Guy thrown out of toilets 121

AlanBallsWldcupMedal said:
Just want to be clear on something stewards have no powers of arrest right? So if a steward manhandles you, or to be honest even touches you then he/ she can be judged to have assaulted you, unless he/ she was acting in the interest of public safety and used reasonable force.

On this occasion the guy would have been within his rights not to move anywhere and ask the stewards to get the police. Alternatively you can always do a runner as if the stewards try to restrain you again this could be judged as assault.

Could be wrong but this is what I work by and they haven't got hold of me yet.

The thing is your are technically there by invitation, and the host has the right to revoke the invitation at any time. Then they can take reasonable steps to eject you, giving them the same rights you would have to eject an unwanted visitor from your home. (thats my understanding of it, could be wrong)
talkativesprout said:
AlanBallsWldcupMedal said:
Just want to be clear on something stewards have no powers of arrest right? So if a steward manhandles you, or to be honest even touches you then he/ she can be judged to have assaulted you, unless he/ she was acting in the interest of public safety and used reasonable force.

On this occasion the guy would have been within his rights not to move anywhere and ask the stewards to get the police. Alternatively you can always do a runner as if the stewards try to restrain you again this could be judged as assault.

Could be wrong but this is what I work by and they haven't got hold of me yet.

The thing is your are technically there by invitation, and the host has the right to revoke the invitation at any time. Then they can take reasonable steps to eject you, giving them the same rights you would have to eject an unwanted visitor from your home. (thats my understanding of it, could be wrong)

You are correct.

They eject you if you refuse to leave.

Just like pub/club bouncers also.
There have been a lot of comments about the 121 toilets last Saturday. How many of you used them? As a heavy smoker myself I'd say they were a disgrace. First of all you had to fight your way to the urinals because of all the smokers hanging about. Secondly, the smoke was non smokers or kids could have been at ease using them. Is it too much to ask for people not to smoke for a couple of hours or for half wits to stop helping them.....and I speak as a 30-40 a day man.
City need to sort it by providing alternative facilities or coming down hard on all the idiots who smoke in there.
All the people who are saying stuff like "kick them out" need a serious reality check.

Don't you see how pathetic English stadia are nowadays? Just look at the whole issue with the chap that was man-handled by the bill and ended up onconcious on the floor... all because he was standing.

Instead of going against each other, we should all be sticking up for each other, not hoping the guys get evicted and lose their season passes.

I know the reds from Pool are a bunch of bellends, but that type of stuff would never happen over there... and that's the reason why they have top-notch support in comparisson to us. They stick together.
citybru said:
All the people who are saying stuff like "kick them out" need a serious reality check.

Don't you see how pathetic English stadia are nowadays? Just look at the whole issue with the chap that was man-handled by the bill and ended up onconcious on the floor... all because he was standing.

Instead of going against each other, we should all be sticking up for each other, not hoping the guys get evicted and lose their season passes.

I know the reds from Pool are a bunch of bellends, but that type of stuff would never happen over there... and that's the reason why they have top-notch support in comparisson to us. They stick together.

If your going to make comparisons between us and another club at least be reasonably accurate with your statements. The man at the Villa game wasn't unconscious, he pretended to have some sort of attack - one which the paramedics sussed straight away as they checked him over and and then stood over him waiting for him to get up - which he did and went up the steps sprightly enough. Whether he should have been ejected in the first place is one thing, but what he did after that caused and awful lot of trouble and bad feeling with our fans.

There are stewards in the toilets at Anfield and anyone who's caught lighting up is thrown out - thats why it doesn't happen there.

Top notch support? Racist abuse aimed at Mario constitutes top notch supporters does it? If that's what being 'top notch' is I'll stick with the Blues thank you.
<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=240368&p=5025299#p5025299</a>
You really don't think much of City fans do you?

we all know the German support is top notch compared to ours
for someone who hasn't been to a game this season and is only coming up for the Bayern game, you know a lot about our not quite 'top notch' support. four posts and two of them slagging our fans off - great start to your Bluemoon membership.
You're right regarding racism: There should be no platform for it in football stadia, or anywhere else. But that doesn't change how loud their mob is and has been over the past decades, or the visual image created through flags every game. I don't want to go on about other teams, so I'll leave it at that.

