Grenfell Tower block disaster

As opposed to the balanced ones? ;-)

Not sure how thousands of people can be rehoused as a matter of urgency. I agree it's a pressing problem, but with a shortage of housing stock already, it's going to be nigh on impossible. How do you even go about prioritising which people need moved first?

However, as you point out, were something else to happen, be that deliberate or accidental, then the Government would be in an even worse position.

Start with the elderly, or with children, on the top floors of the tallest buildings and work down? It obviously can't be done overnight and will be controversial but it seems to be too big a risk to wait until the cladding can be replaced.
Start with the elderly, or with children, on the top floors of the tallest buildings and work down? It obviously can't be done overnight and will be controversial but it seems to be too big a risk to wait until the cladding can be replaced.

Possible, I suppose, but given the speed at which they are already removing cladding from buildings, for example in Camden, I imagine that is the route that will be taken.

Wonder who will pick up the tab for that?
So many risk assessments delivered by different bodies. My friend tells me construction delivery is generally HSE. Construction materials, building reg compliance and fire safety regs is generally council.
I delivered a software project for site safety inspections using mobile phones to take pics a couple of years ago. The legal requirement list was massive.

If legal requirement as massive as you say surely there should be no problem finding out which ones have been broken especially as so many lives have been lost in this one incident.
Surely even the Government must realise that a ´lessons have been learnt´statement is insufficient in this case because the legal process assessed this before it happened and put them as requirements not guidelines.
If legal requirement as massive as you say surely there should be no problem finding out which ones have been broken especially as so many lives have been lost in this one incident.
Surely even the Government must realise that a ´lessons have been learnt´statement is insufficient in this case because the legal process assessed this before it happened and put them as requirements not guidelines.
You'd like to think so wouldn't you.
The risk management process in business is all about box ticking though and quite often the regulations are vague and are subject to interpretation. The codes for cladding made from composite materials being especially obtuse: To say in code 0 that they mustn't add to the rate at which fire spreads through a building is just legalese bollox that the British Standards Institute tries to codify.
Cladding is put in a nowhere land between combustible and fire retardant, but what does that mean for testing cladding?
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This is gonna be a massive investigation into all types of building across the country, probably most building which have had a refurbishment to make them visually pleasing on the eye on the outside in the last 10 years are at risk, schools, hotels, flats, hospitals, commercial building, maybe even football grounds, cost cutting on a huge scale this country is fcked.
You'd like to think so wouldn't you.
The risk management process in business is all about box ticking though and quite often the regulations are vague and are subject to interpretation. The codes for cladding made from composite materials being especially obtuse: To say in code 0 that they mustn't add to the rate at which fire spreads through a building is just legalese bollox that the British Standards Institute tries to codify.
Cladding is put in a nowhere land between combustible and fire retardant, but what does that mean for testing cladding?

Thanks BA, if legislation is unclear how come HSE can enforce prosecutions yet councils cannot even interpret legislation efficiently.
The same councils have absolutely no problem in enforcing speed fines etc..
However, if more than one council is using this obviously unfit for purpose cladding surely they should all suffer consequences.

Another thought occurs, surely the FB will have been exposed to fires involving non FR insulation before and surely their investigations will have allocated blame for any injuries and possibly deaths associated with it (eg toxic fumes and fire resistance).
Perhaps their findings have not been acted upon by the councils despite both FB and refurb being under their control-
Hotpoint Fridge Freezer to blame for starting fire.
Wonder where these are made?
Mostly in Italy now. Hotpoint abandoned the UK years ago.
The power surges that were happening in the building probably blew the compressor. You can't expect white goods to survive unscathed

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