Happy English identity day.

I will let you into a secret, don't tell anybody. I was born in England. My dad was working there and my mum was booked to travel home 10 days before my appearance. Complications meant she couldn't travel, so in my passport is the name of the English city I was born. Because of this I have always liked England as a kid and as I grew older my travels there reinforced this. I love the people and the place. I even want you to do well in Tournaments, but hate the commentators. I also don't overestimate how good they are, as most of my English pals do. So, I looked in here to see how people felt about the St Day. Mind, don't tell anybody.
I will you into a secret. I am no fan of those with sashes big Drumbeg drums or the red hand commandos. I did mention biting on the fish bait . But it is no secret that the Stranraer ferry is bloody scary.
I think it's pure brilliant being English but I don't think I would like to be Ginger English. I mean, he even has an upside down cross on his chest ... .. for fooks sake if that's not the devils work and surely he can't have a soul ?

Mods delete if it breaches coc as I'm anything but Gingersist and even have a relative and acquaintance who's one of them.

I filled my own form in and wrote Female White English. No one said a word!! Was yours at the doctors/hospital or one of the vaccine centres? :-)
It was a medical centre in Gloucestershire where I now live. There was a fairly fast moving queue so I didn't feel I should start an argument (for once!). On the recent Census form the was a specific question on this national identity point.

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