Happy English identity day.

Yes I did as it's a great day. No Jesus shite as he doesn't exist. Whereas Santa can be visited and brings you stuff and you don't even gave to pray. As for Boris, you cunts voted for him. I didn't. He's all yours. Aren't you the lucky ones?
Oi, calm down sweaty bollocks. I never voted for a candy floss haired albino, you generalising ****.

Mr Wispy MP, erm soz mate, i meant PM; )
Things I'm proud of as an Englishman:

Our football culture
Our pop music and youth culture heritage and influence
Our villages and pubs
Our countryside
Our biggest Cities
Our history
Our lack of overt patriotism
Our manners

Things I'm not proud of:

Our government
Our press
Our move away from being a tolerant, inclusive country
Our enjoyment of getting pissed and fighting
Our traditional food
Our transport infrastructure
Our ingrained class system

Happy St George's Day to all!
How do you feel about the EDL, NF and other Nazi loving types use your flag as if it's theirs as a symbol of far right Englishness? I personally think it's a shame as carrying one can be confused as being a big fan of the Third Reich when obviously the vast majority aren't.
Things I'm proud of as an Englishman:

Our football culture
Our pop music and youth culture heritage and influence
Our villages and pubs
Our countryside
Our biggest Cities
Our history
Our lack of overt patriotism
Our manners

Things I'm not proud of:

Our government
Our press
Our move away from being a tolerant, inclusive country
Our enjoyment of getting pissed and fighting
Our traditional food
Our transport infrastructure
Our ingrained class system

Happy St George's Day to all!
What's wrong with our traditional food?
Fish and chips (a jewish dish from middle Europe)
Haggis. Yes that's English, purloined by the Scots in an early example of cultural appropriation.
Rice Pudding. Probably Turkish.
Shepherd's pie. No shepherd takes that with him.
Cottage Pie. Not used by cottagers, hmmm.
Hamburger and French fries. (Ed: This is getting silly.)
Yes I did as it's a great day. No Jesus shite as he doesn't exist. Whereas Santa can be visited and brings you stuff and you don't even gave to pray. As for Boris, you cunts voted for him. I didn't. He's all yours. Aren't you the lucky ones?
all yours too, as you send your token cohort to Westminster to bluster at your leaders to meaningless effect every week.
I'm proud as fuck to be English, and white, and straight, cos imagine being proud of being a black lesbian woman in Mozambique
How do you feel about the EDL, NF and other Nazi loving types use your flag as if it's theirs as a symbol of far right Englishness? I personally think it's a shame as carrying one can be confused as being a big fan of the Third Reich when obviously the vast majority aren't.
Still determined to have a go in any way you can? Normal people do not connect The English flag with extremists.
Tell me, do English, Welsh or any other nationality posters go on to Celtic forums on St Andrews Day doing the same silly things as you?

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