Harry due in court on Monday 23rd January 2012 (merged)

Blue Haze said:
A jury heard on Wednesday that he had told Nigel Layton from the firm Quest, which was conducting the investigation into alleged "bungs" associated with Premiership transfers, that a friend had told him: "Harry, I can't believe it's always you. The problem with you is you're named Harry and you have a cockney accent."

"People don't know me," Redknapp had continued, "and I'm getting sick and tired of it … If there's any mud to be thrown I seem to be on the end of it, for some reason."

No Harry, the problem is that you created a bank account in a tax shelter to avoid rightfully paying your taxes.

This is like someone claiming racism when they've been caught red-handed for theft. What a fucking cretin.

I nearly spat my morning coffee out when I read that. If there is any mud to be thrown it's at him? Really?!
adrianr said:
Blue Haze said:
A jury heard on Wednesday that he had told Nigel Layton from the firm Quest, which was conducting the investigation into alleged "bungs" associated with Premiership transfers, that a friend had told him: "Harry, I can't believe it's always you. The problem with you is you're named Harry and you have a cockney accent."

"People don't know me," Redknapp had continued, "and I'm getting sick and tired of it … If there's any mud to be thrown I seem to be on the end of it, for some reason."

No Harry, the problem is that you created a bank account in a tax shelter to avoid rightfully paying your taxes.

This is like someone claiming racism when they've been caught red-handed for theft. What a fucking cretin.

I nearly spat my morning coffee out when I read that. If there is any mud to be thrown it's at him? Really?!

Apparently he's going to open his sheepskin coat in court tomorrow, to reveal a "Why Always Me?" t-shirt.
gaudinho's stolen car said:
adrianr said:
Blue Haze said:
No Harry, the problem is that you created a bank account in a tax shelter to avoid rightfully paying your taxes.

This is like someone claiming racism when they've been caught red-handed for theft. What a fucking cretin.

I nearly spat my morning coffee out when I read that. If there is any mud to be thrown it's at him? Really?!

Apparently he's going to open his sheepskin coat in court tomorrow, to reveal a "Why Always Me?" t-shirt.

They can't televise trials IIRC but surely that doesn't stop them having a film crew in the corridor outside the court? A bit like tunnel cam?

This thread would be much better for it.

You could see the prosecution and defence QCs giving each other hugs and joking with each other (in spanish) before going into court.

You could see the catering trolley go past loaded with the jury's lunch.

You could hear the singing from the public gallery ('You're just a shit George Carmen', 'who's the scouser in the wig', that sort of thing).

And you could see the defence take a statement in the corridor from Arry's dog that actually she had just borrowed the money from Mandaric.

Any maybe a snatch of Natalie Pike's arse. Or maybe just a snatch.
Harry controlled 'bung account'

Harry Redknapp had sole responsibility for the Monaco bank account in the name of his dog, a court heard on Thursday.

The Tottenham manager was the only signature on records for the account at the centre of £189,000 bung allegations, a bank chief said.

David Cusdin, vice-president of HSBC in Monaco between 2000 and 2005, also described co-defendant Milan Mandaric as "a perfect gentleman".

Giving evidence via videolink at Southwark Crown Court, Cusdin said he was aware that Redknapp had flown to the principality to open an account.

"I was certainly aware of his visit - it was quite possible that I didn't open the account, it was one of my team - but I was certainly aware of the visit," Mr Cusdin told the court.

"I don't have a recollection - but I could well have shaken his hand at the meeting."

Mr Cusdin had met Milan Mandaric on several occasions, the court heard.

The ex-bank chief said he had known Mandaric since the football chairman had sold club Nice in France.

"We had regular contact as clients and account officers would," he said.

The bank chief added that "Mr Mandaric, is a perfect gentleman...he would always ring prior to the visit".

Redknapp opened a "non-advisory account" with HSBC in Monaco in 2002, the court heard.

John Black QC, for the prosecution, asked: "Is it necessary for the client to be present?"

Cusdin replied: "Normally, yes. The client would have to be present."

The banker added that "in this case, it is a single person on the account... one signature on the account."

Cusdin said he was responsible "for private English-speaking clientele" during his time with the bank in Monaco.

The banker, who was responsible for a team dealing with up to 700 clients, said: "I would have been part of the decision process, yes," in accepting Redknapp as an account holder.

Cusdin said Mandaric was also a client at that time.

Both Redknapp, 64, of Poole, Dorset, and Mandaric, from Oadby, Leicestershire, deny two counts of cheating the public revenue when Redknapp was manager of Portsmouth Football Club.

The first charge of cheating the public revenue alleges that between April 1, 2002 and November 28, 2007 Mandaric paid 145,000 US dollars (£93,100) into the account.

The second charge for the same offence relates to a sum of 150,000 US dollars (£96,300) allegedly paid between May 1, 2004 and November 28, 2007.

Mandaric phoned HSBC Monaco in advance of a "rendezvous" between Redknapp and the bank, Cusdin said.

The bank chief added that Redknapp had chosen to call the account Rosie 47.

Cusdin agreed with defence barrister Lord (Ken) Macdonald QC that Mandaric was a man he "trusted implicitly".

Lord Macdonald added: "You can't just walk off the street and open a bank account there."

Good old `arry !!! lol
Quotes from today

Redknapp: 'I'm disorganised, completely & utterly disorganised but I'm not into fiddling tax', a court heard

'I can't fill a team sheet in, I have never written a letter', the court heard

'I pay a fortune for my accountant to look after me. He writes the cheques for me & my wife. He pays my bills', court hears

Harry Redknapp playing the Seymour Skinner defence.

Say something sort of believable but outlandishly embarrassing and therefore everybody believes you because you wouldn't make it up.
Hungarian blue said:
Quotes from today

Redknapp: 'I'm disorganised, completely & utterly disorganised but I'm not into fiddling tax', a court heard

'I can't fill a team sheet in, I have never written a letter', the court heard

'I pay a fortune for my accountant to look after me. He writes the cheques for me & my wife. He pays my bills', court hears


Accountant calls lawyers, lawyers call CPS and say, "Hypothetically, if our client offered evidence in the Redknapp case, would transactional immunity be an issue that might need to be addressed?"
A jury heard on Wednesday that he had told Nigel Layton from the firm Quest, which was conducting the investigation into alleged "bungs" associated with Premiership transfers, that a friend had told him: "Harry, I can't believe it's always you. The problem with you is you're named Harry and you have a cockney accent."

"People don't know me," Redknapp had continued, "and I'm getting sick and tired of it …"
The trouble is 'Arry, people DO know you and they've been wondering just how you've got away with it for so long.

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