Goodbye Martin.

langy[wales] said:
C_T_I_D said:
Apolagies for criticising him Bluemoon Opinion Police. Like, Immaculate Pasta, I now see that opinions are no longer allowed on players and that you cannot criticise them when you feel they deserve it. I shall now immediately change my view to him being as good as Messi and Christiano Ronaldo to gain your approval. Better?
wow how times have changed i had a right slagging off from you for saying the same thing about petrov 15 games or so into his first season you layed into me big time.pot kettle black

It's probably because at the time Langy, he was one of our best players in his first season. Him and Elano ran the show on their own more or less. But hey, we all get it wrong at some time don't we? I have to hold my hands up about this guy. He's a lazy, half hearted, tackle dodger.

I just hope that Adam Johnson is as good as I've been told he is.
Petrov can turn a match around, in our favour, in seconds.

He might be a sulky git but I would rather watch one explosive burst from him than someone who is consistently mediocre every game.
mackenzie said:
Petrov can turn a match around, in our favour, in seconds.

He might be a sulky git but I would rather watch one explosive burst from him than someone who is consistently mediocre every game.

I'd rather start Bellamy and him do them a lot more than once.

Don't get me wrong, for the price we've paid for him he's been exceptional given the impact he made previously. I just don't see him as our future and I don't see him as a player good enough for where we want to be.
At least with Petrov there can be an end product.



Stop slagging off players, it's sad and unwarranted.

Petrov's goals this season have helped us immeasurably, he deserves our praise.

Who will be next to be compared to Craig 'Colin Bell, Bobby Moore and Pele all in one' Bellamy and come up short?

When will Bellamy be made into a God and worshipped by all?
I knew once Robinho had gone our resident football experts would move to the next target. I should have guessed it would be Petrov. Total coincidence that Robinho and Petrov are seen as competition to God's gift to football Craig Bellamy? I think not.
C_T_I_D said:
langy[wales] said:
wow how times have changed i had a right slagging off from you for saying the same thing about petrov 15 games or so into his first season you layed into me big time.pot kettle black

It's probably because at the time Langy, he was one of our best players in his first season. Him and Elano ran the show on their own more or less. But hey, we all get it wrong at some time don't we? I have to hold my hands up about this guy. He's a lazy, half hearted, tackle dodger.

I just hope that Adam Johnson is as good as I've been told he is.
no probs mate i agree with you flashes of brilliance but only rarely
C_T_I_D said:
If there is anyone with any doubt that Martin Petrov will leave at the end of the season then I would love your reasons why you believe that.

The main reason I feel he will leave is his moody, sulky nature and his disinterested play at times. He was absolutely dreadful against Portsmouth and put in no effort whatsoever.

If Mancini really wanted to keep a player whose deal expires in the summer transfer window then he would have started negotiations a while back now. I may be wrong and this may be going on behind the scenes but for me the signing of Adam (almost typed Michael there!) Johnson was the writing on the wall in my books and the preperation for his departure long-term.

Is there anyone with an opposing feeling to this? It has a bit of a feeling of inevitability about it.

Attention whore.

I've lost all respect for you. This is pathetic. And that's not a word I ever use lightly.
C_T_I_D said:
mackenzie said:
Petrov can turn a match around, in our favour, in seconds.

He might be a sulky git but I would rather watch one explosive burst from him than someone who is consistently mediocre every game.

I'd rather start Bellamy and him do them a lot more than once.

Don't get me wrong, for the price we've paid for him he's been exceptional given the impact he made previously. I just don't see him as our future and I don't see him as a player good enough for where we want to be.

I see him as an excellent back up. To have his quality on the bench is brilliant, and for him to start certain matches even better.

Whether he would be happy with that is a different argument.

I would be more than happy to see him stay though and play a part.
mammutly said:
C_T_I_D said:
If there is anyone with any doubt that Martin Petrov will leave at the end of the season then I would love your reasons why you believe that.

The main reason I feel he will leave is his moody, sulky nature and his disinterested play at times. He was absolutely dreadful against Portsmouth and put in no effort whatsoever.

If Mancini really wanted to keep a player whose deal expires in the summer transfer window then he would have started negotiations a while back now. I may be wrong and this may be going on behind the scenes but for me the signing of Adam (almost typed Michael there!) Johnson was the writing on the wall in my books and the preperation for his departure long-term.

Is there anyone with an opposing feeling to this? It has a bit of a feeling of inevitability about it.

Attention whore.

I've lost all respect for you. This is pathetic. And that's not a word I ever use lightly.

Rather than slag me off, why not try debating my points and telling me why you obviously disagree?
What i'm getting from this topic is that I'm seeing the game differently, or that my player values are completely converse to some.

Petrov WAS a good buy for what he cost, and that's all very well and good but you don't play someone because when you bought them they were a bargain, just like you don't play someone you spent a lot on, so that it's not a waste.

Our team has grown and improved. The main area of improvement, on the whole, is, and i doubt anyone would disagree, defensively. And here we've outgrown Petrov.

When we got him and Sven's squad was still raw and i feel faily loose, he fit right in and was a good player for us. But we've now got a team where every player can put in a challenge. The defense obviously, de jong, kompany, barry, ireland, swp, tevez, bellamy, ade.

When I see these players putting in challenges it not only leads to good things - it shows desire. Petrov (and we all obviously know it) backs out of pretty much every challenge. That isn't desputable. To me it's integral that a player can win the ball, and as far as i can see Petrov's now the only player who doesnt have the ability. It also shows a lack of desire, and a lack of comittment. Yes he's had an injury and what not, but he's being paid thousands of pounds in order to play for the team and give his all. He doesn't earn his money.

I'll agree his output CAN be phenomenal, but the best players in the world don't just create an output now and then, they do it consistently and can also help out defensively.

I honestly believe that if the ball was about to go in our net and petrov could get his body in the way and save a goal, he'd just watch it go in whilst pretending to try and stick a leg out.

It's just not good enough.

I'd like to highlight how deluded people can be about his attacking abilities. Watch him closely next time, god forbid, he plays. What's his main skill? Running at defenders? Actually no - he doesn't.

The first time i've seen him run at a defender in a long time, was at scunthrope for his goal, and the defender was NOT a great defender - like he'd be coming up against in the premierleague and champs league.

He only goes forward when there's space to run into without being closed down. If anyone comes close he'll stop and turn it infield or backward. Vary rarely will he bomb on down the line unless he's already gotten past the defender thanks to a good through ball or flat footedness.

I just can't see what the appeal is - he's not as good as people reckon. As soon as defenders realise that closing him down quickly takes him out of the game, he'll be totally useless.

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