but if i remember correctly, the Deuterium and lithium mix give of far less energy than the deuterium and helium 3 mix. That's why there's such an interest in going back to the moon as there's tonnes of the stuff up there compared to the couple of grams found on earth.
Just a quick question Gelse, if the govt./scientists etc can falsify this sort of evidence, then surely all sorts of bullshit can be manipulated, about anything?[/quote]

I fully concur with your statement.However, I do not agree with your unsubstantiated claims of aliens, moon landing scams, and reptilian overlords as there is no evidence to confirm these theories and lots that contradicts them.

This doesn't mean that temperatures were not rising. It does show that some people chose to show the data in a non scientific way to promote their own agenda. Science failed by not requiring a robust review.[/quote]

I do know what you are saying also, but surely it would be so much easier to lie about the ETs etc as we as people do not confront these things everyday, we see the weather everyday so it would be much harder to manipulate the truth, as we see for our own eyes,everyday. My point is i suppose that it would be easier to withold the truth for centuries regarding ETs,just dismiss us as wacko's,where as they can only manipulate and blagg and sell us the moneymaking earthsaving gadgets that they now market,for so called Global warming.

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