Guy thrown out of toilets 121

daveduke67 said:
blueballoon said:
flipmode said:
I came out of those toilets today tasting smoke in my mouth and smelling like I'd rolled about in an ashtray.

If this old guy was helping the idiots who persist on ruining my matchday experience then good on ShowSec/the stewards. Fucking cunts the lot of you smoking bastards.

I'm sick and fucking tired of going back to my seat having passively smoked for five minutes whilst emptying my bladder.

Oh my giddy aunt, you really are a one aren't you, i assume you never visited a public house or club of the night pre 1st of July 2007. Because every boozer I went in was clouded in smoke. I know it's in the past, but it's your anger and rage that just amazes me

Before you start your uptight little rant, generally the naughty smokers shouldn't have there snouts in the bogs, but they do, there's more to worry about in life than "passively smoking for five minutes." Also that's a long piss mate, I'd worry more about how much alchohol your drinking

Now take a chill pill and relax, your next exposure to passive smoking isn't till the 3rd of December

Have you ever been in the gents at half time - they're pretty busy and you can't just walk up.

Of course I have, but even waiting to do a shit whilst the less blatant smokers smoke in the traps have never extended my stay in there beyond a few minutes. It does not take 5 minutes to have a slash, and do you all really end of all stinking of an ashtray. It all sounds a little over the top and dramatic to me in these pandered times.
Don't get me wrong it mustn't be nice taking kids in there or people with breathing problems, but the rest of you just sound like a bunch of moaning nimbies, who just have to have something to complain about. None of you are going to get cancer from passive smoking in the bogs at COMS
waspish said:
SWP's back said:
waspish said:
I know it's Tongue in cheek but You can't put weight on when someone is eating a pie next you but second hand smoke gives you cancer fact! Just have two stewards in every toilet for half a season and it will stop
No mate, you're simply missing the fucking point. Someone mentioned allowing a smoking area outside (like lots of clubs do) so no one that doesn't want to be covered in smoke, has to be.

Then a poster said City would not do that as we are bastions of athetic prowess. Hence my retort regarding beer and pies.

Right ok....But we are building a sports campus so can't see city EVER having a "smoking area" so smokers will have to either dont have a fag for 2 hours or don't go to games its simple
As if building a campus and allowing smokers outside are mutually exclusive. The smokers won't go away so people will have to deal with it as they do now. Also simple.
VOOMER said:
blueballoon said:
flipmode said:
I came out of those toilets today tasting smoke in my mouth and smelling like I'd rolled about in an ashtray.

If this old guy was helping the idiots who persist on ruining my matchday experience then good on ShowSec/the stewards. Fucking cunts the lot of you smoking bastards.

I'm sick and fucking tired of going back to my seat having passively smoked for five minutes whilst emptying my bladder.

Oh my giddy aunt, you really are a one aren't you, i assume you never visited a public house or club of the night pre 1st of July 2007. Because every boozer I went in was clouded in smoke. I know it's in the past, but it's your anger and rage that just amazes me

Before you start your uptight little rant, generally the naughty smokers shouldn't have there snouts in the bogs, but they do, there's more to worry about in life than "passively smoking for five minutes." Also that's a long piss mate, I'd worry more about how much alchohol your drinking

Now take a chill pill and relax, your next exposure to passive smoking isn't till the 3rd of December

Spoken like a smoker?

Written by an ex smoker, who generally has and had consideration for others.

They shouldn't smoke in the bogs, but they do, they should be allowed to smoke outside or on the stairwells, but they can't. It's just reflective of UK society, we go from allowing smoking to competely banning smoking. Most other countries have those little glass cabins in airports so the smokers can smoke, but what do we do, we just say no, no smoking in airports.

It just the haters needing to hate
blueinsa said:
Out of interest, how many of those delighted with this fella's ejection and forthcoming ban from the ground, stand, swear, sing songs that could be deemed to be offensive during a game?

All against ground regulations and i take it you would have no problems if the same fate awaited you at the next game?

I dont think standing, swearing, singing songs is effecting my health and making me a smelly twat. I could be wrong though?
When i gave up smoking they used to measure my carbon in my bReath to stay on the service to keep getting patches.

But when i would get it measured it was still in the range Of soking 3-4 a day due to car exhausts.

We play in manchester cars bloody everywhere so don`t just blame smokers for second hand cancer.

Ie ban cars on match days they won`t because thats silly but you can see why i gave up giving up smoking.
I feel sorry for the smokers, not just at the game but in general. I'm a non-smoker and always have been, but if people want to smoke socially, they should have places they can go. As another poster said, we just do things arse backwards in this country and put an out and out ban on things rather than compromise. The stairwells at half time should be decked with litter bins for cig dimps and smokers allowed to use them at half time only. No smoking on them on the way out, as that is obviously when non smokers will be there too. How that would be policed is another matter, however. Same in pubs for me, the vault in pubs should be allowed for smokers, just my opinion like. I have a few older mates who have gradually stopped going out as much as they are sick of leaving the people they are drinking with to go and have a cig. My ex smoked and she would go and have a cig when out, leaving me to look like billy no mates. Smoking in a vault would stop that.

Slightly off topic, when I think back to memories of my first years going to watch City, the smell of smoke on the Kippax is the first that springs to mind. Smoke, burgers, beer breath and smelly farts!
jonmcfc said:
When i gave up smoking they used to measure my carbon in my bReath to stay on the service to keep getting patches.

But when i would get it measured it was still in the range Of soking 3-4 a day due to car exhausts.

We play in manchester cars bloody everywhere so don`t just blame smokers for second hand cancer.

Ie ban cars on match days they won`t because thats silly but you can see why i gave up giving up smoking.

But travel by cars is essential really isnt it. A fag in the shitter at a football ground isnt really.

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