Hard man city 11

Franny Lee, check out the 3-3 derby video on you tube, he forearm smashes the full back on his way down, then later takes him out with a punch. Went boxing with Norman Hunter as well in Derby colours
Defo a bigger thug than Pearce. I think folk confused that fact that Pearce is thick as mud with him being some kind of brooding tough guy. The fella took a child’s toy into the dug out with him. Odd fella but not a psycho.
Pearce was hard as a player tbf (soft arse though as a manager by various accounts).

He was 40 when he got to us and still scared the shit out of a variety of opposition forwards.

I remember the lad who got Tiatto (in retrospect fairly!) sent off v Norwich was sent the clearest possible message by Pearce afterwards. Pearce stood over him shouting 'you are f*cking dead' or somesuch. Didn't go near the ball the rest of the game, and we won 3-1.
Tony Coton
Nicky Read
Gerry Gow
Michel Vonk
Terry Pheelan
Craig Bellamy
Andy Morrison
Mike Doyle
Dave Watson
Tony Coleman
Ben Thatcher
Fitzroy Simpson
Michael Brown
Fitzroy a good shout. Underrated in a number of ways IMO.

I was a big fan of Browny even though he was a bit of a gobshite, lied to me that we'd stay up 'no bother' in '98 and lobbed an ashtray at my sis in a club.
I’d forgotten about Vonk, I remember him clattering someone at Maine Road once and thought he was going to go down for GBH. Didn’t even get booked! Those were the days..
Barton’s a fucking coward. Fuck all hard about him
It's like the old Keane/Vieira debate. Keane was great at acting hard, but let's be honest, Vieira would have absolutely decked him if it ever came to blows.

In that sense, Haaland is as hard as they come. Absolutely bullies huge centre backs off the ball regularly, and sticks up for his teammates. But he's too good to need to be a thug, so no-one will ever consider him a hard man.

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