
ElanJo said:
mammutly said:
Part of the problem here is that people are demanding a definition of God in scientifically verifiable terms. It is similar to demanding to know the spiritual meaning of evolution.

Is the language of faith wrong simply because you don't believe in it? Bit of a paradox there, surely.

If we don't have a definition of the subject word then we don't know what it is we're addressing.

Whatever the language of faith is we still need to know what it is that people are having faith in exactly.

Every word must have a definition or else we may aswell be typing "ogkfodkgfodk" over and over.

Taking refuge in linguistics are we now EJ?

The vehemance of your objections to anything God related are starting to seem a bit obsessive.

It is generally accepted that the deinition of concepts is open to interpretation and the search for linguistic precision is a tautological cul de sac.

'we' do not need to know 'what people are having faith in exactly'. That's you imposing your paradigm on other people's reality.
GStar said:
ogkfodALLkgfodk ogkfodHAILkgfodk ogkfodOGKFODKGFODKkgfodk


-- Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:28 pm --

mammutly said:
ElanJo said:
If we don't have a definition of the subject word then we don't know what it is we're addressing.

Whatever the language of faith is we still need to know what it is that people are having faith in exactly.

Every word must have a definition or else we may aswell be typing "ogkfodkgfodk" over and over.

Taking refuge in linguistics are we now EJ?

The vehemance of your objections to anything God related are starting to seem a bit obsessive.

It is generally accepted that the deinition of concepts is open to interpretation and the search for linguistic precision is a tautological cul de sac.

'we' do not need to know 'what people are having faith in exactly'. That's you imposing your paradigm on other people's reality.

I'm not taking refuge in anything. I simply want to know what it is people are referring to when they say the three letter word "God".

I am not imposing my paradigm on other people's reality. We, you, I and everyone in the thread, simply cannot debate, argue or discuss a word that is not defined. I acknowledge that people define it differently but that is exactly why asking for the word to be defined is important.

Obsessive huh? Well if that's the case then your attempts to keep the word away from any kind of scrutiny is equally obsessive, if not moreso.
tonea2003 said:
markbmcfc said:
It's a question of who's word can any person truly trust? At the end of the day, my family is my family. If my mother tells me she has been read something from a complete stranger and she is completely shocked by how true it is, so shocked I can physically see it in her face, am I really going to dispute that? My mothers word is worth a damn site more than some religious book thats been rewritten for years on end. My mum, my sister and other close family members have been to see the same person and been told different things, they trust what they are hearing and I have seen how true it is to them, which is good enough for me. Any dude in the street, on an online forum, the bible itself couldnt change that.

You may not believe in spiritual readings. I cant tell you they are real, and you cant tell me they are not. I cant tell you God does not exist, you cant tell me he does. The same analogy can be used to describe anything in Religion. Hence the words faith, and belief.

absolutely you take you mums word, that don't make it right though, however honest and truthful she is, and i'm sure she is.

are you and your family going to some other "reputable" sources to corroborate what you have already been told or is the one good enough?

again i struggle to understand why without proof people have blind faith.
you wouldn't do in anything else you encounter. why this?

WARNING – extremely long post – you don’t have to read if you don’t want ;-)

As the Sister mentioned above, i have to add my penny's worth...

Firstly, even though I’m catholic i think the bible is a load of bollocks. (I’m going to hell now aren't i lol)... In catholic schools you are brainwashed with stories about Moses and Noah’s ark and all sorts of shit that doesn’t make any sense. I think the bible/religion in its early days was used by people in power to control the masses. It wasn’t even translated from Latin for years. Religion says Science is young and can’t answer our questions. But Religion is old fashioned, doesn’t move with the times and can’t answer our questions either. Science cannot yet prove what caused the big bang, but it can answer more questions than religion can. A lot of good has been done for the needy/helpless by religious groups. However offset that against the number of wars started in the name of religion and I think its actually doing more harm than good.

