Guvnor General.

the old abbey said:
danburge82 said:
isab23502 said:
For those of us without personal knowledge of a lot of the well-known City characters does anyone know personally the following "legends":-

i- Bob Carolgees' lookalike hanging off the fence at Villa Park when Paul Power scored in 1981?

ii- Big lad with specs and a flat top shaved off at sides who kept being shown on the Kippax after every goal in the 5-1 in 1989?

ii - he was in the North Stand, not the Kippax!
ha ha feckin brill,i can picture these 2 in my head right now,him in the north stand looked a bit like morrisey,and i must have been stood somewhere near bob carolgees that day,anyone notice the FLICKER haircuts that day or any star or slazzy jumpers,i had my pods on wearing mi fred perry and my slazzy and mi straight leg fruit of loom jeans,happy days.

Watch in the North stand as Bish runs past after scoring his header, there is a rag in a tangarine top with a white band through the middle looking shellshocked. He's a mate from the Corpy in Guide Bridge. We all went down together, blues and reds, then they all fooked off into the North stand and us into the Kippax. We were giving each other loads over the fence in the corner before kick off. Funny as fuck when they finally started filtering back through the doors in the pub after the game, everyone of them got a massive cheer from us...brilliant day
Didn't they show a couple in turbans in the Platt Lane when there were only a few rags left?
isab23502 said:
Here's another one: how about at Bradford in 1989 - wasn't there some bloke who looked a bit like (Ronald McDonald/Gary Megson/Rita Fairclough) with a big ginger 'tache prominent in the celebrations?

I dont know but he sounds interesting and probably hard as nails.
mancunial said:
you buy the book to be entertained and sometimes bring back certain memories,everyone is allowed to be critical but should not be critical unless they have read the book or know the lad, to critisize the lad now would smell of jealousy because the lad has gone ahead with something that we would all like to do, i would like to write a book about my days in the paras but have never got around to it, so good luck to the lad hope he makes plenty of cash, but don,t critisize the lad without knowing about him first? i mean what would you prefer to read pete boyles songs of praise or the guvnor general?

Spot on. Dont want to read it? dont buy the book!
Anybody can work that one out unless they are, and I quote "as thick as pig shit". I've read the book and enjoyed it

-- Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:28 pm --

Colins Bellend said:
masterwig said:
Had a quick flick through another City hooligan book in HMV the other day and was shocked at the standard of spelling and grammar. How a book like that gets published I don't know.
Easy you get the author of Guvnor General to proof read it

I've read it and the grammar is fine.

Too many people on here think they're better/smarter etc... than others without seeing the facts<br /><br />-- Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:53 pm --<br /><br />
middletonblue said:
We could get the service train to london for a £1 return back then using that mad offer that was on at the time...

Wasn't it off a Persil packet or some other washing powder? Went on for a good while if I remember rightly, probably dont as it was a long long time ago (in another galaxy)
yes it was persil tokens. we used to go in shops and cut out the token. washing powder all ouer the floor..
i know benny very well. he has been there and done it. the book those are saying had bad spelling ect. the reason fall out with publisher and author (rodney) was told. so was never finshed.
onelife said:
yes it was persil tokens. we used to go in shops and cut out the token. washing powder all ouer the floor..
i know benny very well. he has been there and done it. the book those are saying had bad spelling ect. the reason fall out with publisher and author (rodney) was told. so was never finshed.

He shouldn't have bothered releasing it. I haven't read it myself I've never seen worse reviews for a book, it sounds like it was unreadable.

I am quite enjoying Guvnor General as I did with the other City hooligan books. I like hearing stories about Reds getting slapped, but they also have a few funny stories in them and most of all they are about City.

These books are always going to get slated by some people, but like a few posters have said, if you don't like this type of thing just don't bother buying it (or posting about it for that matter)
the old abbey said:
danburge82 said:
isab23502 said:
For those of us without personal knowledge of a lot of the well-known City characters does anyone know personally the following "legends":-

i- Bob Carolgees' lookalike hanging off the fence at Villa Park when Paul Power scored in 1981?

ii- Big lad with specs and a flat top shaved off at sides who kept being shown on the Kippax after every goal in the 5-1 in 1989?

ii - he was in the North Stand, not the Kippax!
ha ha feckin brill,i can picture these 2 in my head right now,him in the north stand looked a bit like morrisey,and i must have been stood somewhere near bob carolgees that day,anyone notice the FLICKER haircuts that day or any star or slazzy jumpers,i had my pods on wearing mi fred perry and my slazzy and mi straight leg fruit of loom jeans,happy days.

Is this the same guy that looked a bit like Morrisey that used to be in the Kippax in the mid 80s. He used to wear a duffel coat I think and I seem to remember that he had a hearing aid but that may just be my memories of Morrisey! Every time a chant started, he faced the rest of the Kippax and sang along - perhaps a precursor of the Poznan.
yeseye said:
Chicken Kiev said:
These pathetic low life cowards shamed the game and the club. Why do people glorify these brainless idiots? I will not buy such shit the guy is a scum bag low life as are all the people like him.

Don't buy the book, spit in his face!
You've been on here, how many weeks?

You call somebody you have never met a scum bag low life then say spit in his face? scum bag low lifes spit in pther peoples faces in my view
I'll be buying it despite the fact that I'm now a "respectable" 51 year old with a decent job, a Masters degree and 2 grown up lads.

I loved those awaydays and the adrenalin rush of going to hostile away grounds and standing firm against a baying mob of home fans. In many ways it was a right of passage, a chance to prove you could stand when the temptation was to run. I think the media hysteria was exaggerated and it was rare that the casual bystander got caught up in the trouble.

That's not to say I would do it now, although I see that glint in my son's eye sometimes, but it was what it was, it was of its time and those who were there, by and large, enjoyed it.

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