
SWP's back said:
none of that changes anything I said.
I welcome the debate...I truly do...its been one that should have been opened long ago. I just have a horrible feeling that if people didnt have such an unrealistic level of expectancy that demanding what was promised to them, ppl in the west wouldnt have so many problems. i saw a kid on the news tonight...she said something like if its there someones gonna take it...thats a mindset thats been instilled over a long period of time....possibly generations.Sad.
Skashion said:
SWP's back, what do you think the prospects are for a double-dip recessions are? Will it happen or not?
Difficult to answer with any great deal of accuracy if im honest as it's a complex issue. What I will say is that the technicalities of a recession matters more to the media than the average bloke on the street (0.3% growth vs 0.1% decline is unlikely to affect the vast majority of us).

The problem we have nowadays is that the media can have a huge affect on consumer confidence and people on the same or more money now than they were on 18 months ago aren't spending as much due to a state of fear. 24 hour news demands bad news to keep viewer attention.

fwiw the consensus is that companies are hugely undervalued with great room for growth over the medium to long term. Expect volatility in the next 6 months but everyone is cautiously optimistic. We are better placed than we were 3 years ago. America is not fucked by a long chalk and will never default, be glad we aren't in the Eurozone.

Any recession won't be as painful as they were in the 80's and 90's, hell, the last one lasted less than 6 months. Good companies will survive. Recessions act as Darwinian evolution in economic terms. Where one company fails, another, more able to adapt to consumer wants/wishes/concerns will take it's place.

The misinformation that abounds is frustrating to say the least.
SWP's back said:
Skashion said:
SWP's back, what do you think the prospects are for a double-dip recessions are? Will it happen or not?
Difficult to answer with any great deal of accuracy if im honest as it's a complex issue. What I will say is that the technicalities of a recession matters more to the media than the average bloke on the street (0.3% growth vs 0.1% decline is unlikely to affect the vast majority of us).

The problem we have nowadays is that the media can have a huge affect on consumer confidence and people on the same or more money now than they were on 18 months ago aren't spending as much due to a state of fear. 24 hour news demands bad news to keep viewer attention.

fwiw the consensus is that companies are hugely undervalued with great room for growth over the medium to long term. Expect volatility in the next 6 months but everyone is cautiously optimistic. We are better placed than we were 3 years ago. America is not fucked by a long chalk and will never default, be glad we aren't in the Eurozone.

Any recession won't be as painful as they were in the 80's and 90's, hell, the last one lasted less than 6 months. Good companies will survive. Recessions act as Darwinian evolution in economic terms. Where one company fails, another, more able to adapt to consumer wants/wishes/concerns will take it's place.

The misinformation that abounds is frustrating to say the least.

This, as usual SWP, is a good point. Technical recession is seen as the end of the world yet avoiding it is equally seen as a panacea for all of the economy's wider ills.

We've got to get the debt down and if we technically drop into a recession as oppose to not to the tune of a 0.2% differential does it, in reality, make any difference?
SWP's back said:
Difficult to answer with any great deal of accuracy if im honest as it's a complex issue. What I will say is that the technicalities of a recession matters more to the media than the average bloke on the street (0.3% growth vs 0.1% decline is unlikely to affect the vast majority of us).

The problem we have nowadays is that the media can have a huge affect on consumer confidence and people on the same or more money now than they were on 18 months ago aren't spending as much due to a state of fear. 24 hour news demands bad news to keep viewer attention.

fwiw the consensus is that companies are hugely undervalued with great room for growth over the medium to long term. Expect volatility in the next 6 months but everyone is cautiously optimistic. We are better placed than we were 3 years ago. America is not fucked by a long chalk and will never default, be glad we aren't in the Eurozone.

Any recession won't be as painful as they were in the 80's and 90's, hell, the last one lasted less than 6 months. Good companies will survive. Recessions act as Darwinian evolution in economic terms. Where one company fails, another, more able to adapt to consumer wants/wishes/concerns will take it's place.

The misinformation that abounds is frustrating to say the least.
Thanks for that.
GDM, thanks and your right, it won't make a difference other than the media will make people panic, not spend and thus prolong said recession.

Skashion, you're welcome fella.
SWP's back said:
Skashion said:
SWP's back, what do you think the prospects are for a double-dip recessions are? Will it happen or not?
Difficult to answer with any great deal of accuracy if im honest as it's a complex issue. What I will say is that the technicalities of a recession matters more to the media than the average bloke on the street (0.3% growth vs 0.1% decline is unlikely to affect the vast majority of us).

The problem we have nowadays is that the media can have a huge affect on consumer confidence and people on the same or more money now than they were on 18 months ago aren't spending as much due to a state of fear. 24 hour news demands bad news to keep viewer attention.

fwiw the consensus is that companies are hugely undervalued with great room for growth over the medium to long term. Expect volatility in the next 6 months but everyone is cautiously optimistic. We are better placed than we were 3 years ago. America is not fucked by a long chalk and will never default, be glad we aren't in the Eurozone.

Any recession won't be as painful as they were in the 80's and 90's, hell, the last one lasted less than 6 months. Good companies will survive. Recessions act as Darwinian evolution in economic terms. Where one company fails, another, more able to adapt to consumer wants/wishes/concerns will take it's place.

