Global Warming

Let's face it, back in 1977 they told us toad pate would end global hunger. I don't believe anything that someone in a white coat tells me - especially if they are a dental nurse.
So put me down as a Don't know, Don't know.
I like Clarkson . He twatted Piers Morgan . . . Now, who on here would't like to do that?
Damocles said:
SWP's back said:
twinkletoes said:
In 2003, Baliunas co-authored a highly controversial paper with Willie Soon that reviewed previous scientific papers and came to the conclusion that the climate hasn't changed in the last 2000 years.

Thirteen of the authors Baliunas and Soon cited in the paper refuted her interpretation of their work, and several editors of Climate Research resigned in protest at a flawed peer review process that allowed the publication. According to the acknowledgments listed in the paper, it was partially funded by the American Petroleum Institute.
Damocles already stated on the thread that where the funding arises is not relevant as any possible bias from the scientists having accepted funding is unfalsifiable.

Damocles also said that the peer review process is designed to lessen bias in every experiment.

The only possible conclusion that global warming skeptics can come to, is that there's a vast conspiracy involving many of the governments of the world, almost ALL of the climate scientists, many of the data gatherers, many of the solar scientists, many of the geologists and this is carried out in secret as a way of earning tax revenues that they presumably couldn't get from from any other means (because taxes only exist because of environmentalism).

The above conclusion is not the thinking of a sane person.

Question for you Damo...the carbon cycle is natural, man has put this into imbalance by adding more carbon than can be naturally dealt with by the planet, that's a given. Now my question (and it might be a very stupid one) is: do rising sea levels increase the amount of carbon the planet can "absorb"? and if so do we know to what extent?
Climate change is a certainty and I have no idea whether it's natural or caused by us humans. But is there really anything we can do to prevent the sort of disaster that people like Bill McGuire predict?

Surely the wheels for such macro-level disruptions were set in motion a long, long time ago; can they really be reversed by us making fundamental changes to the way we live or should the human race just get on with enjoying itself to the max while it still can?

I've no agenda here, these are honest questions for anyone who might know more than me on this subject, which is absolutely nothing.
Global warming is a reality, some of it natural some of it man made. Trying to combat it is noble, and I guess we as individuals feel that we must. As far as the global commitment of nations to tackle it, well one recent news article reads Japan have re-introduced whale hunting. Need I say more? Yes I do the human race is comprised of selfish shithouses, and it gets what it deserves.
tiggsywiggsywoo said:
Global warming is a reality, some of it natural some of it man made. Trying to combat it is noble, and I guess we as individuals feel that we must. As far as the global commitment of nations to tackle it, well one recent news article reads Japan have re-introduced whale hunting. Need I say more? Yes I do the human race is comprised of selfish shithouses, and it gets what it deserves.
WTF, glad you got that off your chest!
Global warming/Climate change/End of the world as we know it or any other name they want to give it = Governments licking their lips at the opportunity to jump on a subjective scientific bandwagon and tax the fuck out of us.

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