
BulgarianPride said:
the--dud said:
What was before the big bang?
I don't think humans will ever truly find the answer - but I must say theories like multiverse and quantum physics looks quite promising.
In particular cyclical "collisions" between universes acting as a big bang (and big crunch) trigger sounds pretty amazing...

If you want to turn your brain into goo have a read of this:

All those theories are great and all, but none of them attempt to answer what was it before. What formed the original universe?

-- Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:16 pm --

MCFC BOB said:
Yeah, science is just more believable.

I don't want to go into a debate about it, that's just how I feel. ^^

Science is not a believe. Science tries to explain the world around us. For this we use maths.It is experimental and theoretical.
You can view/think of science as the attempt to understand how god created the universe.

-- Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:18 pm --

ElanJo said:
If you're admiting that your belief is illogical then there's not much else to say. I'd be acting illogical in attempting to change your mind :)

I used to believe in a god (not a god from any religion). It wasn't out of fear tho. It was due to a simple question:
"Why is there reality?"
I used to try and picture "nothing" and, of course, you picture blackness. Outer space but with no stars or planets etc.
I stopped believing because it just doesn't follow.

I don't know how the universe came to be (or even if it did come to be). Not having an answer doesn't make illogical answers any less illogical tho.

Outer space is not nothing. You are imagining an empty Outer space, not nothing. In the absolutely nothing, space itself does not exist. No Space, not even time. Just absolutely nothing. Imagine that...

If it didn't come to be, how are we all in it?

I know that, I'm just saying that it's difficult/impossible to picture nothing.

If the universe is eternal then it didn't come to be. In otherwords it didn't begin to exist
Apologies for mixing 'of' with 'and', but the point remains.

Most theory is not independently verified by hundreds and thousands of scientists working independently doing double blind trials.

That's an extreme position at best.

As an example from medical science, many drugs have a theoretical basis of action which is not scientifically established.
The standard of verification for effectiveness seldom, if ever, approaches the levels you cite and meta analysis often reveals an inconclusive picture. Nevertheless, the theories remain clinically useful and direct much of the funded research.
mammutly said:
Apologies for mixing 'of' with 'and', but the point remains.

Most theory is not independently verified by hundreds and thousands of scientists working independently doing double blind trials.

That's an extreme position at best.

As an example from medical science, many drugs have a theoretical basis of action which is not scientifically established.
The standard of verification for effectiveness seldom, if ever, approaches the levels you cite and meta analysis often reveals an inconclusive picture. Nevertheless, the theories remain clinically useful and direct much of the funded research.

back to the main point though thousands upon thousands of people have tried to prove the existance of a god without 1 iota of success.

if you know of one we are all ears
mammutly said:
Apologies for mixing 'of' with 'and', but the point remains.

Most theory is not independently verified by hundreds and thousands of scientists working independently doing double blind trials.

That's an extreme position at best.

As an example from medical science, many drugs have a theoretical basis of action which is not scientifically established.
The standard of verification for effectiveness seldom, if ever, approaches the levels you cite and meta analysis often reveals an inconclusive picture. Nevertheless, the theories remain clinically useful and direct much of the funded research.

I think now you've explained the point, that you were correct with the initial comment and I got it wrong. What I should have said, is that most theory in physics is independently verified by hundreds or sometimes thousands of scientists. This ranges from testing relativity and currently the Horava effect, to kids doing the "slit in a box" test.
GStar said:
I'm going to be annoying and ask if anyone in these nearly 30 pages has given a plausable explanation for beleiving in God?

I've had this debate with some very religious people and all it ends up boiling down to is; "Faith. Blind Faith".

course there is isn't
but it is interesting listening/reading reason's on why they think there is

that is the last bastion of the desperate the old faith card
I'm well aware of the situation mate... i just want someone with a different approach as to why they believe.

There's as much evidence, that i know of, that God exists, as there is of Scientology-esque alien invasions.

I've never found, nor had explained to me, any logical or plausible explanation to a belief in "God".

I just like to here something that makes 'sense'.
No-ones even defined "God" mate so I wouldn't hold up much hope on that front.

Actually, Mammutley did sort of define what he means by "God" but his definition is basically Pantheism/Panentheism, not what most people mean when they say "God" .

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