I lost my 'faith' with the Catholic Church when i was old enough to understand my dad’s childhood. As catholic’s, his folks didn’t believe in contraception so dad is one of 11. They didn’t have a lot of money so it was 3 to a bed, hand me down clothes, shoes too small, then once you turned 18 or got a job - you were out the door. Excuse me, but what kind of morale lesson is this encouraging... that it’s better to give 11 children a shit start in life rather than use condoms? That kind of narrow minded thought process is why religion is ridiculed by non-followers.

Other religions are no better - what kind of "God" would appreciate mercy killings, suicide bombings and need women to wear burkas so that only their eyes are showing? I'm sorry but no God worth my support would ever represent such nonsense.

Despite this, it seems humanity needs to believe in something. Whether it's science, religion or believing in non-believing - we all believe in something. The fact that different types of religions have survived for so long shows there is something in us that needs reassurance about the meaning of life. I personally find the "we're born, we live, we die" idea empty and sad. I like to believe there is reason behind our existence and that one day we'll find out what it’s all about. I don’t know why i feel this way, i just do.

Science fascinates me. The discoveries we are making today are amazing, but what really blows my mind is the profound discoveries we made 20/30 years ago when we didn’t have the technology of today. I'm excited about what Science is going to learn in the next 20/30 years... more excited than whether someone can prove if there is a God that’s for sure.

Since my granddad died, I've been to 2 different Mediums for personal readings and my experience with both has made me believe there is "something". Until you experience one you cannot imagine what they are like. The messages i received were too accurate and specific for it to be a lie. I was 18 for my first reading and i was as skeptical as i expect people reading this to be. I assumed she would ask questions and interpret my answers to tell me things she thought I wanted to hear. I was wrong. I was told I would go to Uni, even though I’d not even taken my A’ Level exams, but she could have guessed my age and gone out on a limb with that one. What clinched it for me was when she talked about my health problem. I had fainting spells during my teens which doctors couldn’t understand. I’d spent 8 years being tested for everything, had every type of brain/heart scan know to man but no answers. In 5 mins this Medium not only described what one felt like, she also told me how to make them stop. 3 years later I finally decided to believe in her and took her advice, they stopped instantly and I haven’t had one since (touch wood). My second reading 5 years ago was very similar, messages that only I would understand, the description of my granddad was so spot on that you had to believe it was him she was seeing. Since then I’ve been a believer in a spiritual afterlife.

Maybe religion is right and God is real and when we die we go to heaven. Maybe science is right and everything in the universe is made of energy which changes, transforms, and when we die its just a matter of our energy changing from a physical mass to another form of energy in a ‘spiritual/the soul lives on’ kind of way.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Earth is an experiment by aliens from another universe or we’re all living in a Matrix world and God is actually a really bored programmer (no offence to bored programmers lol). I’m open minded enough to consider any hypothesis and I will not disrespect other people by ridiculing/questioning their belief.

What intrigues me about threads like this is why the Atheists are so hung up about proof there is a God. You can say 'it'll rain tomorrow', 'this horse will win today', 'city will win the league this year' and people go 'ok'. Say 'there is a god' and people need proof. Suddenly accepting something without evidence is illogical - yet we all believe city are gonna win the league and have done for many years...

Why do non-believers need concrete proof why someone believes in something for them to respect that person’s belief?

I believe in Mr. Right, although my track record ‘proves’ that men are lazy, selfish assholes. Despite this ‘proof’ the thought of spending my whole life on my own sounds empty and sad so instead I choose to believe I will eventually meet someone. Hopefully a city fan so he understands my obsession with this forum lol. Although this belief is irrational it gives me hope. Like buying a lottery ticket and hoping your numbers come up. Hope lifts people; it helps them get through the day.

Whether you are into religion or science, ‘believing’ gives people hope. Maybe this is the key to the survival of the human race, by believing in wacky religions for thousands of years we’ve found a way to preserve our species lol.

