Graham Souness

u sir have our total respect.

As for Mark Hughes, who I staunchly defended in the are on the list.You saw an opportunity to get one back on Mancini and jumped at it.You should steer clear of Manchester.
..lot of respect for Souness tonight....said exactly what I was thinking....<br /><br />-- Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:15 pm --<br /><br />..lot of respect for Souness tonight....said exactly what I was thinking....
I have never been a fan of Graham Souness. But I have never agreed more with a football pundit placed in the difficult position of having to react on camera to such an extraordinary event.

For those who did not watch Souness:

“He (Tevez) is one bad apple. He can undo all the good work that has been done (at City). He’s a disgrace to football. He epitomises what most people think is wrong with modern football."

“It is totally unacceptable. He’s a football player and he is paid to play. He is refusing to help his team-mates. It’s all about him, him, him.”

“He (Mancini) walked into a hornet’s nest with him (Tevez) and several other players who were at the club at the time,” continued Souness.

“That would cause you to walk away from the job. How can you deal with players acting like that?”

The reluctance of Mark Hughes to criticize Tevez unambiguously was frankly deplorable. Sadly it was all too predictable.
souness is by far the best of the pundits,and doesnt pander to an agenda,he calls it as he sees it unlike certain other pundits,his take on tevez was spot on,but really in the cold light of day there will be no one defending tevez after this imo from inside football (bar kia)he has made himself an outcast,by refusing to play and should be shunned by the football world in general...
Hi guys, just dropped in from Rangersmedia when I saw you were talking about Souness. He as always told like it is, was a big loss to us at Rangers, although Wattie brought us plenty success.

One bad piece of work tevez is, hughes and york appear a right pair of shithawks, frightened to criticise tevez, sack the leary fekker for breach of contract. A total disgrace, and patronising fukwit to the ordinary fan.
agree- top marks to souness - you could see it n hear it from his heart what he thought of tevez n his attitude n current footballers in general without being patronising. he said it as A FAN ! "THE MAN IN THE STREET " well done souness -- you certainly ruffled a few feathers when u were playing n by god you have put ur opinion on the line _ well done !! so many other sit on the fence pundits take note ! including mard arse scummer hughes !
I think Souness was angrier than most City fans! I've never seen a pundit go for the throat like that he was absolutely furious. Was about to rip Hughes head off for even hinting there is another side to the story and Yorke seemed to know what was good for him and left well alone.

Honorable mention for Ian Dowie too. Massive support for Mancini and a point blank shotgun round to the head for Tevez.

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