Happy English identity day.

did you enjoy Christmas?

Happy "Boris is still your PM" day.
Yes I did as it's a great day. No Jesus shite as he doesn't exist. Whereas Santa can be visited and brings you stuff and you don't even gave to pray. As for Boris, you cunts voted for him. I didn't. He's all yours. Aren't you the lucky ones?
Spot on,its such a shame the usual suspects have to resort to their snidey best in a thread that should be one of positivity.

While our country has many faults,its a day to be proud of England and being English.

Happy St George's Day!
I think you're being a bit sensitive there. Not seen any snideyness myself.

One of the things that I'm proud of as an Englishman is the ability to take the piss out of ourselves, and the fact that we chose someone who never came near this country as a figurehead to represent our identity is actually quite amusing.
English isn't British. British is British. Wgy yiu wearing a St George and disresoecting the other countrues? I have a mate from Belfast, a prod, one day in the pub I called him an Irish ****. He said.

I'm not Irish. I'm British.ait

Are you said I. Well, I'm.Scottish and British, English people are English and British and Welsh are Welsh and British.

So you're British British?.
Fucking mental.
No wonderthe Romans built that wall.
They should have used rivers as defence. Much cheaper. They could throw that fish bait into the water and watch the sweaty fish bite. Especially the tiddlers.
I like your use of Latin in the first couple of posts. I like the one that says 'Nemo me impune lacessit'. Good bunch the Stuarts.
No wonderthe Romans built that wall.
They should have used rivers as defence. Much cheaper. They could throw that fish bait into the water and watch the sweaty fish bite. Especially the tiddlers.
I like your use of Latin in the first couple of posts. I like the one that says 'Nemo me impune lacessit'. Good bunch the Stuarts.
They built two walls.

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