Until science or religion can disprove the “something” I believe in, I’m gonna hold on to my faith. Whether logical, rational or not - I chose to believe.

Apologies for the long post, I’ve been reading this thread for days and i had to get all this off my chest lol

ElanJo said:
GStar said:
ogkfodALLkgfodk ogkfodHAILkgfodk ogkfodOGKFODKGFODKkgfodk


-- Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:28 pm --

mammutly said:
Taking refuge in linguistics are we now EJ?

The vehemance of your objections to anything God related are starting to seem a bit obsessive.

It is generally accepted that the deinition of concepts is open to interpretation and the search for linguistic precision is a tautological cul de sac.

'we' do not need to know 'what people are having faith in exactly'. That's you imposing your paradigm on other people's reality.

I'm not taking refuge in anything. I simply want to know what it is people are referring to when they say the three letter word "God".

I am not imposing my paradigm on other people's reality. We, you, I and everyone in the thread, simply cannot debate, argue or discuss a word that is not defined. I acknowledge that people define it differently but that is exactly why asking for the word to be defined is important.

Obsessive huh? Well if that's the case then your attempts to keep the word away from any kind of scrutiny is equally obsessive, if not moreso.

define faith

define belief

define courage

define conviction

define love

Once you've precisely defined all of those terms, we might be able to have a meaningful converstaion in your preferred language. No wait! We'd have to define 'meaningful' too.

Of course we might lose the essence ( another word in need of definition) of what we are meant (also needs defining) to be talking about in the process, but that hardly matters ( another one) in your particular scheme (what's that word mean exactly?) of things (requires clarification)

And whilst we're at it ( whatever 'it' is), what is definition?
aphex said:
Damocles said:
Apologies if I offend any one here, but this is how I seem to view it all:

If you're a slave to logic, you're an atheist.
If you're a slave to science, you're agnostic.
If you're a slave to emotion, you're a theist.

The very fact that your character is underpinned by one of these traits doesn't give you an ability to properly empathise with the other side.

we are all slaves to emotion

perhaps apart from captain spock

Bryan Ferry was a slave to love.
my philosophy (well not really, i nicked it!)

Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.
— Marcus Aurelius

In the end it doesn't really matter. Just get on with your life because it might be the only one you ever have!
mammutly said:
ElanJo said:

-- Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:28 pm --

I'm not taking refuge in anything. I simply want to know what it is people are referring to when they say the three letter word "God".

I am not imposing my paradigm on other people's reality. We, you, I and everyone in the thread, simply cannot debate, argue or discuss a word that is not defined. I acknowledge that people define it differently but that is exactly why asking for the word to be defined is important.

Obsessive huh? Well if that's the case then your attempts to keep the word away from any kind of scrutiny is equally obsessive, if not moreso.

define faith

define belief

define courage

define conviction

define love

Once you've precisely defined all of those terms, we might be able to have a meaningful converstaion in your preferred language. No wait! We'd have to define 'meaningful' too.

Of course we might lose the essence ( another word in need of definition) of what we are meant (also needs defining) to be talking about in the process, but that hardly matters ( another one) in your particular scheme (what's that word mean exactly?) of things (requires clarification)

And whilst we're at it ( whatever 'it' is), what is definition?

professor_frink said:
my philosophy (well not really, i nicked it!)

Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.
— Marcus Aurelius

In the end it doesn't really matter. Just get on with your life because it might be the only one you ever have!

Thank you for that - if only everyone could live their life with that as a template.
My theory. (Bare with me here)

Heaven exists, but not as we imagine it. it is a massive 24 hour party where anything goes and "God" is the host. Obviously as the host He wants this to be a good party so He only "invites" the funnest (if thats a word) people.

Life is basically a test so that God can decide whether or not you are a fun enough person to let in. He surely wouldn't want boring people to occupy his party and ruin everyones fun, nor would He want people who are scared to try new things. So He will only invite you if you are fun and outgoing enough.

(sorry if this causes anyone any offence there is no ill feeling intended).

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