Glory hunters

Compulsive Rambler said:
Suppose we had nicer meals when we were just a local butchers.
Now city has turned into Asda, we expect everything on tap.

Deliveries are late and we start to moan about the store being out of stock of the finest champagne's, when previously we were just happy with water.

Fortnum and Mason, surely?
Not sure - just a realist who expects a team and manager with resources like ours to perform better than they are.
When we were bobbins I didn't expect anything but disappointment.
ancoats said:
am sorry to say or admit to it but I am a GLORY HUNTER never thought It would ever turn out like this but it got me after yesterday

now is there anyway of getting back to what Manchester city fans were salt of the earth laugh at how bad we played and just take it on the chin that being born a blue is what asked of me

so am going to put my name on the list of glory hunter

Yes, i reckon the day SeasonCard and individual match ticket prices are ever reasonable again i'd become far more patient and less demanding.

Right now i'm seeing mate after mate drop away from our support every year as the prices just keep rocketing and instead of it being a day out with the lads i actually go to the football for us to win trophies as the prime reason. For example, for the Newcastle game i was the only person who went from my lot. A few beers on my own pre and post match and i was home for MOTD - fucking boring! So it's damn straight i expect us to win as the football prices have a direct affect on the whole day out enjoyment for me.
I wouldn't say I was a glory hunter .
Not when I have supported City since 1981 .
But when i pay top dollar like yesterday and see us lose .
It really pisses me off .
meeesh said:
I see where your coming from,it's a difficult one really

Take yesterday for example,I watched the game at home with my step sons (one City and one Liverpool) as you could imagine I was fuming at FT,but thankfully I was booked on the stadium tour at 3pm with the City step son,and off we went,albeit a little subdued,and even though it was my second visit on the tour,a good afternoon was had,but I stood in the exhibition/museum thing they have,and cause I had only been a year ago I knew most of the things I was expected to see.

During the tour I got a text from a dipper who I ain't seen for ages (used to work with him),which simply said Scouse Power,to which I replied go and fuck yourself,then another came back which said all that money and no idea,again I simply replied Champions,but it did make me think for a short while.

I've been going to City since around 82 and have always been used to such shite,but this is a new era now and it pisses me off no end these days when we lose,where in the past it didn't affect me as much for some reason,maybe cause I had got used to it I suppose.

Don't get me wrong I never expect us to win every game,that simply wouldn't happen being City,but I did think to myself am I expecting too much these days ?....maybe I am

Remind your dipper mate of the money Liverpool have spent in the last 26 years and still no title

Last summer alone they spent a fortune, close to £100m

It hurts more losing now as it so rare compared to years ago
1972,Rodney Marsh transfer from my local team QPR for me.
I know exactly what you mean.The losses now really piss me off
and ruin my weekends,in a way that being managed by Alan Ball
never did.I vividly remember the Psycho tenure when we'd have
one shot on goal in ninety minutes,if we were lucky,and still lose.
That hurt less than the bollocks I had to endure in my local
surrounded by Red wankers and their history.
Used to go to Fulham,Hammers away etc until we became category A
after Sven,priced out by our success.Oh the irony.
BigOscar said:
Not remotely interested in glory, I'm more up for watching great football each week than a trophy at the end. Obviously I want the trophies, but not if it means sitting through Pearce-esque football all year. Entertainment is my number 1 priority, far ahead of trophies.

This - couldn't give a toss if we never win another trophy, as long as I can walk away from the Etihad with a smile on my face
mayo31 said:
meeesh said:
I see where your coming from,it's a difficult one really

Take yesterday for example,I watched the game at home with my step sons (one City and one Liverpool) as you could imagine I was fuming at FT,but thankfully I was booked on the stadium tour at 3pm with the City step son,and off we went,albeit a little subdued,and even though it was my second visit on the tour,a good afternoon was had,but I stood in the exhibition/museum thing they have,and cause I had only been a year ago I knew most of the things I was expected to see.

During the tour I got a text from a dipper who I ain't seen for ages (used to work with him),which simply said Scouse Power,to which I replied go and fuck yourself,then another came back which said all that money and no idea,again I simply replied Champions,but it did make me think for a short while.

I've been going to City since around 82 and have always been used to such shite,but this is a new era now and it pisses me off no end these days when we lose,where in the past it didn't affect me as much for some reason,maybe cause I had got used to it I suppose.

Don't get me wrong I never expect us to win every game,that simply wouldn't happen being City,but I did think to myself am I expecting too much these days ?....maybe I am

Remind your dipper mate of the money Liverpool have spent in the last 26 years and still no title

Last summer alone they spent a fortune, close to £100m

It hurts more losing now as it so rare compared to years ago

I know mate,he just caught me on the hop thats all,am pretty sure we will have the last laugh over them every season for a long time anyway

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