Regarding the elderly man who faked his unconciousness: again, you're right, my bad. But you didn't bother to respond to my actual point: Don't you find it sick that it even comes to that? Simply because he chap stood up?

And finally, you're right: Norwich will be my first home game. That's because I've long given up on fucking Etihad. (Wonder if you've been to all away games this season though. If you haven't, I won't judge (do you?), it's anyone's choice. I opt for away.) Don't be sore about it, you know we're shite at home.

And regarding your comment about my "membership" on this forum. Just wanted to find out about the inflatable party which I read on twitter really. You can have me deleted once I've received a useable response (yours in that thread definitely wasn't), as I don't feel spending hours on a forum has much meaning to being a supporter or not.
citybru said:
You're right regarding racism: There should be no platform for it in football stadia, or anywhere else. But that doesn't change how loud their mob is and has been over the past decades, or the visual image created through flags every game. I don't want to go on about other teams, so I'll leave it at that.

Regarding the elderly man who faked his unconciousness: again, you're right, my bad. But you didn't bother to respond to my actual point: Don't you find it sick that it even comes to that? Simply because he chap stood up?

And finally, you're right: Norwich will be my first home game. That's because I've long given up on fucking Etihad. (Wonder if you've been to all away games this season though. If you haven't, I won't judge (do you?), it's anyone's choice. I opt for away.) Don't be sore about it, you know we're shite at home.

And regarding your comment about my "membership" on this forum. Just wanted to find out about the inflatable party which I read on twitter really. You can have me deleted once I've received a useable response (yours in that thread definitely wasn't), as I don't feel spending hours on a forum has much meaning to being a supporter or not.
i find our fans the best home or away,going to the games or not.In fact i love everything about city.Its just prats like you i have no time for.Why not support the dippers since i feel you have so much more in common with them.
citybru said:
You're right regarding racism: There should be no platform for it in football stadia, or anywhere else. But that doesn't change how loud their mob is and has been over the past decades, or the visual image created through flags every game. I don't want to go on about other teams, so I'll leave it at that.

Regarding the elderly man who faked his unconciousness: again, you're right, my bad. But you didn't bother to respond to my actual point: Don't you find it sick that it even comes to that? Simply because he chap stood up?

And finally, you're right: Norwich will be my first home game. That's because I've long given up on fucking Etihad. (Wonder if you've been to all away games this season though. If you haven't, I won't judge (do you?), it's anyone's choice. I opt for away.)
Don't be sore about it, you know we're shite at home

And regarding your comment about my "membership" on this forum. Just wanted to find out about the inflatable party which I read on twitter really. You can have me deleted once I've received a useable response (yours in that thread definitely wasn't), as I don't feel spending hours on a forum has much meaning to being a supporter or not.

But that doesn't change how loud their mob is
don't fall for the Sky coverage - that place is like a library for long periods of the game.

Don't you find it sick that it even comes to that? Simply because he chap stood up
It wasn't handled well at all but the way he reacted was ridiculous and any sympathy I had was lost when I saw the paramedics ignoring him and then him springing up the steps waving to people.

Don't be sore about it, you know we're shite at home
How do you know if you've not been? Sore about it? I haven't been to many away games this season as I have a young daughter and my step daughters only come to visit us at weekend and would prefer to spend time with them rather than going to the long haul away games. I've done all that in the past and seen grounds that most people are only ever likely to see in early rounds of the cup nowadays. Add the fact that I have just spent enough to buy season cards for the next thirty odd years on a VW camper and maybe you'll understand why I'll only be going to relatively local away games this season.

I don't feel spending hours on a forum has much meaning to being a supporter or not
and saying that our fans aren't as good as Liverpool or German fans is? The same fans that have been following a club that has won fuck all up and down the country and around Europe for over thirty years? Enjoy your away games - I'm sure the Etihad won't miss you.
flipmode said:
I came out of those toilets today tasting smoke in my mouth and smelling like I'd rolled about in an ashtray.

If this old guy was helping the idiots who persist on ruining my matchday experience then good on ShowSec/the stewards. Fucking cunts the lot of you smoking bastards.

I'm sick and fucking tired of going back to my seat having passively smoked for five minutes whilst emptying my bladder.

This is you with a fag in your chops isn't it?



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