
SWP's back said:
strongbowholic said:
SWP's back said:
If you would a very good 7 page Market commentary on the current situation, pm me your email address and I shall send you the one my company produced on Monday that looks into the sort of things you are talking about.
Is that an open offer? If so, would it be ok to pm you my email for a look at that. Completely understand if it's not.
Yeah absolutely mate. Pm me and I'll send it to you tomorrow. If there's anything needs clarifying let me know. It's basically a nice "don't panic" message and whilst it's designed for my clients, the information is pretty generic and I send one out each Monday to my clients. Some like it as it helps condense a weeks worth of news into two relevant pages.

This one is longer as it deals with special circumstances,
Nice one, thank you. PM on it's way :-)
It's only human nature to want to improve our position mate. You may well be right but I think 200,000 years of evolution has it hardwired into us. To be honest, I think we do quite well at keeping things on a level basis seeing as we have come so far, so fast.
SWP's back said:
It's only human nature to want to improve our position mate. You may well be right but I think 200,000 years of evolution has it hardwired into us. To be honest, I think we do quite well at keeping things on a level basis seeing as we have come so far, so fast.
i agree but maybe in an advanced ideology we could take into consideration the smarter way to go...all you ppl are smarter than that..... no?...

blah...i got drunk....the irony isnt lost on me

very depressing thread in many ways.Apparently,unfettered capitalism/criminal behaviour by the global finance industry is not to blame,it's people like me buying a chicken instead of a handful of rice.The semantics of whether or not we are in recession is of interest only to those who are engaged in the forecasting sector,us plebs can only go off mundane things like the cost of living out-stripping wages by an ever-widening margin,an increasing scarcity of jobs,the closure of factories and offices,the level of board-room pay rocketing,the dominance of the south east at the expense of the rest of the country.Could the more learned posters on this thread answer a simple question,what percentage of the population have earnings above 'the average wage' and how that compares with the rest of Europe.The often cited average wage is meaningless,Zimbabwe has probably got a reasonable average wage,the trouble is only one man earns above it,and the rest get nothing.The coallition master plan to get people off benefits by paying a 'bounty' of £500 for everyone deemed fit for work will have an interesting effect on the 'jobless' total, 10 million wont look too good,especially as more and more will be added as university take up shrinks due to the eye-watering increase in fees. But at least we are not in a recession.
bellbuzzer said:
very depressing thread in many ways.Apparently,unfettered capitalism/criminal behaviour by the global finance industry is not to blame,it's people like me buying a chicken instead of a handful of rice.The semantics of whether or not we are in recession is of interest only to those who are engaged in the forecasting sector,us plebs can only go off mundane things like the cost of living out-stripping wages by an ever-widening margin,an increasing scarcity of jobs,the closure of factories and offices,the level of board-room pay rocketing,the dominance of the south east at the expense of the rest of the country.Could the more learned posters on this thread answer a simple question,what percentage of the population have earnings above 'the average wage' and how that compares with the rest of Europe.The often cited average wage is meaningless,Zimbabwe has probably got a reasonable average wage,the trouble is only one man earns above it,and the rest get nothing.The coallition master plan to get people off benefits by paying a 'bounty' of £500 for everyone deemed fit for work will have an interesting effect on the 'jobless' total, 10 million wont look too good,especially as more and more will be added as university take up shrinks due to the eye-watering increase in fees. But at least we are not in a recession.
all i was saying was take greed out of the equation and things will be much go ahead and do that with your own particular equation and if it makes a difference.... come back and tell me how we can apply the solution to society in general.....if you fix it theres a season ticket in it for you
Let me tell you about economic doctrine. Pure managing of global economies, not discussion of what you might term social economics and policies about where money is spent.

It is all bollocks. A guessers game, with some guesser, as with any sort of gambling, being more informed and knowledgeable than others. History is littered with one economic theory being accepted as prevalent until it inevitably fails and another, often one that has previously failed, takes its place.

The difference being that the affects of the guessing game are much more serious than some daft **** betting on every sixth horse with a 'z' in its name and a spot on its arse.

And I say that as someone who is allegedly qualified to comment - although I would disagree on that as I have no time for whichever economic experts are in vogue and attempting to present their theory and speculation as knowledge.

The only sensible option for any economy, imo, as with any sort of investing, is to diversify to a safe level in order to reduce risk when caught be the inevitable failures.

After that argue about where you direct (or not) your GDP.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Let me tell you about economic doctrine. Pure managing of global economies, not discussion of what you might term social economics and policies about where money is spent.

It is all bollocks. A guessers game, with some guesser, as with any sort of gambling, being more informed and knowledgeable than others. History is littered with one economic theory being accepted as prevalent until it inevitably fails and another, often one that has previously failed, takes its place.

The difference being that the affects of the guessing game are much more serious than some daft **** betting on every sixth horse with a 'z' in its name and a spot on its arse.

And I say that as someone who is allegedly qualified to comment - although I would disagree on that as I have no time for whichever economic experts are in vogue and attempting to present their theory and speculation as knowledge.

The only sensible option for any economy, imo, as with any sort of investing, is to diversify to a safe level in order to reduce risk when caught be the inevitable failures.

After that argue about where you direct (or not) your GDP.
see?...told yas
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Let me tell you about economic doctrine. Pure managing of global economies, not discussion of what you might term social economics and policies about where money is spent.

It is all bollocks. A guessers game, with some guesser, as with any sort of gambling, being more informed and knowledgeable than others. History is littered with one economic theory being accepted as prevalent until it inevitably fails and another, often one that has previously failed, takes its place.

The difference being that the affects of the guessing game are much more serious than some daft **** betting on every sixth horse with a 'z' in its name and a spot on its arse.

And I say that as someone who is allegedly qualified to comment - although I would disagree on that as I have no time for whichever economic experts are in vogue and attempting to present their theory and speculation as knowledge.

The only sensible option for any economy, imo, as with any sort of investing, is to diversify to a safe level in order to reduce risk when caught be the inevitable failures.

After that argue about where you direct (or not) your GDP.
One correct paragraph out of six ain't bad. Plus I'd like to hear your credentials now you've mentioned them.
I grew up in depressed Gorton the 1950's...

TV consisted of two channels only (in black and white), no computers, no playstations etc, no mobile phones, (You were lucky if you could afford a phone), no foreign holidays, happiness was a kickabout on the red rec till it went dark at 10pm, or a trip on the 53 bus to Maine Road to watch Dave Bacuzzi, Johnny Crossan, Derek Kevan, Cliff Sear etc.

Now, through hard graft I have materially most things any reasonable person would ever want or need, but (imo) things were definitely better then.

Now you are "poor" if you can't afford the latest £700 smart phone.

We need a reality check..
There will no doubt have been people in the 50s saying the same things though.

"We were happier when our children had to go down the mines aged seven, taught them some discipline. Nowadays they all have radios and listen to rock 'n' roll."

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