Global Warming

Skashion said:
brand blue heavies said:
Now before i begin i need to point out to you a couple of words that you may have missed in my posts. One is Concept and the other Theory.

I would also like to bring up teleportation as this is another area where,like time travel its been believed that we will never be able to do a 'Star Trek' and teleport from one place to another...however this has been done. Ok not a real object or a person but particles have been teleported from one position to another.

The reason i use the above is because as in my first post i was talking about actual physical time travel back years in time and forward in time. I know dilation has become apparant in space but the 'concept' of actual time travel exists and has been discussed buy such eminent scientists as Stephen Hawking (worm hole theory) and Michio Kaku. Both possibly the greatest minds alive today.

I wont insult you by C+P all the sites and stuff but the original theory was that as all we see comes from light from the sun then if we could travel at this speed and over take it then in THEORY we could travel back in time by over taking the images. As i said originally its a theory,quite a fantastic one but arnt a lot of theories?

Hawkings opinion on it is that in order to achieve this we would have to harness the power of an exploding star and he is more inclined to believe time travel would be achieved more so through einsteins-rosen bridge theory.

Now as we have not to this day ever met anyone from the future it can be safe to assume that actual human time travel will not happen although the concept and theories keep coming.

Only just over 100 years ago the fastest man flew was 7 mph. Now 100 years later we can acheive speeds of over 17000 mph. Who knows what we might be able to achieve in the next thousand years....thats if were not all underwater by then.

The comedy continues. This post is supposed to demonstrate that I'm wrong because we have vague 'fantastic' theories than rely on the existence of something that we don't know exists and of which there is little evidence. Versus time dilation which is proven and observable and which we observe every single day.

The massive irony of your posts so far, which ignore than FTL is impossible, because we accelerate particles beyond 99.999999% of c now, is that if we were to do this with a human being, one year in that human being's life would be 7,071 years to a stationary observer. How's that not time travel? You have argued against time dilation as an argument for forwards time travel by deploying FTL as an argument. This is so fundamentally stupid it doesn't bear thinking about. Time dilation increases exponentially the closer you get to c.

For anyone who wants to check it out, the maths is:


* In this equation 1 is the speed of light and 0.99999999 (this is what we can currently achieve in particle accelerators) is the fraction of the speed of light.

Using this equation here's the numbers to save you the time:

10% 1.005
20% 1.021
30% 1.048
40% 1.091
50% 1.158
60% 1.250
70% 1.400
80% 1.667
90% 2.294
95% 3.202
97% 4.413
98% 5.025
99% 7.089
99.9% 22.366
99.99% 70.712
99.999% 223.607
99.9999% 707.107
99.99999% 2,236.068
99.999999% 7,071.068
99.9999999% 22,360.678
99.99999999% 70,710.754
99.999999999% 223,609.892
99.9999999999% 707,114.757
99.99999999995% 1,000,233.187

Once we start getting above 99% things get very interesting indeed. This is why an argument about flying faster than the speed of light cannot possibly be used as an argument against time dilation. Time dilation accelerates dramatically the closer to c you get.

Seriously Bluemooners, pay attention. This is exactly what knowing nothing looks like.

1. He thinks FTL for a massive object is possible. Both nature and man test this every day and we don't break it. It is literally as stupid as walking off the top of a skyscraper and expecting to float upwards. Nature and man test the speed of light every bit as often as gravity.

2. He dismissed time dilation as an argument and then is making a case for FTL but the extent of time dilation is dependent on the speed of light as demonstrated above.

He has defeated his own argument through sheer ignorance.


Even i didn`t know i was stating a case for FTL? I didn`t even realise i dismissed dilation as an argument??

It really sounds like your arguing with yourself? I really like the fact that you have copy and pasted all that info..impressive. I can also see you know alot more about this subject than i and that whatever i argue will not be correct.

But i leave you with this. I merely proposed that time travel by humans as in HG Wells mind has been discussed by various brilliant minds and of these theories the worm hole seems to be the most viable. I really dont see how that can be perceived as me dissing dilation as a rule or questioning mans efforts to achieve Warp speed?
I think your enjoying this so feel free to keep going. I think its probably only you and Damocles who would understand this anyway(no disrespect to my fellow bluemooners) so your constant plea`s to other bluemooners to listen up and pay attention are probably making you look a bit too cocky. Dont ruin it keep going and educate the masses.
brand blue heavies said:

Even i didn`t know i was stating a case for FTL? I didn`t even realise i dismissed dilation as an argument??

