Hart No1

Hart repays Mancini by single handedly getting us through as tough a 30 minutes as we are likely to face all season. No question he's up to the job.
avoidconfusion said:
I think Hart proved Mancini right.

Must have been the toughest decision Mancini had to make, but he went with the right one.

I say that simply because there has been little to choose between them yet Hart is our future and it is imperative that we hang onto him.

Given is one of my favourites but he isn't going to get better at his age, but Hart still will (and how good is he already?!) and will be England's number one for some time to come
Watching Villa v West Ham on Setanta Ireland and already Green has made his first mistake and cost his club a goal. In one play he showed that he is nowhere as good as Hart.

Hoddle said today that Harts save with his lower hand is something that all keepers should do but don't and this is from one so young.
without a doubt he is our nr 1 today... i think they (hart and given) will both be playing lots of games this season...

Today Hart was a giant in goal! never seen a goalie make so many quality saves in one game... unreal...
Bobby has made a top call, shay is a great keeper but would he have stopped all those today. Without doubt no

Forward with Joe, he will save us 20 points this season

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