Greta Thunberg

Hundreds of pieces of plastic have been found in every litre of Antarctic seawater by scientists being followed by Sky News.

In the first attempt to quantify how much plastic has reached the pristine continent, scientists on British Antarctic Survey's (BAS) ship the James Clark Ross have filtered the water in fjords along the Antarctic Peninsula.

Tristyn Garza, from the University of West Florida, pumps water samples taken at different depths through an ultra-fine filter.

"It's incredible," she said.

"There's lots more plastic than I was expecting to see. So far it is easily in the hundreds [of pieces] per litre of water, which is very sad because the places we are looking at are pristine and untouched.

"You would not be expecting to see human influence, but so far there definitely has been."

Sky News was also filming as a scientist retrieved a fine-meshed net from Marguerite Bay, 250 miles further south.

The net is used to sieve plankton, tiny marine plants, from the top layer of water.

But Julian Blumenroeder, from the University of Heidelberg in Germany, also found in the net a piece of hard green plastic, possibly from a bottle top.

"The problem with microplastic is that it's not just where lots of people live," he said.

"It gets distributed on global ocean currents. It's in remote, pristine places. You can find it even here."

He is studying whether plankton are consuming tiny pieces of plastic and then passing it up the food chain.

Dr Barnes said Antarctica's marine life is already having to deal with the impact of climate change - rapidly warming water, loss of sea ice and increasing winds.

"Life in the slow lane, as many people refer to Antarctic life, is suddenly in the fast lane of stress," he said.
For me, this is what we should be, and can be, solving with enough will. It is a dreadful pollutant that, as above, is killing
marine life on an enormous scale, and it's impacting on everything. Any radical action taken on this is OK by me.
For me, this is what we should be, and can be, solving with enough will. It is a dreadful pollutant that, as above, is killing
marine life on an enormous scale, and it's impacting on everything. Any radical action taken on this is OK by me.

Same here but i dont manufacture plastic, nor do i decide what to use it to wrap and again, if government and business cant be arsed then there is fuck all we can do.

I see Tesco has announced no more plastic round multi buy tin ie beans etc which is exactly what needs to happen but right across the board.

Shower gels and soaps are amongst the worst with those saying they exfoliate or scrub the skin doing so with fucking plastic.
Same here but i dont manufacture plastic, nor do i decide what to use it to wrap and again, if government and business cant be arsed then there is fuck all we can do.

I see Tesco has announced no more plastic round multi buy tin ie beans etc which is exactly what needs to happen but right across the board.

Shower gels and soaps are amongst the worst with those saying they exfoliate or scrub the skin doing so with fucking plastic.
Have they not been banned yet?

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