It really sounds like your arguing with yourself? I really like the fact that you have copy and pasted all that info..impressive. I can also see you know alot more about this subject than i and that whatever i argue will not be correct.

But i leave you with this. I merely proposed that time travel by humans as in HG Wells mind has been discussed by various brilliant minds and of these theories the worm hole seems to be the most viable. I really dont see how that can be perceived as me dissing dilation as a rule or questioning mans efforts to achieve Warp speed?
I think your enjoying this so feel free to keep going. I think its probably only you and Damocles who would understand this anyway(no disrespect to my fellow bluemooners) so your constant plea`s to other bluemooners to listen up and pay attention are probably making you look a bit too cocky. Dont ruin it keep going and educate the masses.

I must have imagined:

brand blue heavies said:
Dilation or whatever its called is of no use to everyday man. Were talking quantum leaps in time.

So, yes, you did dismiss time dilation, which is proven, in favour of FTL which is theoretically impossible. It's utterly bizarre. What you failed to understand is that whilst time dilation at low fractions of c speeds is very small ("quantum leaps in time"). at very high fractions of c time dilation becomes extremely significant. As you reckon FTL travel is possible, travelling at any fraction of c is also possible. So you've constructed a self-defeating argument. Or, to simplify it, you fucked up.
Skashion said:
brand blue heavies said:

Even i didn`t know i was stating a case for FTL? I didn`t even realise i dismissed dilation as an argument??

It really sounds like your arguing with yourself? I really like the fact that you have copy and pasted all that info..impressive. I can also see you know alot more about this subject than i and that whatever i argue will not be correct.

But i leave you with this. I merely proposed that time travel by humans as in HG Wells mind has been discussed by various brilliant minds and of these theories the worm hole seems to be the most viable. I really dont see how that can be perceived as me dissing dilation as a rule or questioning mans efforts to achieve Warp speed?
I think your enjoying this so feel free to keep going. I think its probably only you and Damocles who would understand this anyway(no disrespect to my fellow bluemooners) so your constant plea`s to other bluemooners to listen up and pay attention are probably making you look a bit too cocky. Dont ruin it keep going and educate the masses.

I must have imagined:

brand blue heavies said:
Dilation or whatever its called is of no use to everyday man. Were talking quantum leaps in time.

So, yes, you did dismiss time dilation, which is proven, in favour of FTL which is theoretically impossible. It's utterly bizarre. What you failed to understand is that whilst time dilation at low fractions of c speeds is very small ("quantum leaps in time"). at very high fractions of c time dilation becomes extremely significant. As you reckon FTL travel is possible, travelling at any fraction of c is also possible. So you've constructed a self-defeating argument. Or, to simplify it, you fucked up.


Ha ha you are slowly becoming one of my favourite posters!

Ok i`m a man who can admit his mistakes although i didn`t fook up i perhaps worded it completely wrongly. I meant to say that in the way HG Wells envisaged time travel your ,quite correct quote of dilation doesn`t quite sound as fantastic as actually travelling back(or forward) in time say a few hundred of years to affect the future/past. Am i making last?

Anyway thanks for the lesson.Thoroughly enjoyed and hopefully i can come up with some other bizarre scientific notion that you can pounce on and put me right. I`m off to brush up on my worm hole theory by watching Quantum leap and Time cop.
Skashion said:
For anyone who wants to check it out, the maths is:


* In this equation 1 is the speed of light and 0.99999999 (this is what we can currently achieve in particle accelerators) is the fraction of the speed of light.

Using this equation here's the numbers to save you the time:

Just to clarity he does 0.99999999^2/1^2 because of ( (0.99999999c)^2/c^2) ). The other '1s' are not the speed of light. :)

Got to love maths.
metalblue said:
brand blue heavies said:
It really sounds like your arguing with yourself?

Interesting use of a question mark...are you in fact Skashion from the future come back in time to try and teach the young Skashion that time travel is indeed possible?

Exactly the same thought struck me. Does Skashion have a twin? Scary.

The engineering challenge would be truly amazing except for sub-atomic particles.<br /><br />-- Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:58 pm --<br /><br />
BulgarianPride said:
Skashion said:
For anyone who wants to check it out, the maths is:


* In this equation 1 is the speed of light and 0.99999999 (this is what we can currently achieve in particle accelerators) is the fraction of the speed of light.

Using this equation here's the numbers to save you the time:

Just to clarity he does 0.99999999^2/1^2 because of ( (0.99999999c)^2/c^2) ). The other '1s' are not the speed of light. :)

Got to love maths.

