Global Warming

Damocles said:
Somebody just said something to me about the thoughts of the "man in the street" regarding global warming and I'd like a quick survey.

Yes or no, as far as you are concerned is global warming happening and is it a man made problem?

Global Warming? Unlikely

Climate change? Probably but the Earth is in a constant state of flux anyway and there is no normal dependant upon the time span you're assessing, for a start the is permafrost/ice at both poles which has only been "normal" for the past 5-15 million years and they have only been in the present position for the last 10-12,000 years. We are curently in an intraglacial period which is likely to end and see another Ice Age proper within the next 20,000 years.

Antropological? Data set too small to tell but if it is then driving a Prius will do the sum total of fuck all when India, China and Africa are waking up to industrialisation.
hilts said:
dont believe the vast majority of scientists or the evidence they produce as some bluemoon posters think global warming or climate change which is more accurate cant be true because it not 80 degress outside

is climate change happening evidence says yes

is it man made evidence says yes

is our ever more need for energy preventable, probaly not

do enough people care no(the ecomomy is far more important to most)

Specifically what evidence says it's man made?
Not clever enough to answer the questions I'm afraid. So much information, counter-information and mis-information out there now that it is hard for a lummox like me to identify what's fact (top notch research showing the reality) and what's fiction (seemingly plausible facts and data paid for by interested parties of either side of the debate).
Challenger1978 said:
nickson71 said:
Challenger1978 said:
Fuck Co2 emissions we need to become energy independent as soon as possible. Oil is a finite resource and its running out and we need a replacement and soon. For me we want to go big on nuclear energy for production of electricity and hydrogen.

hydrogen is not on the agenda as such it all about renewables mainly wind at the moment

Nuclear power plants can produce large amounts of Hydrogen depending on the configuration. Eventually if we want to keep driving around in cars like we do now we're are going to have to start using Hydrogen fuel cell cars.

The electric car is the future but I don't think it will be battery powered it will more then likely be hydrogen powered. Simply because the recharge time on batteries takes so bloody long I honestly don't think they are viable.

Most nuclear plants don't want to produce hydrogen, explosive gases and nuclear are possibly a risk too far.

mind you with nuclear you could always generate electricity for a H2 plant significantly removed from the nuclear side of things
Gelsons Dad said:
hilts said:
dont believe the vast majority of scientists or the evidence they produce as some bluemoon posters think global warming or climate change which is more accurate cant be true because it not 80 degress outside

is climate change happening evidence says yes

is it man made evidence says yes

is our ever more need for energy preventable, probaly not

do enough people care no(the ecomomy is far more important to most)

Specifically what evidence says it's man made?

Before we start, can you explain the content of those graphs that you posted please, and how they fit into any narrative that you may have?
Prestwich_Blue said:
Gelsons Dad said:
So according to this "Global Warming" could actually be the earth coming out of a glacial phase?
That's always the compelling data for me and is what i was on about above.

The "yes" to man made camp state that we are speeding it up at a rate faster than ever seen before but ice core data only goes back so far (10million years I think I remember but I'm sure damo will be able to be more accurate and it's been a while since I studied it) and thus we are scrutinising a data set that is only a few hundred years in length with any accuracy against historical evidence going back several hundred million years showing that it is cyclical.
SWP's back said:
Damocles said:
Somebody just said something to me about the thoughts of the "man in the street" regarding global warming and I'd like a quick survey.

Yes or no, as far as you are concerned is global warming happening and is it a man made problem?

Global Warming? Unlikely

Climate change? Probably but the Earth is in a constant state of flux anyway and there is no normal dependant upon the time span you're assessing, for a start the is permafrost/ice at both poles which has only been "normal" for the past 5-15 million years and they have only been in the present position for the last 10-12,000 years. We are curently in an intraglacial period which is likely to end and see another Ice Age proper within the next 20,000 years.

Antropological? Data set too small to tell but if it is then driving a Prius will do the sum total of fuck all when India, China and Africa are waking up to industrialisation.

Spot on there is fuck all the UK can do but try and look after itself.
Gelsons Dad said:
hilts said:
dont believe the vast majority of scientists or the evidence they produce as some bluemoon posters think global warming or climate change which is more accurate cant be true because it not 80 degress outside

is climate change happening evidence says yes

is it man made evidence says yes

is our ever more need for energy preventable, probaly not

do enough people care no(the ecomomy is far more important to most)

Specifically what evidence says it's man made?

none its all been made up, the daily mail said so
the legendary man in the street has no access to data, just dodgy headlines in the agenda-riddled media. The not so common nerd in the street will seek out what ever suits his own agenda, and tell all and sundry, in a serious voice "the truth"
The global take-up of "green issues" including "carbon trading" "wind farms" and even plastic bag use has been hi-jacked by governments, corporations and ffs councils, each and all of them driven by " we can make a killing on this".
For those who say they dont care, take note of the above: every penny this giant scam raises is from the public, you me everyone, from dearer fuel to subsidies to land owners with wind farms, dearer council taxes, higher commodity prices, higher manufacturing costs
air travel. The bureaucracy alone is vast and expensive, ok thats normal for the private sector with a government contract in it's back pocket but still needs paying by the public
The elephant in the room, as always in these debates about the end of the world is unplanned pregnancies, poverty fuelled pregnancy that engenders large families, in short population growth at an unsustainable level
Is it true that the earth spins on it's axis slightly out of kilter and that's why in the middle of each decade, we have better summers? Or, once again, have I been badly mis-informed?

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