Goal attempts

this passing game will drive any oponent nuts,for the oposing team it requires 100% concentration look at juve tonight they had 4 sometimes 5 men around our last attacker one slip and bang just like AJ tonight,nothing wrong in how we are playing but maybe we need a torres type player
chris63 said:
How come the rags, chelsea, arsenal,and the spuds all seem to have 20+ shots
most games, but we battle to get into double figures. Thought we did ok
2nite, but attempts at goal are very low. Honestly thought we would win 3 or 4 nil. Had 2 strikers 2nite still didnt improve our shot ratio. Cant win every game 1-0. Not whinging, its just anoying becouse i no where better then that.

I agree with you. I have been saying this since Sunderland and it's still the case unfortunately.

I'm not knocking City or RM too much mind you, because there is a lot to like about our play. But let's be perfectly honest here. RM sets up his team tactically and player selections to grind them out 1 - 0. Home or away, opponent doesn't matter.

However, in RM's defense, looking at the players that are playing top football for City it's possibly the right way to go. It's our DM's, full backs and keeper that stand out each game, so how do you go away from our strengths?

This kind of football can be very successful. It can also cause you to drop points. We've experienced both thus far. We'll see how it plays out, but any way you want to break it down, real attempts at goal are scarce and goals even more so.

RM is walking a fine line, I just hope Tevez or one of our attacking wide players has a goal in them in match or we're fooked.
I really think we miss Bellers pace.

*as he turns over the City calender to October*
Gelsons Dad said:
Anyone thinking we would beat Juve 3 or 4 nil needs medication.

they have have let in more goals then anyone else in their league.
they rested players for their big game against Inter on the weekend.
thought we would have won quite easily.
Juve arnt the side they used to be.
Jesus some of you cunts deserve a slot on motd, im not even going to bother to waste my time, as it seems the same people posting after we dont win 3-0, al we need is dids dave to make it a full house. arrogant fucks, juventus are a great side.

-- Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:44 am --

chris63 said:
Gelsons Dad said:
Anyone thinking we would beat Juve 3 or 4 nil needs medication.

they have have let in more goals then anyone else in their league.
they rested players for their big game against Inter on the weekend.
thought we would have won quite easily.
Juve arnt the side they used to be.

them lot over the road have conceded a few, tell me the players they rested that would make a diff, dont say Amauri becasue he was decent on fifa 09.

not many sides are the side they "used to be", being an older poster i thought you should know this, leeds, forest, sheff wed arent the same sides, nor are we, but players like Krasic dont turn up at their gaff unless they are decent.<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:47 am --<br /><br />
citymad said:
I really think we miss Bellers pace.

*as he turns over the City calender to October*

How long do you think bellers knees will hold up for? do you not think there was a reason why he chose to play championship football?

i suppose he's fit at the mo :/
Sky Blue said:
simon23 said:
cause we play possession footbal in front of the defending team without ever really finding a killer pass

our build up play is too slow and has been for most of the season

Yawn....and how was our goal scored again ?

we played a killer pass...but how many saves did their keeper have to make....very few.

we need to try to play balls like the way we scored more often in a game. Im not criticising the performance, we played ok and Juve defended with 10 men but that will happen and when it does we need to add a bit more creativity to our game
Ticket For Schalke said:
Jesus some of you cunts deserve a slot on motd, im not even going to bother to waste my time, as it seems the same people posting after we dont win 3-0, al we need is dids dave to make it a full house. arrogant fucks, juventus are a great side.

DD said:
chris63 said:
How come the rags, chelsea, arsenal,and the spuds all seem to have 20+ shots
most games, but we battle to get into double figures. Thought we did ok
2nite, but attempts at goal are very low. Honestly thought we would win 3 or 4 nil. Had 2 strikers 2nite still didnt improve our shot ratio. Cant win every game 1-0. Not whinging, its just anoying becouse i no where better then that.

Fuck me. We have a brain on Bluemoon. Unbelievable scenes!:)

Unfortunately mate, the vast majority on here are too thick or blinded to notice that this is a major problem of ours.

As I have said elsewhere, other teams play with a degree of tempo that forces a weight of pressure that in turn fashions chances without the need for a superlative pass. We don't do this and seem detemined to either walk it in or create our one real chance per half with a world class thread through. Just batter the opposition into submission and the chances will come but somehow this is beneath us.

If you adopt a ponderous, possession-based passing game you give the opposition all the time in the world to adjust and maintain a decent shape to their defence. Speed it up and they have to react much more quickly, and consequently you have the potential for a mistake. We didn't exert enough pace into the game last night that extracted not one single mistake from a Juve defender. We are caught in front of goal, on the edge of the penalty area with nowhere to go.
simon23 said:
chris63 said:
How come the rags, chelsea, arsenal,and the spuds all seem to have 20+ shots
most games, but we battle to get into double figures. Thought we did ok
2nite, but attempts at goal are very low. Honestly thought we would win 3 or 4 nil. Had 2 strikers 2nite still didnt improve our shot ratio. Cant win every game 1-0. Not whinging, its just anoying becouse i no where better then that.

cause we play possession footbal in front of the defending team without ever really finding a killer pass

our build up play is too slow and has been for most of the season

I've just mentioned this in another thread (again i'm not complaining!), that we lack tempo to our play. So our possession is easy to defend against as the opposition can reset even if we pull them apart for a second because it's all slow-slow-slow-fairly quick-slow-slow-back to square one; intead of slow-mid-quick-quick-goal<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:15 am --<br /><br />
Ticket For Schalke said:
Jesus some of you ***** deserve a slot on motd, im not even going to bother to waste my time, as it seems the same people posting after we dont win 3-0, al we need is dids dave to make it a full house. arrogant fucks, juventus are a great side.

Why is it when we have a thread that constructively breaks down tactics and where we can improve, we get people overreacting and callinig us c'unts?!

Nobody on this thread yet has slagged anyone of the players or manager off and said "this is not good enough; sell Adebayor or Mancini out!" have they? NO! We're just talking about where we can improve!

What do you think we're perfect and couldn't be doing any better, or not even bother trying to improve on that perfection even if it was perfect? It's not arrogant, that's a silly comment! I'm not even saying that we should have beaten Juve 3-0, i'm happy with last night's result. But honestly, we DO need to up our tempo on a more regular basis to become a more damaging side!
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
DD said:
Fuck me. We have a brain on Bluemoon. Unbelievable scenes!:)

Unfortunately mate, the vast majority on here are too thick or blinded to notice that this is a major problem of ours.

As I have said elsewhere, other teams play with a degree of tempo that forces a weight of pressure that in turn fashions chances without the need for a superlative pass. We don't do this and seem detemined to either walk it in or create our one real chance per half with a world class thread through. Just batter the opposition into submission and the chances will come but somehow this is beneath us.

If you adopt a ponderous, possession-based passing game you give the opposition all the time in the world to adjust and maintain a decent shape to their defence. Speed it up and they have to react much more quickly, and consequently you have the potential for a mistake. We didn't exert enough pace into the game last night that extracted not one single mistake from a Juve defender. We are caught in front of goal, on the edge of the penalty area with nowhere to go.


It happens in every single game.

The really frustrating thing for me is that when we do this for ten or fifteen minutes, we really frighten the opposition and it pays dividends.

If this manager had us playing with a bit more pace in the game, we could well be championship contenders. Playing this football, we simply won't score enough to be anywhere near.

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