GMP F*** Up Again

BTH said:
cyberblue said:
Instead of slagging of points of blue why not go & raise the issue yourself

I have been Don, years ago when it started. It was a paper tiger then and it still is. That's why I bailed out early doors. Some people just go along to these things because they like to feel 'involved' and because they like drinking tea. Nothing much of use comes out of them though.

My point remains though: why don't they ask the big questions instead of dribbling on about minutiae?
My point remains instead of slagging them of go yourself or at least ask them to raise your concern
The soft kids who feel tough at the back of a crew, are of the same chip on shoulder mindset of a lot of the coppers.
All mard arse bitter bastards who need others around them to act this way, I have no prob if they were all left to it with many bad injuries on both sides, they deserve each other.
The fact is, the coppers DO get off on picking on easy targets, when faced with real threats they shit themselves.. FACT.
Montgomery Burns said:
mcfcliam said:
More drivel.

Just go...

Well I've been here a darn sight longer than you, you Johnny Come Lately so why should I!

Anyway, is it drivel to object to seeing vile youtube vids of police being attacked that you posted?

Is it drivel to object to the violence you quite clearly support?

Quite honestly thank God for the police I say because it keeps the likes of me safe from the likes of you. I had hoped the price increases of the past decade or so would have filtered you out of the ground and kept your violence in the pub, but sadly not. To think I could be sat near you.

In your next response rather than just the usual few words or single abusive sentence try and see if you can put a few of these things we call sentences together to explain, in a non-violent and non-abusive way why you feel as you do towards the police. If you can, that is.

Please include all relevant information to enable the reader to get an idea as to whether your point of view is valid, including details of all convictions and sentences received where appropriate.

tbf, monty thats quite an inaccurate claim you make there fella...most of the hooligan elemants are well paid career people.
shadygiz said:
Montgomery Burns said:
Well I've been here a darn sight longer than you, you Johnny Come Lately so why should I!

Anyway, is it drivel to object to seeing vile youtube vids of police being attacked that you posted?

Is it drivel to object to the violence you quite clearly support?

Quite honestly thank God for the police I say because it keeps the likes of me safe from the likes of you. I had hoped the price increases of the past decade or so would have filtered you out of the ground and kept your violence in the pub, but sadly not. To think I could be sat near you.

In your next response rather than just the usual few words or single abusive sentence try and see if you can put a few of these things we call sentences together to explain, in a non-violent and non-abusive way why you feel as you do towards the police. If you can, that is.

Please include all relevant information to enable the reader to get an idea as to whether your point of view is valid, including details of all convictions and sentences received where appropriate.

tbf, monty thats quite an inaccurate claim you make there fella...most of the hooligan elemants are well paid career people.

Has anyone done a study of football hooligans and their income levels? It'd be interesting to see. Not that I agree with this numpty anyway. He'd have the vast majority of decent fans on working class wages priced out of football just so he can get rid of hooligans. Which, even if it is true that hooligans have disproportionately low incomes with respect to the average City fan, seems to be overkill. I've read Guvnors and I know Mickey Francis was on a decent wage when he got nicked but he didn't really talk about the wages the other lads were on.
Skashion said:
shadygiz said:
tbf, monty thats quite an inaccurate claim you make there fella...most of the hooligan elemants are well paid career people.

Has anyone done a study of football hooligans and their income levels? It'd be interesting to see. Not that I agree with this numpty anyway. He'd have the vast majority of decent fans on working class wages priced out of football just so he can get rid of hooligans. Which, even if it is true that hooligans have disproportionately low incomes with respect to the average City fan, seems to be overkill. I've read Guvnors and I know Mickey Francis was on a decent wage when he got nicked but he didn't really talk about the wages the other lads were on.

You would be surprised at the occupations of persons that used to be involved. Accountants, solicitors and yes, even cops. I personally knew a dentist as well who was involved. Which was quite convenient for some actually. Like all things in life it's a cross section of society which is why it makes me smile when i hear some of the descriptions of persons involved as if they were all knuckle dragging neanderthals. But then again stereotyping is also a human trait.
1_barry_conlon said:
Skashion said:
Has anyone done a study of football hooligans and their income levels? It'd be interesting to see. Not that I agree with this numpty anyway. He'd have the vast majority of decent fans on working class wages priced out of football just so he can get rid of hooligans. Which, even if it is true that hooligans have disproportionately low incomes with respect to the average City fan, seems to be overkill. I've read Guvnors and I know Mickey Francis was on a decent wage when he got nicked but he didn't really talk about the wages the other lads were on.

You would be surprised at the occupations of persons that used to be involved. Accountants, solicitors and yes, even cops. I personally knew a dentist as well who was involved. Which was quite convenient for some actually. Like all things in life it's a cross section of society which is why it makes me smile when i hear some of the descriptions of persons involved as if they were all knuckle dragging neanderthals. But then again stereotyping is also a human trait.

I'm not surprised at all. I don't have any preconceptions. It's just that I'm not a hooligan and I'm young (22) so I wasn't around in the days when going on an away was like going to war even if you weren't properly involved in football violence. All I know is what I've read from various sources and from my Dad, who again, wasn't a hooligan, but went on a lot of aways so knows what it was like and says everyone knew who the top boys were etc. Thanks for chipping in your two cents.
Skashion said:
shadygiz said:
tbf, monty thats quite an inaccurate claim you make there fella...most of the hooligan elemants are well paid career people.

Has anyone done a study of football hooligans and their income levels? It'd be interesting to see. Not that I agree with this numpty anyway. He'd have the vast majority of decent fans on working class wages priced out of football just so he can get rid of hooligans. Which, even if it is true that hooligans have disproportionately low incomes with respect to the average City fan, seems to be overkill. I've read Guvnors and I know Mickey Francis was on a decent wage when he got nicked but he didn't really talk about the wages the other lads were on.

It is true to say that when hooliganism was at its peak a fair amount of people who were involved came from what would be regarded as skilled professions. From what I've seen over the last few years though the vast majority of them just seem to be your archetypal scrote :-)
Skashion said:
mcfcliam said:
I never said I condone football violence, I just don't give a shit if some gobshite United fans get done over.

I didn't post any videos at all.

If you think I'm a 'football hooligan' then you clearly mistaken.

You have the wrong end of the stick.

He appears to have gotten you confused with scottyboi.

that'll be the medication kicking in ;p
Yesterday was an absolute joke!!

Im a 22 year old girl. We ended up being pushed against the big fences, couldnt get past to get to mary ds. Ended up climbing over the gate just before the police and horses charged at everyone, pushing them back further!

Police dont give a shit and will smack anyone/everyone!!
mcfcliam said:
Montgomery Burns said:
I'm with you on this. If there were no police there, some people would have ended up either being killed or seriously injured. Probably not the hard men who just talk a good fight, as it's easy to be a warrior behing your mum's keyboard, but innocent passers by.

But expect some abuse, as there's lots of teenage adrenaline on here tonight. I put it down to the lack of a father's influence at home.

Oh dear, what a twat...


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