Glory hunters

I think throughout our history there have always been so called glory hunters only back then they were called fair weather or floating fans. These fans would stop going when the team was not doing so well and drift back when we picked up.As we all know we then went through a very lean time,thirty five years of one and we probably had a hard core of twenty eight thousand fans then at our lowest point,swelling to thirty five thousand when we went on a run that led to promotion in the play off's.

I don't think the basic make up of most of our fan's have changed.The difference is there is now the internet where people can sit in the comfort of their homes and have a rant.Years ago the same rants were still being had at games and in pubs.People get stick if they slag off a player or the team but at least on here it is being done away from the ground,back then the boo boys had a field day and the whole team would get publicly hammered on occasion,remember,''You're not fit to wear the shirt!'' and ''What the fuck is going on?''

Regarding people posting more when we lose or have played badly that is bound to happen as everyone wants to point out what went wrong and how to put it right,or do their version of ''What the fuck is going on?'' in print.If we win everyone is made up and some come on praising the performance and certain players but most are happy to wallow in the performance and say nothing,the performance saying it all in it's own right.
Just means a lot more when we lose nowadays as we have greater expectations.

No matter how cheesed I was yesterday it still didn't match the feeling of hopelessness I had when City went 2-0 to Gillingham.

That keeps me going but the laughs of that time and the dark sense of humour we had seems to be diluting each season.

I was at a funeral on Friday a lady was there 70 this year but is giving up here season tkt after 30 odd years due to cost.

I don't like that for me and my son to go now is nearly £75 just for the match tkts. I too will very soon only be an armchair fan a glory supporter.
I've always supported City but the past few seasons have been the most gripping of all. I love glory, but that isn't why most City fans started supporting them!
Ducado said:
You can tell the glory hunters

When we lose they are on here spamming the forum, lecturing everyone about what is wrong, how we need a new manager people know the script

But when we win, they don't bother coming on here because they are not City fans they just beleive that they are right and to be seen as wrong would destroy their ego, hence they don't bother when things don't go their way, there will be loads of them hoping we lose on Wednesday just so they can be proven right (some have even hinted about it)

It's painful on here after a defeat the amount of fixated posters we have is beyond belief and it puts off decent level headed fans off posting from fear of being shouted down by some swivel eyed key board warrior, the amount of shit that has been posted on here over the last day or so has been shameful!

I have been down with flu so have been spared this.

For myself life involved travel so being a 20yr card holder was not an option.
I go when I can and generally go to "shit" matches on my Tod. I never try for big matches as I think cherry pickings a bit shitty.

I do not judge other fans but find it shit Joe average from Moston can't go anymore.
That is the nature of the beast though, those who fuck off after losing a league/cup or specific player though piss me off.
Interesting stat I read on MCIVTA....not sure if it's true

Only 12,000 season ticket holders remain from the ones who moved from Maine Road

Is this true?

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