Guy who had a heart attack update

Hope your dad makes a full and speedy recovery Steve. The important thing is to be strong for him and to take each day as it comes eh? He's in good hands at the MRI and I'm sure he'll come through it. Take care and all the best fella.
just been to see him and they said they stopped giving him some of the sedative drugs to see how his body would react,but his blood pressure went too low,so now he is on those drugs again,plus more to stop him from having fits which he also had earlier.Played him Boys in Blue and Blue moon on my phone and his face started twitching so he could definitely hear the songs.Told him all the support on here for him was overwhelming.Cant believe the MEN writing that,where did they get the information from?
SWSB said:
just been to see him and they said they stopped giving him some of the sedative drugs to see how his body would react,but his blood pressure went too low,so now he is on those drugs again,plus more to stop him from having fits which he also had earlier.Played him Boys in Blue and Blue moon on my phone and his face started twitching so he could definitely hear the songs.Told him all the support on here for him was overwhelming.Cant believe the MEN writing that,where did they get the information from?
Sincerely hope your dad gets better soon, Steve and that we can grab fourth to end the season on a high for him.
Regarding the MUEN, you should complain to the editor or the independent Press Complaints Commission in the strongest possible terms. The reporter responsible has clearly printed hearsay and gossip, and not checked or verified the FACTS — although is that a surprise from that shower?
On a side note, this is the third or fourth cardiac arrest incident posted on here that I can remember in and around the ground since the start of the season. Does anybody know is that an unusually high number, or statistically about right given the numbers attending, and the ageing population generally? Does the medical provision at the ground need reviewing or is it more than adequate?
On a side note, this is the third or fourth cardiac arrest incident posted on here that I can remember in and around the ground since the start of the season. Does anybody know is that an unusually high number, or statistically about right given the numbers attending, and the ageing population generally? Does the medical provision at the ground need reviewing or is it more than adequate?[/quote]

They did a superb job the medical staff,so they are fully trained having witnessed it at first hand.Maybe watching City these days should carry a govt health warning.I think they should turn the music down a bit though.I read a while back of one guy,not that old who died having stood near to a speaker playing deafening music.

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