Gonna be a dad.

TheMidnightBlue said:
nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
Your best achievement in life is bringing children into the world. Good luck mate.

You've lived a shit life if your greatest achievement is getting somebody pregnant. Personally I tend not to be paticularly proud of anything a dog is able to achieve but each to their own I guess.

midnightblue I got a feeling you live a really shitty existence. Not angry with you I just feel really sad for you and your parents. Do you think you were born a complete dick or was it your upbringing. Sort of nurture vs nature.

Anyhow Paphos all the best pal.
My first son was due on the 18th Dec and came on the 22nd. He came home for Christmas Day. Happy Days!
Best Wishes to you and your family.
Get all the sleep you can, the first few months can be tiring.

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