God bless USA

  • Thread starter dronefromsector7g
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I'm not sure how you can blame Obama for US foreign policy. It has been a mess and he has tried his best to end their involvement in overseas wars whilst not simply withdrawing troops and ending up back at square 1 (whatever that was). The trouble with continent sized countries like America is a lack of education. Many wouldn't be able to point to Iraq or Afghanistan on a map. Many Brits would be the same. But it is America. In their constitution is the idea of fighting for what's theirs and having the right to defend their interests. It is very imperial and a very British trait. It stems from our original Bill of Rights, it is just we have subsequently learnt that allowing people to own a gun ends in people getting shot over silly quarrels. We have amended ours to be a little more liberal and a little less naive.

When the attacks on Sept 11th occurred the Republicans reacted like a drunk guy in a bar, they picked up their guns and they went and had a brawl. And Tony cunting Blair went and joined them to pick up a few brownie points. I find that almost worse. We have the education and the experience in this country to know that it was all a bunch of nonsense. Thankfully Obama is one for education. He has the military might for his words to carry weight whilst we have reverted to a Neville Chamberlainesque approach of finger wagging and tut tutting whilst those on the receiving end have a little chuckly and know there is not much we can do should they disobey us.
remember arthur mann said:
Challenger1978 said:
Skashion said:
Overall, I think he's been a shit president but in terms of foreign policy he's an improvement on any Republican.

For years now i've been calling him a Yank version of Tony Blaire. Not in the starting war sense but in the sense he will say anything that makes him popular while doing whatever the hell he pleases.

The only reason the Americans go to the aid of anyone, is when there's something in it for them!

Which is the same for any other country to be fair.
Ducado said:
chabal said:
Ducado said:
That's the way it goes and it's been the same for hundreds of years

So has female genital mutilation in many countries - that does not make it right, defensible or sustainable.

I don't have an answer

No, you most certainly don't.
But what you do have instead is the unfailing ability to hijack virtually any geopolitical thread into your own predictable and sorry anti-USSR hatefest.
Any other poster, (who didn't happen to be a moderator), would be swiftly reprimanded and told to get back on topic, yet you seem immune to such concerns, in your tiresome one-man crusade to prove that those nasty commies are really the bad guys, rather than good old Unkkkle Sam and his wonderful Global Policeman Whether You Like It Or Not act.
The United States have invaded more sovereign territories than any other nation since World War two.
They have destabilised regimes across South America and the middle east for political and financial gain, in the guise of democracy and freedom.
They aren't the most hated country in the world for no good reason.
aguero93:20 said:
i kne albert davy said:
mcmanus said:
Name me one other nation since the second world war who has murdered more foreign folk or propped up more regimes in other countries than the United States Of America.
USSR perhaps
Not even close, the USSR stayed fairly local, the USA have fucked with every south american and north african country at this stage and plenty of asian and middle eastern ones as well. As for killing foreigners, they killed more in vietnam alone. USSR were cunts to their own civilians more than anything else.
Considering the USSR was by far the largest country in the world, "keeping it local" covered quite a large proportion of the world. Even so, I wouldn't call Cuba, Angola, Mozambique and North Vietnam particularly local.
Why is it that everybody who constantly defends Israel and their actions to the point of myopia also defends the US and their actions to the point of myopia?

What a strange coincidence.
I never said they didn't go abroad at all mate, neither did they get involved in 40+ military campaigns against 30+ sovereign nations in every part of the world. The question wasn't "who killed the most at home?" Was it? I
Damocles said:
Why is it that everybody who constantly defends Israel and their actions to the point of myopia also defends the US and their actions to the point of myopia?

What a strange coincidence.
I don't know, it's as strange as being made out to be a USSR apologist despite calling them murdering scum several times just because you've got a problem with the USA's foreign policy.
Skashion said:
Challenger1978 said:
SWP's back said:
Hmm, how many lives has Clarkson ruined?

How many innocent people has he overseen killed?

Good point
Overall, I think he's been a shit president but in terms of foreign policy he's an improvement on any Republican.
He's had more US citizens locked up for whistle blowing than all the rebulicans put together.
Bigga said:
SWP's back said:
Bigga said:

Fan of Obama vs fan of Clarkson.

One an attempted war closer and known terrorist ender, the other a money making racist pr*ck.

*taps chin*

Choices, choices...
Hmm, how many lives has Clarkson ruined?

How many innocent people has he overseen killed?

Are you seriously offering this for comparison?

If I remember this correctly, I don't think Obama has actually invaded any country to start a war. As for as I know, he's been trying to bring the troops home. As for 'innocents', sure such things happen and are unfortunate, but they call it 'casualties of war' for a reason.

It has already been stated on here how terrorists hid amongst civilians in the bid for more mayhem. Who do you blame? You blame Obama, of course. Silly me!

As for 'ruining lives', I'm pretty sure thousands of viewers and Clarkson's wife have plenty to say on that one...
If Clarkson can ruin your life as a viewer of Top Gear, then you must be a colossal ****.

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