Its great isn't it :)
Skashion said:
brand blue heavies said:

Even i didn`t know i was stating a case for FTL? I didn`t even realise i dismissed dilation as an argument??

It really sounds like your arguing with yourself? I really like the fact that you have copy and pasted all that info..impressive. I can also see you know alot more about this subject than i and that whatever i argue will not be correct.

But i leave you with this. I merely proposed that time travel by humans as in HG Wells mind has been discussed by various brilliant minds and of these theories the worm hole seems to be the most viable. I really dont see how that can be perceived as me dissing dilation as a rule or questioning mans efforts to achieve Warp speed?
I think your enjoying this so feel free to keep going. I think its probably only you and Damocles who would understand this anyway(no disrespect to my fellow bluemooners) so your constant plea`s to other bluemooners to listen up and pay attention are probably making you look a bit too cocky. Dont ruin it keep going and educate the masses.

I must have imagined:

brand blue heavies said:
Dilation or whatever its called is of no use to everyday man. Were talking quantum leaps in time.

So, yes, you did dismiss time dilation, which is proven, in favour of FTL which is theoretically impossible. It's utterly bizarre. What you failed to understand is that whilst time dilation at low fractions of c speeds is very small ("quantum leaps in time"). at very high fractions of c time dilation becomes extremely significant. As you reckon FTL travel is possible, travelling at any fraction of c is also possible. So you've constructed a self-defeating argument. Or, to simplify it, you fucked up.

Anything is possible if we can slow down the speed of light as this man will tell you ;-)

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 606&sr=8-1</a>
pauldominic said:
Skashion said:
brand blue heavies said:

Even i didn`t know i was stating a case for FTL? I didn`t even realise i dismissed dilation as an argument??

It really sounds like your arguing with yourself? I really like the fact that you have copy and pasted all that info..impressive. I can also see you know alot more about this subject than i and that whatever i argue will not be correct.

But i leave you with this. I merely proposed that time travel by humans as in HG Wells mind has been discussed by various brilliant minds and of these theories the worm hole seems to be the most viable. I really dont see how that can be perceived as me dissing dilation as a rule or questioning mans efforts to achieve Warp speed?
I think your enjoying this so feel free to keep going. I think its probably only you and Damocles who would understand this anyway(no disrespect to my fellow bluemooners) so your constant plea`s to other bluemooners to listen up and pay attention are probably making you look a bit too cocky. Dont ruin it keep going and educate the masses.

I must have imagined:

brand blue heavies said:
Dilation or whatever its called is of no use to everyday man. Were talking quantum leaps in time.

So, yes, you did dismiss time dilation, which is proven, in favour of FTL which is theoretically impossible. It's utterly bizarre. What you failed to understand is that whilst time dilation at low fractions of c speeds is very small ("quantum leaps in time"). at very high fractions of c time dilation becomes extremely significant. As you reckon FTL travel is possible, travelling at any fraction of c is also possible. So you've constructed a self-defeating argument. Or, to simplify it, you fucked up.

Anything is possible if we can slow down the speed of light as this man will tell you ;-)

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 606&sr=8-1</a>

What do you mean by slowing down the speed of light? The speed of light slows down depending on the material/medium. When light enters a medium its velocity is equal to c/n where n is the refraction index, and c is the speed of light in vacuum. Light in water (n=1.333) moves slower than in vacuum ( n = 1)

If we have medium with a refraction index less than 1 then we can move faster than the speed of light in that medium. Too bad that such a thing does not exists.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Skashion said:
Ancient Citizen said:
What is this thing called love?
What's love got to do with it?

-- Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:06 pm --

BB85 is giving BBH stiff competition in the who can talk more nonsense stakes.

Dont mind me i just completly mind fucked myself

Stephen Hawking in particular has addressed a connection between time and the Big Bang. In A Brief History of Time and elsewhere, Hawking says that even if time did not begin with the Big Bang and there were another time frame before the Big Bang, no information from events then would be accessible to us, and nothing that happened then would have any effect upon the present time-frame. Upon occasion, Hawking has stated that time actually began with the Big Bang, and that questions about what happened before the Big Bang are meaningless. This less-nuanced, but commonly repeated formulation has received criticisms from philosophers such as Aristotelian philosopher Mortimer J. Adler.

Scientists have come to some agreement on descriptions of events that happened 10−35 seconds after the Big Bang, but generally agree that descriptions about what happened before one Planck time (5 × 10−44 seconds) after the Big Bang are likely to remain pure speculation.

It really isn't that hard to grasp. How does anyone measure time when they have nothing to measure?

Thank God one of the Popes intervened and gave us the Gregorian Calendar.

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