The misinformation that abounds is frustrating to say the least.
Thanks for the snapshot...appreciated.....BUT....long term cant you agree that a change in attitude is whats needed? consumers are eating themselves and industry are encouraging them while government are cheerleading....its fucking vile mate
bluetoo said:
SWP's back said:
Skashion said:
SWP's back, what do you think the prospects are for a double-dip recessions are? Will it happen or not?
Difficult to answer with any great deal of accuracy if im honest as it's a complex issue. What I will say is that the technicalities of a recession matters more to the media than the average bloke on the street (0.3% growth vs 0.1% decline is unlikely to affect the vast majority of us).

The problem we have nowadays is that the media can have a huge affect on consumer confidence and people on the same or more money now than they were on 18 months ago aren't spending as much due to a state of fear. 24 hour news demands bad news to keep viewer attention.

fwiw the consensus is that companies are hugely undervalued with great room for growth over the medium to long term. Expect volatility in the next 6 months but everyone is cautiously optimistic. We are better placed than we were 3 years ago. America is not fucked by a long chalk and will never default, be glad we aren't in the Eurozone.

Any recession won't be as painful as they were in the 80's and 90's, hell, the last one lasted less than 6 months. Good companies will survive. Recessions act as Darwinian evolution in economic terms. Where one company fails, another, more able to adapt to consumer wants/wishes/concerns will take it's place.

The misinformation that abounds is frustrating to say the least.
Thanks for the snapshot...appreciated.....BUT....long term cant you agree that a change in attitude is whats needed? consumers are eating themselves and industry are encouraging them while government are cheerleading....its fucking vile mate
Yes and it's happening but it's like society is coming off crack and cold turkey won't do.

Credit is now harder to come by and cuts are being made. But the politicians (with whom I have little time for) are damned if they do or don't. There is always one side saying things are being done too fast/slow.

Industry will always encourage spending, that is only natural. It's a fine balancing act and looks at present to be being handled quite well, if we had growth at 3% then nothing would be changed. If we can manage 1.4% growth for the next 3 years we should be fucking ecstatic to be honest. Don't believe every word the media feed you, half of them are no where near qualified enough to comment on the Economy.

It's like Dave Hack from the Sun second guessing fergie.
SWP's back said:
If you would a very good 7 page Market commentary on the current situation, pm me your email address and I shall send you the one my company produced on Monday that looks into the sort of things you are talking about.
Is that an open offer? If so, would it be ok to pm you my email for a look at that. Completely understand if it's not.
strongbowholic said:
SWP's back said:
If you would a very good 7 page Market commentary on the current situation, pm me your email address and I shall send you the one my company produced on Monday that looks into the sort of things you are talking about.
Is that an open offer? If so, would it be ok to pm you my email for a look at that. Completely understand if it's not.
Yeah absolutely mate. Pm me and I'll send it to you tomorrow. If there's anything needs clarifying let me know. It's basically a nice "don't panic" message and whilst it's designed for my clients, the information is pretty generic and I send one out each Monday to my clients. Some like it as it helps condense a weeks worth of news into two relevant pages.

This one is longer as it deals with special circumstances,
SWP's back said:
bluetoo said:
SWP's back said:
Difficult to answer with any great deal of accuracy if im honest as it's a complex issue. What I will say is that the technicalities of a recession matters more to the media than the average bloke on the street (0.3% growth vs 0.1% decline is unlikely to affect the vast majority of us).

The problem we have nowadays is that the media can have a huge affect on consumer confidence and people on the same or more money now than they were on 18 months ago aren't spending as much due to a state of fear. 24 hour news demands bad news to keep viewer attention.

fwiw the consensus is that companies are hugely undervalued with great room for growth over the medium to long term. Expect volatility in the next 6 months but everyone is cautiously optimistic. We are better placed than we were 3 years ago. America is not fucked by a long chalk and will never default, be glad we aren't in the Eurozone.

Any recession won't be as painful as they were in the 80's and 90's, hell, the last one lasted less than 6 months. Good companies will survive. Recessions act as Darwinian evolution in economic terms. Where one company fails, another, more able to adapt to consumer wants/wishes/concerns will take it's place.

The misinformation that abounds is frustrating to say the least.
Thanks for the snapshot...appreciated.....BUT....long term cant you agree that a change in attitude is whats needed? consumers are eating themselves and industry are encouraging them while government are cheerleading....its fucking vile mate
Yes and it's happening but it's like society is coming off crack and cold turkey won't do.

Credit is now harder to come by and cuts are being made. But the politicians (with whom I have little time for) are damned if they do or don't. There is always one side saying things are being done too fast/slow.

Industry will always encourage spending, that is only natural. It's a fine balancing act and looks at present to be being handled quite well, if we had growth at 3% then nothing would be changed. If we can manage 1.4% growth for the next 3 years we should be fucking ecstatic to be honest. Don't believe every word the media feed you, half of them are no where near qualified enough to comment on the Economy.

It's like Dave Hack from the Sun second guessing fergie.
if i believed the media gorgiou samaras would be the top scorer in the prem this year and mario would be in jail....back to my original point...if we werent so greedy we wouldnt expect so much without any not being flippant...i truly do believe this

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