Goldenballs Beckham

Apart from being a Rag icon, his biggest problem is he's a Twat. No no no no no!!!!!!! and no aswell!!!
Beckham can fuck off and rot with LA Galaxy for all I care, the dirty fucking hypocritical cuntstain.
As much as i would hate to see this faggot at our club, i can see the owners looking at this in a different light. You have a world wide football name, an ambasador to the olypic games and to our chances of getting the world cup in 2018, and the kudos to their world wide business empire to have such a face in their company would be massive. He maybe a cnut but in the world of commerce he is a money making machine. I personnelly think he is a twat of the highest order, but look at it from our owners point of view, becham, stood next to the current england captain JT in a world cup year and the picture beamed all over the world with ADUG property developments name at their feet. remember these are serious businessmen and are very very astute in the world markets. just a thought any way.

still think he is a cnut tho lol
If he signed for us, I would really struggle to watch games. I fucking hate the guy. He wont come here anyway. Hughes has already stated he has to much baggage thank god and he sticks his nose in and belittles us everytime we make a signing.
He'll offer us virtually nothing on the playing side and he's hardly a Hughes - type player, so if he does turn up (God forbid) it'll say a fair bit about transfer policy.

Frankly I think it's BS.
joedr116 said:
Which paper mentioned tottenham and city, by reading this crap and paying for their publications we are making the matters worse. How about getting a thread about not buying certain newspapers. You know the ones where there is not one ounce of truth. At least some do try and be factual this is just golden bollocks.

It was The Sun.
It's too sickening to contemplate. The further away from our club the better for this over-rated piece of dog shite!
tonytheblueboy said:
As much as i would hate to see this faggot at our club, i can see the owners looking at this in a different light. You have a world wide football name, an ambasador to the olypic games and to our chances of getting the world cup in 2018, and the kudos to their world wide business empire to have such a face in their company would be massive. He maybe a cnut but in the world of commerce he is a money making machine. I personnelly think he is a twat of the highest order, but look at it from our owners point of view, becham, stood next to the current england captain JT in a world cup year and the picture beamed all over the world with ADUG property developments name at their feet. remember these are serious businessmen and are very very astute in the world markets. just a thought any way.

still think he is a cnut tho lol

Although this makes sense and he would sell City shirts in Asia, I have every confidence the over riding factor of beckham being a total t##t will prevent us from doing anything this stupid.
Im going to go against everything people have said. How is David Beckham a twat? He seems a sound guy every time i see an interview with him. His choice to go to america? is that what pisses you off? Or is it just because he is an ex red? Is it his wealth that annoys you? not his fault is it?

As for having him at city yeah course i would, but he himself would never join us, given his comments in the press recently. And if thats why people hate him get real, not everyone has to love city.

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