GMP Declare War on Cyclists

I actually don't have a problem with cyclists, until they start behaving like twats and running red lights, driving on the pavement etc. There are some thick fuckers who work at my lads place who cycle home at 11pm down unlit country roads with no lights on. They're so fucking brain dead, they actually cover their high vis vests up with coats. It would take less than a minute to take it off and put it on over the top of their coat. I'm surprised one of them hasn't been killed by now.
All caused by shit town planning. Should just put the Dutch in charge of everything and the country might work.
You're fucking right I ride on the pavement. Especially at Roundabouts/busy junctions etc because a lot of vehicle users are fucking brain dead wankers too. Yellow line parking,open doors without even looking,speeding and applying makeup singalong to radio with eyes anywhere but on the road shaft lickers.

I value what's left of my shite life so I'm not going to let some twat bump me into to the path of a lorry, fuck that.

So I'm going on the pavement where I don't feel the road is safe. At a snails pace mind, and I won't be wearing lycra.. until summer xxx
Phil Meup said:
... all good well thought out arguments.
Cyclists have as much right to a safe use of the road as anyone else!!
Hear Hear, car commies, and we dont all wear head to toe Lycra!
de niro said:
TINY said:
Some people on cycles and motorbikes are fucking stupid and shouldn't be on the road. Their actions put many, themselves included, in danger. Most do not know how to ride on the road.

Hopefully in this instance everyone involved is unharmed z

they don't ride on the road though do they, half the cunts ride on the pavement. shitbags.
Numpty old drivers who passed their driving tests "back in the day" make it impossible to cycle on some roads.

The amount of times I've been cut up in stupid situations by some daft old ****, who would never try such a manoeuvre if it was an oncoming car/lorry, it's ridiculous.
I cycle to work most days and drive when I can't and at weekends. I see the worst of both drivers and cyclist unfortunately - both are as bad as each other. Cyclists seem to get the worst stick imo. I've seen cyclists take suicidle risks that have made me wince and drivers that have no regard for what's around them and think they own the road.

There's nobheads on both sides of the argument. People just need to realise everyone has a right to use the road and respect everyone's space.

Im glad gmp are doing something about it as I hate cyclists who jump red lights etc. However, with more cyclists on the road than ever, drivers also need educating. I've had so many close shaves on my bike its frightening and 99% of the time its down to piss poor drivers who are in a rush to get to work or get home. Touch wood, I've only been knocked off once in 15 years which wasn't my fault.
Bluemoon115 said:
de niro said:
TINY said:
Some people on cycles and motorbikes are fucking stupid and shouldn't be on the road. Their actions put many, themselves included, in danger. Most do not know how to ride on the road.

Hopefully in this instance everyone involved is unharmed z

they don't ride on the road though do they, half the ***** ride on the pavement. shitbags.
Numpty old drivers who passed their driving tests "back in the day" make it impossible to cycle on some roads.

The amount of times I've been cut up in stupid situations by some daft old ****, who would never try such a manoeuvre if it was an oncoming car/lorry, it's ridiculous.

oh I see, you should have said. so lets mow down a pedestrian because car drivers scare you.

Given the huge amounts of death, injury and destruction caused by motorists and the tiny amount caused by cyclists any policeman spending any of his shift specifically looking for badly behaved cyclists should be dismissed as incompetent and for wasting public money.

There aren't many mums sat at home dreading Christmas because their son or daughter has been killed by a cyclist this year.

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